Why Chainlink Is Going To $50 (Sooner Than You Think)

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Chain link is going to $50 sooner than You think and there are three key Reasons why number one is Black Rock Number two is something in the charts That I've identified and number three is A secret metric nobody is talking about It's time to discover Crypto all right folks the first thing I Said was the charts and you can see Chain link has just been on an upward Trajectory for a many many a month now You can see it kind of started in October of 23 and chain leag just hasn't Shown any signs of slowing down right Now we're in a little bit of a rising Wedge on the 3-day chart right here but I wanted to point something out folks Cuz last time you felt things were going To slow down all we did is touch the Bottom of this channel before we went And ended up touching the top of the Channel you can see we're touching the Top right now again now I do predict we Are going to maybe come back down to the Bottom part of this Channel and you can See right there on the price action Potentially chain link will go below $20 Again I would not be surprised Whatsoever but if we do break out chain Link is going to set in some brand new All-time highs folks you can see if we Break out at the top of this channel the Next couple days that's going to give us Close to a 48

4950 chain link and so people are not Ready for the breakout if and when it Happens and it happened before folks I Think it's going to happen again but Beware I do think we're going to end up Touching the bottom of this channel Before we end up breaking out again so That's your warning right there now the Second metric I said is going to be the Black Rock angle on why chain link can Still hit $50 sooner than you think now The first black rock angle is just an Alignment of incentives right now you Can see black rock has been making many Many statements about tokenized identity As well as real world assets and Tokenized identity is a main pillar of Chain link but not that many people know About it this actually comes from their Deco program and Deco is something that They actually have a patent on and Deco Is just basically decentralized oracles Here and this is a patent that was first Filed almost 5 years ago folks and black Rock is going to have a huge huge Involvement within tokenized identity Which I do think is going to be Inevitable and it looks like chain link Is going to be the infrastructure and by Having the patent it's going to be a Needed participant in this ecosystem and When I say there's an alignment of Ideals here folks this is Black Rock and Tokenization this is what black rock is

Identifying the key sectors every single One of these screams to me chain link Number one oracles chain link is an Oracle rwa AKA real world assets well Chain link is making a huge push into The rwa ecosystem next is defi honestly You can have defi on ethereum without Chain link next would be infrastructure Chain leag is going to be huge with that With their ccip protocol more on that Later and then next is the Interoperability and ccip the I stands For interoperability so all five things Black rock is focused on is a problem That chain link solves so I just can't Help us see a future marriage between Chain link and black rock and then last But not least for the Black Rock angle There is a secret whale buying tons and Tons of chain link who is that secret Whale no one knows who that secret whale Is but I would not be surprised if it Isn't a black rock Insider it's you know Black Rock subsidiary or just black rock Themselves getting ready for potential ETF news potential ccip integration now Before we go into the secret metric I Was talking about and the third and Final metric is the reason I'm most Bullish on chain link and why I think it Can hit $50 just a a double click on C CIP ccip is chain Link's cross-chain Interoperability protocol and the goal Of ccip is to create seamless

Interoperability between all onchain Ecosystems and connect web 2 to web 3 With a single layer ultimately enabling A internet of contracts in the world's Largest liquidity layer for tokenized Assets and who's going to have a hand in The world's largest liquidity layer it's Going to be Black Rock everybody now the Ccip takes me to my final metric here And why I'm most bullish on chain link And folks buckle up cuz I'm actually Trying to come in more bearish than Normal but this moon maath has really Telling me that $1,000 chain link is in The cards everyone so we go to ccip they They're actually making fees with the Ccip so the ccip is generating revenue And we're going to talk about the Revenue of chain link in a little bit Now this is a month-by-month breakdown Of how much revenues uh accumulated by Chain link you can see October very very Very small amount $117,000 I mean that that's basically a Popular lemonade stand in New York City Then all right the next month then it's Up to 36 34 all right now we're starting To see a real increase 66,000 then we go To last month February 494 th000 and now we're only halfway Through this month and we just passed Over a million but it has skyrocketed Over the last couple days I've did a Little bit of sleuthing here and I found

A pretty interesting Tweet now this guy Tweeted 7 hours ago he's talking about How much revenue started to grow you saw We're over a million in March folks just A day ago 3/4 a million so it went from 750k all the way to 940k and then you fast forward to today And again hours ago 950 fast forward to Now now we are above a million dollar You can see it right there 1.1 and by the time I hit upload this is Probably going to be 1.2 1.3 so we're Seeing serious Revenue new just in the Past 24 hours and we're going to we're Going to lower the math you know 250 was Essentially at a million we're really at Uh 350 pushing 400k just in Revenue in The past 24 hours I'm going to lower it And we're going to come in with a number Of let's just say they've made $300,000 in the past 24 hours but where I get really really bullish this isn't Open to everyone not everyone is using The ccip if we look here ccip is Actually in in its mainnet Early Access Phase it's only used in a few Blockchains they have uh they have Avalanche ethereum op and polygon but They've also added base and a couple Others so it isn't open to every Protocol it isn't open to every company And it isn't open to Every Chain this is Still early access and it isn't open to You and me and so once this is open to

Everybody I expect huge huge surges in Revenue now what is that number going to Be folks if I had to guess I think we're Only about 5% with this Early Access I I Still think there's 95% of the ecosystem Has yet to get their hands on this or Users of this and so I could easily see A 20x in revenue and now it's time for The math portion this is where you're Going to get very very bullish now There's a metric that you see in stocks And that is the price to earnings ratio And we're going to use the price to Earnings ratio with the ccip fees to Figure out what is the valuation of Chain link and you trust me when I say You are not bullish enough now let's Just look at it couple examples we're Going to look at Apple and Nvidia I Think chain Le's going to be closer to Nvidia ratio here so Apple's price or Earnings ratio is 26 we're going to just Round down and say it's about 25 so for Every dollar that they earn they are Worth $25 that gives them a price to Earnings ratio of 25 you look at Nvidia It is above 200 now I think 217 it's a Little bit uh inflated right now we're Going to come in much much lower and Give chain link a price to earnings rtio Itio of 100 so it's higher than Apple But it's lower than Nvidia and I wanted To go crazy bullish I would just use 217 I'm trying to come in conservative and

Still these numbers are insane now let's Start doing a little bit of math now we Can see that they've earned just say Roughly $300,000 in the past 24 hours again it's It's actually higher than that but we're Going to be a little bit more Conservative all right so they made Around roughly $300,000 in the past 24 hours well There's 365 days in a year and that gives us $19 million now we said we're going to Have a price to earnings ratio of about 100 so that means the valuation needs to Be 100 times this and then that's going To give us a $10 billion valuation you Can see it right here but folks I'm not Actually done right now so we got a 10 Billion dollar valuation however I think Blockchain isn't being used nearly as Much today as it will be during the bull Market when the bull market is here and When retail is here and when people are Doing defi swaps more this usage is Going to 10x 20x at least and probably If I had to be as conservative as Possible I would say it's at least going To have 5x the volume and the Transaction count say 12 months from now So we're going to go ahead and 5x this One more time and then that's going to Be the final Moon math and folks this is A lot closer to where I see the true

Valuation for chain link and to me the True valuation is closer to $54 billion And I'm just going to round and say Roughly $50 billion and I think 5x for More usage of chain link in the future Is actually conservative again I think It's closer to 10 but $50 billion is Still incredibly small market cap Compared to where we're at right now it Is only a$1 billion market cap now again I'm coming in conservative I think it Could be a 200 instead of a 100 earnings To price ratio I think forx 5x is pretty Uh conservative as well as far as usage Increasing and so when I come in with a $50 billion valuation that is me trying To be as bearish as possible as Conservative as possible because I Really want to say something like a 100 Billion $200 billion market cap and A1 Billion market cap is putting as at an 8X but even so right now at 50 billion That is a 4X from these levels and if You look at that that is a $80 chain Link so I think chain link valued at $20 $21 very very undervalued I would watch This little bit of a rising wedge that We're in I think it could dip to the Downside before we go off into the races But with all the fees coming in to chain Link right now with the ccip and as Bullish as black rock is you are insane If you don't try to get your hands as Much chain link as possible right now

I'm Dey for discover crypto and Hopefully I'll see you on this side of The fence with your chain Link

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