This AI Altcoin Will Explode In 2024 (You’ve NEVER Heard Of It!)

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I just found the best AI coin of 2024 We're talking about they have a good Founder they have a very connected team They have great pumpamentals and last But not least it looks like they have Good Tech behind the entire ecosystem I'm talking About cubic q i cubic is the coin we're Talking about I'm going tell you why I'm So bullish first they say they're the First useful proof of work blockchain When you think of proof of work you're Probably thinking Bitcoin think about Bitcoin okay got all these computers and They're solving like billions of math Equations and whoever can figure out the Right math equation gets the big block Reward yay we're all celebrating here And so they use Hardware software to Generate cryptographic number that Matches a number set by the Network's Difficulty algorithm so it's like I have A secret number I'm writing down in this Next 10 minutes who's going to guess Right you guess right you get six Bitcoin well imagine putting all that Work towards solving something useful AKA AI training models here and so I'm Diving into this and how they can Achieve true AI power powered by the Useful miners pretty exciting stuff so Digging into it all right so I said it's A strong team who are we talking about Here well it is launched by Sergey Ivano

Uh and I have a a theory the harder the Founder's name is to pronounce the more Bullish you should be on this token I'm Kind of joking but actually kind of not Really and so this guy invented the First proof of stake and dag protocol It's like that almost sounds too crazy To be real here and no I I looked up NXT Is the first pure proof of State coin Launched 2013 are you kidding me here so This guy launched that coin and then he Launched the first dag protocol now I H Hold a little dag but directed a cylic Graph technology here and so you know We're talking about a strong strong Founder and then now we have his third Launch here and so maybe third times the Charm you could tell you know maybe some Maybe he was a little too early you know I think 2013 maybe too soon to launch a Really strong uh proof of State coin and I did a little digging about NXT and it Looks like he used JavaScript and you Know did a couple things differently Than ethereum and he may have just been Too early here and and so now this might Be the perfect time for him to launch a Proof of work AI powered coin now that RoR 24 here but let's look at their X Account and I found something pretty Cool at cubic Madrid here and so this This is their big conference that they Just had and they had a bunch of Speakers but what I found exciting was

The third speaker was Elena Gonzalez Blanco she's the head of AI where at Microsoft this was a big deal getting Someone as large as her there they also Had a few other speakers that very very Smart individuals but I say when you Have the head of AI from Microsoft Speaking at your conference I would say Maybe that's a little bit bullish there Uh we dig in I want to point out a Couple things and the white paper I Found exciting cuz guys I'm doing some Research here and the more I see the More excited I get here so cubic using The Quorum consensus model described by Nick Zabo and pre- Bitcoin times the Last Millennium gives it a Byzantine General's problem uh gets into the weeds Of it and I'm not a developer so I don't Want to bore you with all that but I Want to tell you about the ticks instead Of blocks so they don't have blocks they Have ticks a little bit different here There's no linkage of one tick to Another back to bitcoin you think okay We got this immutable Ledger I know who Transacted every Bitcoin ever oh my God I I I can look at it and I download a Node and it takes me days but once I Have that node downloaded hey I'm Looking at all the things and so they Have ticks instead of blocks and then They uh ticks happen within a weekly Epoch currently happen once every five

Seconds so these block SL ticks could be As fast as every 02 seconds so when You're looking at how quickly these Ticks can happen you start seeing some Insane numbers like 40 million Transactions per second and when you're Trying to think about what AI is trying To accomplish you might need something That's about 40 million transactions per Second because look the useful proof of Work model think about what AI is trying To do and think about putting all that Compute power to AI you know the classic Example you see with AI learning chess So it can do a certain thing where it's Like all right by the time it took me to Finish this sentence AI had played Itself in 10,000 matches and all those Matches happen you know a very very Short amount of time to a human when You're looking at 40 million Transactions per second that's when you Can start doing some things like well Yeah AI you know basically had a million Conversations that lasted a million Years and what was that oh yeah that was The last uh you know 5 seconds and You're like what yeah because AI needs To do things faster than what humans are Used to so when you hear 11 transactions Per second or even 10,000 transactions Per second to a AI that's basically Moving like a sloth it's moving like a Snail you need 40 million per second I'm

Probably going to need more than that in The future one of the ways is possible No transaction fees uh you know getting Into it it's it looks like it's because It doesn't have the overhead of an Operating system they have some Unorthodox choices with cubic which Unless you know you're one of these People that can invent proof of stake Chains and invent dag protocols you know Maybe uh it might be a little above your Head here but you know there there's a Lot of specific reasons they're choosing Ticks over blocks and why they're Favoring having you know 40 million Transactions per second and he explains Crypto in a way that makes you feel like It's clunky makes me not even want to Use regular crypto we're so used to Having unconfirmed transactions yeah men Polls yeah transaction fees sometimes $200 may be replacing transaction fee to Speed it up punch that gas up we're We've all been there I need the mint to Go through confirm transactions that Means it worked I can stop sweating now And then to make sure it has enough Confirmation in is not reorg out of Existence and possibly double spent if You ever waited for a transaction it's Like up got to confirm some more and You're like it's been 10 minutes how Many more times do you need to confirm U So it's a little bit old when you start

Looking at how cubic is doing things They don't transcribe every single Little Transaction what they end up Having is the final balance totals Rather than have the giant Ledger that Might take you days or even weeks to Download here uh we keep scrolling so The balance changes without a Transaction so now you don't have to Deal with all this uh extra data Clogging down your coin you're just Trying to make a transaction unorthodox Alert yeah not a typo account balances Change without a transaction that's Because of these smart contracts operate Directly on the balances so there would Not be a specific transaction of sending Funds to A to B all you know is at the End of the day I had a dollar I gave it To Jimmy and then we you know fast Forward oh Jimmy has a dollar I don't Have none we don't really need to you Know clog it up with a whole bunch of Use data and so sometimes going to be a Good thing like when you have a AI play Itself 10,000 matches in 1 second you Just need to know are you better at just Now I don't need to know how you move The pond every single time uh another Unorthodox alert this coin does not have A decimal point uh they kind of did it In the same style of Bitcoin where uh There's 2.1 quadrillion Satoshi uh you Can't break down a Satoshi anymore so

You can break down a Bitcoin and then You your Bitcoin has 100 million Satoshi Uh or you know 2100 trillion Satoshi AKA 2.1 quadrillion and so they just jump Straight to uh you know in the trillions Uh range there so don't have to worry About decimal points why clogs up the Transactions that is how they're able to Get it to 40 million and they give a lot Of examples you know with Bitcoin Quadrillions of Satoshi there they also Talk about Doge and uh you know how many Zeros it has so you're going to see some Zeros when you're looking at the token Price here uh pulled back up this five Zeros and a five and so we had dipped All the way down to 5 zos and a 22 and Then essentially did a 56x from there so I definitely think there's still some Room to run but I said there's a secret Reason why I'm super bullish we're going To get on that in a second I do want to Say uh this is the last thing I'll say Why I'm excited and it's the storing of Outcomes of AI training what I'm seeing Here makes this maybe one of the better Position cryptos when it comes to Training AI using AI in any type of real Way uh having AI you know maybe spend That currency as the AI talks amongst Themselves yeah you have this world Where you know say you have a bunch of Fully self-driving vehicles and you know Maybe you have to spin crypto to move

Faster you got to get ahead to the other Cars to get to work and I'll take the Cheap ride it'll you know cost me Nothing or I paid $2 in weird Cryptocurrency my cars zooming along and I get priority here I think you're going To need these type of cryptos I don't I Don't think uh Teslas willever pay each Other in Bitcoin 10minute block times Doesn't make a lot of sense to me could See him using something like this but The real reason I'm so bullish is we got A little Alpha here hit that like button If you like the alpha that we're trying To bring you here several centralized Exchanges are testing integration as we Speak this is straight from their Discord in their announcements thing There is nothing related uh as far as The date uh but no date yet some are Already testing some as in plural we Hope to get more info soon and if you go Back to the coin this coin is actually Not easy to buy there's only two Exchanges trade ogre and safe trade so You're seeing a little bit of Opportunity here you know before it gets Listed on binance coinbase uh even you Know Unis swap so the DG don't really Have their hands on this one so I can See some pretty good upside especially Since we Fallen more than 50% and so That's cubic keep an eye out on this one AI is going to love this insane uh

Background for the founder here it's Just really can't get more bullish than That super bullish on something like This because you know when you see the AI power powered by the useful miners as Compute power becomes more of a scarce Resource as more AIS are training and They need all the power in the world to Train I think you know people start Having this type of conversation about a Useful proof of work blockchain so if You want to go to the website check that Out uh check out their iar is the AI and Top of Cubit it looks like it's going to Be open source for everybody any other Kind of questions how to buy it where Can you buy by it what's the difference Between proof of work and useful proofs Of work you want to know more about the Burn details check out their website Here uh try to sign in on this Exchange I will let you guys know how it Goes on next uh make sure you hit that Like button all the way out and I'll see You in your AI tokens at the Top for

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