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You are underestimating AI but more Importantly you're underestimating the Ecosystem beneath it dpin are you ready For a futuristic world where sustainable Smart cities delivery drones Robo Restaurants and much more are right at Your fingertips we'll hop on the Decentralized physical infrastructure Train CU that's where we're heading Today dpen is basically compute storage Communications and today we're going to Talk about one of the leading layer one Blockchains in the dpen space it's time To disc discover What's going on I'm Dey and today I'm Going to walk you through Peak a layer One blockchain specifically designed to Power real world applications in the Dpen category if you've been watching This channel for a while you know I love Dpen but if you're new here it stands For decentralized physical Infrastructure Network and it's a new Crypto Trend you definitely need to keep An eye on and thanks to Peak for Sponsoring this deep dive on dpin dpen Connects the real world to the Blockchain and allows machines and other Physical infrastructure to communicate And exchange value with each other in a Decentralized manner then users who Offer the physical infrastructure are Rewarded with crypto an example of this Would be putting a traffic sensor in

Your car that communicates with other Sensors and uploads that information Onto the blockchain like the NX Network Other dpin projects aim to create Peer-to-peer energy trading platforms to Decentralize the energy grid dpin is Trying to reclaim the power that's Currently hoarded by big big Tech and Governments and give it to you the Regular people think of a world where Drivers and car owners have the control And profits associated with the value And the info that they bring to Uber Plus you'd have the same ease of Connecting with drivers but you wouldn't Have a tech company spying on you and Selling all your data all the time That's where the world of dpen jumps in Which misari estimated will see a Whopping $3.5 trillion worth of growth By 2028 okay so let's get into why I'm So bullish on Peak but before I do make Sure you hit that like button and share This video with someone who needs to Know more about dpen and throw us a Subscribe if you haven't already Peak is The home of dpin and allowing anyone to Build dpin applications that facilitate Things like car sharing Street mapping Internet access and more all in a Decentralized manner and when you build On Peak you have access to multi-chain Capabilities rather than just have one Chain to rule them all mentality now

Peak is already compatible with ethereum Polygon OS salana and binance what's so Cool about Peak is that it also allows People to turn their machines robots Vehicles and other devices into real World assets that provide returns this Includes fractionalized ownership so me Personally I know I can't afford my own Set of wind turbines but with Peak you Can buy a piece of someone else's enjoy The gains and then join the dpin party Peak Prides itself on a mission of Global infrastructure Revolution that Utilizes the greenest Tech in web 3 it Seeks to use Cutting Edge technology to Return to the way things used to be Person to person and Community to Community and Peak may be our only Defense against a matrix dystopia where Big Tech has replaced everyone's job With AI and robots as Vehicles robots And devices become more self- inell and Self-aware Peak shares the associated Profits among individuals rather than Overpaid CEOs and corporate shareholders Peak is working towards a future that Enriches the 99% not just the 1% think About that for a second it's the perfect Premise for a L1 blockchain to focus on Real world apps to be all about Peak was Founded back in 2017 by Leonard door Locker Max thake and till Windler they Focus on R&D with large Enterprises such As NT and Bosch before turning their

Attention to building the peak L1 in 2021 since then they've raised Millions With notable investors like hash g Capital GSR and fundamental Labs it's no Wonder investors are intrigued by Peak Their token hasn't even launched yet and They already have the most dpin apps Building on it outpaced only by ethereum Peak has over 20 dpin apps from seven Different Industries building on the Peak blockchain as well as many other Exciting Partnerships in the pipeline And in February 2024 the former CEO of Cisco Germany Michael ganzer accepted an Executive role at Peak Foundation the Hype is real folks some of the peak Projects are top secret but the other 17 Team have been announced so let's just Jump into the peak ecosystem quickly First there's eloop which is what I was Talking about before with car sharing Eloop has 100 Teslas in its car sharing Fleet that serves almost 100,000 Peak Ecosystem users or Picos system users Anyone can invest in the cars and earn From the revenue decentralized ride Sharing was their initial Target but They've recently expanded their approach To focus on the tokenization of mobility And energy assets for depends on Peak Then there's Nat bringing AI powered Sensors to Peak with a privacy first Mentality I know you can get behind that NX uses smartphones to send information

On anything from how crowded a location Is to how much traffic someone should Expect while protecting your data NX has An app called drive and that allows Users to turn their phone into a Dashboard Cam and receive rewards for Every street they map while they drive Drive van is on track to overtake Hive Mapper with over 6,000 users since it Launched last year they are the fastest To map a million kilometers out of all Web 3 and web 2 applications that is Gargantuan a truly decentralized world Map is closer than we think and silencio A dpin working on tracking noise Pollution recently chose Peak over Salana as its L1 blockchain again cencio Uses smartphones to collect live data on Noise pollution for researchers and Decision makers since noise pollution Caus a host of health problems this is a First step towards combating it while in Incentivizing users with get it the Noise tokens these are only a few of the Cool project that have chosen to partner With Peak so why are projects choosing To build on Peak versus other more Well-known blockchains like salana Cardano well they're being wooed by Peak's fundamentals among many other Factors also Peak is super scalable and As cheap as salana plus its Decentralization is next level with a Knot coefficient of 92 Peak supports evm

And ink so it's flexible and convenient For Builders it also has ready to use Dpin functionalities tools and Interfaces that speed the development Time for users and the peak team eats Drinks and breathes deepen they're Members of and support other dpen Communities constantly looking for Synergies with other dpin projects and All the daps on Peak are interoperable So once you join the ecosystem you only Have to onboard once this is why Projects like two blocks left alaran to Build on Peak and map metrics expanded From salana to Peak and Peak has a grant Program that offers funding and research For new creators in the deepin space so You can see they have a long-term Mentality and they also just partnered With Bosch ushering the world's largest Sensor manufacturer into the world of Deepen and at the beginning of March They integrated Wormhole which will Enable users of over 30 different Ecosystem to bridge their tokens to Peak In order to participate in all that Peak Has to offer and Peak has taken it upon Itself to solve a big problem associated With dpen data verification Peak verify Leverages cryptography machine learning And trusted oracles to verify device Data in a trustless decentralized manner So if you want to add some dpin to your Portfolio Peak is a great option since

Much like an index fund it gives you Exposure to all the projects on its Blockchain but here's the bad news the Native token isn't out yet but we're Bringing you guys the alpha in advance So you can prepare yourself for the Public sale that's plann for the first Half of 2024 and it's going to be worth The wait when Peak launches it plans to Have machines running on its Network in 99% of countries across the globe it's Also on track to be one of the top 10 Most active chains by wallet activity as Well to have the most dpen apps building On it out of all the layer ones Providing a home for 25% of the dpen Market and that's just at launch I'm Certain Peak is going to be a household Name soon enough now Tales of token Airdrops have the Deens running to joint Peak socials and you should too if you Want some free tokens and access to the Future of deepin we're going to put Links in the description of this video Below so you can keep up to date on when The public sale will happen and Hopefully catch some of that free money Falling from the sky well that's all I Got for you guys leave a comment down Below let us know what you think and as Always I'll see you in your dpin bags at The Top

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