How does her changing her views on her Policy justify having the presumptive The Republican nominee questioning her Race how does that does that increase or Decrease your party's chances of winning In November well well Caitlyn you haven't Had that conversation with kamla Harris Because she's been hiding out I want to Have this conversation with you sen like Joe Biden hit out before her I'm and my Point is when are you and the rest of The media going to demand that KLA Harris come out and answer questions in An unscripted format about where she Stands for this country as opposed to Continuing to focus on what Donald Trump Said today you know four years ago Joe Biden said if you don't vote for him you Ain't black could you imagine a more Insulting comment Joe Biden is presuming To judge the political views of one8 of Our fellow citizens based on their skin Cover skin color did you did you ever Ask kamla Harris to condemn his remarks There are ask or ask RAC this is a Question you're a Rep ask you about theic
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