Should You Sell These Altcoins!? (Ultimate 2024 Exit Plan)

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#bitcoin #ethereum #crypto #altcoins

We're at the Bitcoin having but should You sell your cardano salana ethereum or Doge for Bitcoin or should you sell your Bitcoin and roll that into these Altcoins cuz we are ahead of the Schedule when it comes to bitcoin having We have hit the all-time high before the Having instead of months after so what Does this mean for these alts it's time To discover Crypto well this comes down to two Questions folks what is more important For these altcoins and Bitcoin dominance Is it the having or is is it bitcoin's Price hitting the previous all-time Highs and when it comes to how alts will Perform against Bitcoin to me price is What matters and so let's dive into what I am talking about with the math here so This is a couple charts we're going to Look at on trading view first one is Going to be just bitcoin's price you can See when we had the previous all-time High touched in December 2020 this is The December 2017 High 3 years later we End up touching the same level well Bitcoin is at a s ilar point today as it Was in December 20 you can see we are Touching the previous all-time highs Here and lo and behold if you go to Today we are touching the previous All-time highs set in November 2021 and Now you can see Bitcoin now this this is The three-day chart Bitcoin just kind of

Slapped the price around a little bit It's not as uh drastic looking but we're Going from like 19k to 16k that's pretty Close to a 70k to a 60k when you start Doing the math there so Bitcoin is Currently at that similar range we're Hitting the previous all-time highs and Right now Bitcoin is slapping people Around we're seeing some very very Similar chop suoi action but what does This mean for Bitcoin dominance because We go to the same period of the end of December in 2020 just when Bitcoin Started to go off and act parabolic what Did dominance do in December 2020 well This is Bitcoin dominance chart and I've Drawn a circle right here for December 2020 so you can see Bitcoin dominance at Actually took a dump as that price was Starting to Skyrocket and not only did I Notice that you know was a nice big dump I noticed a trend line forming on this Bitcoin dominance chart this is uh the Top of 20 uh March 17 and then you can See the the top of January 2021 and this Is currently where we're at right now so We got a pretty long uh trend line Forming here and now we're kind of Running up against some resistance so Bitcoin dominance could potentially be Taken a nice little spill to the de Downside you can see the dominance had a Very very drastic fall in a short amount Of time uh you're looking at 52 that's

150 days Bitcoin dominance fell about 45% and so uh here you can see you know In a little over four months but what if You held the four alt coins mentioned at The top of the video cardano salana Ethereum and Doge let's lead with Ethereum now remember I think bitcoin's At that spot similar to 2020 so what did Ethereum Bitcoin chart do so this is eth Bitcoin this is the amount of Bitcoin That each ethereum makes up so you can See eth is making up currently a little Less than 5% of uh one Bitcoin at its Peak it was pretty close to about 17th Of one Bitcoin so 1 eth was equal to 15% Of one Bitcoin or uh 15 uh million Satoshi there yeah 15 million and so This is the January 1st candle right There we're going to be looking at the Same date for all these coins so January 1st remember Bitcoin started to blast Off and remember dominance started to Dump uh right right here to the Day January 1st January 1st is a very very Important number for this video so January 1st you can see a very very nice Bounce for ethereum how did ethereum Fair against Bitcoin though pretty nice Gain so you can see right here that's Over a 3.5x so let's just say you put a Million SATs worth of bitcoin into Ethereum and then you end up selling Your ethereum right here well you end up With instead of 1 million sets 3.5

Million SATs actually 3.69 so you end up With many many more uh portions of one Bitcoin so you're gaining Bitcoin Trading off of this chart so what did Cardano do on this same date around January 1st well cardano did even better On literally the exact same day January 1st so uh this is the cardano chart you See a little bit of a double bottom but Look right there the January 1st it was A Friday Friday I think Rebecca Black Who just dropped her song cardano went On several runs so the first run less Than two months you got a 6X uh and then You're looking here this is a little Over four months you end up with a 9x 800% pump but if you go all the way out To the September top for cardano this is Right when cardano hit a little over $3 $3.9 you ended up with an over 10x Against Bitcoin so cardano did a 10x Against Bitcoin after Bitcoin hit Previous alltime highs now what about The two last coins we got we got Doge And we got salana Doge 2021 first part Of the year went parabolic this was Before Elon hosted this is when it went From fractions of a penny to a penny Changed a lot of people's lives then it Went from a penny to 7 cents 9 cents Changed a lot more people's lives and Then it went to continue on to 69 cents Again changing a lot of people's lives Uh so Doge did even better so remember

We got a 10x here we got a uh a 3X uh 3.5x 10x gave us 600 SATs to 6,000 SATs Well Doge did a 50x everybody that is Right in fact I I got to change the the Vertical axis it is just so Monumental Uh the bounce that we end up seeing and Then uh you can see it kind of had two Little runs I really really got to Stretch it out for you guys to see here But low and behold we look right there What is the candle that we're looking at It is January 1st yet again I just have A mouse that is super sensitive so boom January 1st acted as the Launchpad for These alts some say it's not the date That's important it's Bitcoin hitting Its previous all-time high so what kind Of gains like I said you're looking at Pretty close to a 50x it's a kind of Hard to get it exactly right where I Need it to be so if we catch the bottom From uh January and again this was about 3 four month this is a little over four Months 129 days you got a 50x for Doge Versus Bitcoin uh very little amount of STS nice little 50x so if you just put 1,000 STS worth of bitcoin into Doge you End up with 50,000 SATs worth so now you Start talking about a considerable Percentage of a Bitcoin now for the most Bullish coin salana dominated salana it Looked like it was high on amphetamines Like some deranged FTX executive I'm Talking about the leader of the polycule

Here because this thing got high and it Just kept going higher and higher and Higher 50x uh is like a joke salana went From 4500 SATs to 450,000 SATs here uh now this one uh Again just like clockwork January 1st Again folks January 1 is important Because that's when you see the breakout Start to happen here uh Boom the Breakout and then you can see a nice Nice little return so we started Flirting we got about 20% above previous All-time high which would roughly be 80k Bitcoin uh and then the dominance just Took a dump and so again we're we're Kind of flirting with some of these Levels you can see dominance you know Hitting a pretty important trend line Right here going all the way back to 2017 uh we're hitting it we're bouncing Off of it you know what what's going to Happen with these four alts you know I I Think we could uh bleed a little bit More but I think we're due for a very Very strong correction you can see Before salana went on its run it had a Little bit of a mini run and so you know You see a little bit of a mini run here You see a little bit of a mini run you See a little bit of A mini run into a larger dump uh and Then for ethereum you know you saw a Little bit of a mini run and again you Know kind of bouncing off some strong uh

Resistance there going below it so I I Feel like all four of these altcoins are Set to gain Satoshi in the the the Midterm here we're talking about a 4mon Six-month uh Target for these altcoins And so I just want to let you know you Are not bullish enough on these four Altcoins really I'm hoping to dispel Some of the fud for the holders in these Communities a lot of people see all the Fireworks happening with Bitcoin you see Your coin bleed against Bitcoin uh you Know just like Ben Cowen likes to say or Uh even you know Dan likes to say highly Recommend you check out their two uh Channels there the question remains will Dominance follow the price or the having So nothing is certain Dey feels like It's going to follow the price not the Having date but folks if you did like This video please share it uh or if you See this tweet on your timeline please Go ahead and give it a like maybe give It a little repost there I'm Dey for Crypto and let's have some Diamond hands For some of these strong altcoins and We'll see you at the top

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