Top 5 Solana Projects To 20X (99% Will Miss This)

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Your salana Meme coins are going to Zero okay maybe not zero but a lot of These projects are going to Trend toward Zero and it might be time to take some Profit if you're way up on your salon of Mean coins and put it into these five Alt coins that I think are the five Strongest projects in the entire salana Ecosystem it's time to discover Crypto all right guys I just put out This tweet what are the best projects on Salana that aren't meme coins cuz the Purpose of this video is to invest your Salana profits into strong projects now There's nothing wrong with holding Salana but some of these projects I Think are going to outperform at least On some of these shorter time frames now The first project we're going to look at I've already mentioned that is pith now Pith some interesting things about this Token first it is a slightly newer token You see a launch in November of last Year right now hovering around a dollar Got rejected off a dollar went below Tried it again got rejected one more Time tried a third time could couldn't Quite hold that uh support above a Dollar uh right now we're down 4% but Over the past month this coin has just Been doing incredible and if you see Here it had very nice spikes up to a120 This one was above A110 now fully Diluted market cap is a little bit scary

Here folks you can see it has a market Cap of 1.4 billion but what is pith and Why am I bullish on it well pith is the Chain link of salana and if you look at Chain Link's valuation of$ 11 billion Then you look at pith at 1.4 you see a Little bit of a 78 x so there's still Some upside here but let me warn you There's a warning about pit is very Important there is a huge token unlock Happening soon uh more than what is Already circulating will be released in A little less than two months so I would Wait uh for a cheaper entry I I think it Could go higher but I I I can't imagine This isn't going to have some sort of Detrimental effect on the price I I do Think it could bounce in the days Leading up to the token un vent maybe The selling pressure will be exhausted At that point but very very bullish on Pith now the second project I mentioned Is f or FAA it is bone FAA here and it Is a much much smaller market cap you See it $60 million why am I bullish on It what is f well f is the salana name Service AKA ens for salana salana name Service SNS DS if you want to follow Them powered by bone feda so this is the Underlying protocol powering that name Service uh token there ens has a Valuation of six uh 692 million but when We hit Max and we hit market cap you can See at one point it was $1.6 billion

Almost a 3X from uh where we're at now 2 And a2x now if we go back to Bone feda $60 million market cap looks incredibly Small I'm not saying this is going to go To $1.6 billion but I think this could Touch or flirt with the billion Valuation the were to hit a billion Dollars folks you're looking at pretty Close to a 15x from that level $78 bone Feto so very bullish on this one as well Now if we go to the next coin everybody This is coin number three this is rbit Rbit is essentially the largest gamble FY token in the ecosystem we go to their Max they're way down from their all-time Highs here near 25 cents and this isn't Like a lot of projects where you hit the Market cap and you're like oh well the Pumps already in we're alltime highs now What are you talking about no no there's Uh still room for this one to grow got Pretty close to a billion dollar Valuation and right now $ 296 so I think Billion very very attainable that would Be a 3X for them I'm seeing a lot of People on X saying you know dollar roll Bit is uh in the cards and the most Bullish thing about robit is a huge Partnership that they just signed now FaZe Banks you know love them or hate Them he's starting to lean back into Crypto and FaZe Clan I think is going to Get more popular because of that so they Uh have partnered with FaZe East Sports

And the official Counter-Strike gaming Partner here I think that's going to Bring a lot of attention I think salana Is going to have a lot of attention this Bull run and I think a lot of people Going to use crypto for their DJ Tendencies AKA roll over to roll bit and You know maybe spend a little salana There so that's coin number three I Would I wouldn't uh sleep on this one It's already down from its all-time high I think this one has a lot of room to Grow here all right coin number four a Little bit of a pick and shovels play it Is Jupiter it is the newest hottest Decks on salana used to be radium you Know that's where all the attention was But Jupiter uh was a free airdrop that Was given to people for using the Exchange you know I I got a little bit There Taco got some as well and people Were fading this token oh it's given for Free people were just going to dump it But it has just been on a run from a Little bit below 50 cents if we look at The market cap there $1.7 billion why is Dy bullish whereing this thing go Everybody uh well if we look at the Closest competitor which is unis swap Unis swap has a market cap of 10 billion But wait there's more if we hit Max Unis swap hit a$2 billion valuation I think it could hit 30 or $40 billion This bull run uh if we go to Jupiter 1.7

I mean if it were to hit uh let's just Say $17 billion valuation you're still Looking at a 10x from that level I Expect a lot of sell uh pressure near The $10 psychological level though so a Lot of people are going to be uh trying To get rid of their token around those Levels and uh j. a if you want to use The site uh you know we might just Auto Populates bom that's great uh might Might actually I'm G buy the fifth token I'm going to show you how to buy these Tokens as well uh so jup you know I I Wouldn't sleep on Jupe now the last and Most interesting coin this coin I think Is the the funnest coin and it's Definitely the most novel and uh you Know unique coin uh out of these five Here the project is called Honey aka Hive mapper now this is just one of the Ones I saw someone a throw out my way I Was like all right you know I'll check That out uh whoa actually looks pretty Cool Mike made the cut well Joe it did Make the cut here so now we're looking At Hive now what is Hive why is Dey Bullish on it oh you can see all right $150 uh $150 million market cap go to Max whoa okay also way down you know From its all-time highs you see okay Mark Cap all right there's definitely a Token uh releasing event there but we're Still below okay Hive mapper is Google Maps on the blockchain everybody Hive

Mapper starts with the Bold dream Millions of people working together to Build the world's freshest map sharing The rewards of what they built so you See your local Road there's some Construction you share that you get Rewarded in this token I went down to Their website went to the Atlanta area Folks I think there's uh actually some Decent opportunity to maybe make some Funds here you can see a lot of these Residential areas are not mapped so it Looks like some people just kind of hit Some of these main roads and you read What they say here Hive mapper makes Maps like beehive makes honey bees and The Beehive work together playing Different roles Hive mapper contributors Play different roles to make the Freshest map for the benefit of people Everywhere some people use dash cams to Take pictures some people known as AI Trainers look at pictures and teach Computers what humans know about the World AKA you know these roads that they Are mapping some people use the app to Share important information such as Which roads are closed or being repaired I think there's going to be a lot of Upgrades you know you'll see a pothole Oh you know I type in there's a pothole Near this intersection and you know Maybe in the future someone's like hey Appreciate you uh warning me on this

Pothole maybe that person gets rewarded For saving your Rim saving your tires uh So very very interesting project and I Said I show you how to buy these Altcoins as well this is uh for some of You this is going to be the first time You're seeing this so you got to get What they call the contract address here And uh when there's multiple chains There'll be a drag down menu but this is The contract address for salana I just Copied it we go over to Jupiter I don't Want to buy any bom and if you want to Buy something you pull this uh drop down Menu and then you just paste the Contract address and it's that simple Everybody and then it'll add the trading Pair right there let's say uh I think I Want to get an even number one salana Gives you I want to say it's under a Little under a th000 so we're going to Make this an even 2,000 that's about 300 Bucks and uh we're going to hit swap Boom just like that I'm in I'm in the Honey space and I guess I got to start Putting a dash cam up everyone but these Are my five favorite altcoin on salana I Think is very very important if you are Way up on your bone you're way up on Your whiff your way up on your ball what Whatever Your Meme coin might be ask Yourself where's this coin going to be 12 months from now you know I I think Bon's going to perform well I think

Maybe bom I think the ecosystem can Support a handful of memes it cannot Support 87 dozen meme coins so most of These are going to Trend toward zero so It's very important you put your profits To Quality projects these are just five Of my favorite projects let me know down Below what is this salana project that I Miss that has to be in the next video We'll make sure we include it I'm Dey We'll see you and your salana minus Your Meme bags at the Top

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