Sold Cardano For This Altcoin (HUGE Potential)


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I've identified the next hot Trend in Altcoins and it is not what you think And that's why I had to go to our 10K Portfolio and do an emergency video on An emergency update and we got to take Some emergency profits now this is a Video that we started a few months back And we're just trying to turn 10K into 100K then 100K into a million and right Now you can see we've got a nice double Up we're right now flirting with $20,000 but the big upgrade we're going To do is we're going to sell one of These tokens and then I'm going to share For you the next big narrative in Altcoins and the next big narrative Isn't a word anyone is saying it's not On anyone's radar right now and it's Modularity we're going to do a deep dive On that in a second but first we got to Take some profits and you can see one Coin is outperforming the others and That is new net with a 15% pump and if You're wondering what this is still a Little bit of an Undiscovered gym I Would not say you know if if you don't Need to take profits right now you can Feel free uh you know letting this thing Ride but this is an AI play on cardano Ntx kind of Performing the similarly With agx but it pumps harder and you Know it doesn't really dump as hard now We're heading over to tap tools to check Out the cardano alt here you can see ntx

Is now a top 10 coin uh when we first Identified it not even in the top 20 and These are the coins relative performance Against cardono you can see really it is Outperforming every single thing except Maybe meld here but it even beats meld On the 30 day chart now in the past 7 Days we are up 2% against cardano but We're up 10% just in the past 24 hours And you can see the price chart right Here this is the one-day chart very very Strong green candle now I think there's Still room to uh grow here you can see Higher lows are starting to form you Know we might get a little bit of a Short-term correction but you know I I Do think this will still continue to Perform well so I'm not super bearish on Ntx just when it is outperformed it's a Small micro crap and it's already you Know taken up a good portion of our Portfolio it's time to take some profits So that's what we're going to go ahead And do and you can see right here we Have $3,240 to deploy so we're going to go Ahead and remember that number we're Going to go ahead and uh sell all 44,000 Tokens and then we go ahead and remove The coin from the portfolio and now it Is time for me to give you the next big Winner everybody but before I do that I Do want to just say one thing about GMX You can see it's not really performing

As strongly as some of the other coins But I'm very very bullish on G GMX Longterm if we go to the max chart here You can see higher lows and we got a Heck of a trend line forming and so I Would not get rid of GMX at these levels In fact looks like this thing is ready To rip here you can see it loves Rejecting off the $60 range and so you Know I I think it's actually not even a Terrible buy I'm almost uh tempted to Just even load up even more very very Bullish on this if you go to chains on Defi llama and you check out it's an Arbitr and Avalanche play very very Strong projects right there you got go To arbitrum the top derivatives exchange It has Revenue it has total value locked You do the same thing for Avalanche and You're going to see essentially the same Thing as a top four uh protocol here Derivatives number one uh very very Bullish on GMX but now the next coin we Are going to add everybody is a popular Coin and it is Tia Celestia even though It is really really hot right now it is Up 10% largely uh losing against a lot Of its peers here and part of the reason I think is overcorrect is it's been Underperforming a lot of its peers Tia Used to be a top 50 coin and now you got To scroll all the way down to almost 60 To see it right now and tia currently Ranked number 57 it's up 11% for the

Week and 10% for the day but I still Think it's slightly undervalued now We're going to go to the charts here This is a 6-hour candle and I wanted to Point something out I saw here on uh the Bottom with our indicator from Lux algo And a lux algo starting to see a little Bit a trigger wave forming and not only That this is the important part looks Like the money flow is maybe starting to Trend into the green I think if the Money flow goes into the green we're Going to see some pretty good gains uh It's been a while since uh we've seen This much red in fact it's it's Uncharted Territory so for us to flip Bullish there's no telling how bullish This thing could go not only that it Looks like a you know little bit of uh Some momentum some bearish uh Divergences here as well now there's no Guarantee that the money flow is going To start flipping positive here but I Certainly see you know a little bit of a Turnaround happening here on this 6-h Hour chart if we go to the 4 Hour uh you Can see you know largely a lot of the Same thing in fact RSI really really Starting to move to the upside so I Think money flow should follow you know If all things uh go as expected here now One more thing I wanted to point out Here you see a green arrow here on the Four hour and you see a green arrow here

On the 4 Hour over there now that pump Over there ended up being pretty bullish Everybody if we uh go from the arrow we Catch that you end up seeing a nice nice Little 50% pump but before it happened You can see it actually triggered uh Before the bottom and it led to about a 10% draw down there yeah it was about 10% but we see another situation playing Out here printed before it was done uh Selling pressure and then what did we See we saw another about a 10 15% uh Draw down right there so we we saw a Draw down we saw a draw down but on the 6 hour you don't see the buy pressure There and you are seeing it right here Now after the Buy Signal flashed we got That extra draw down you know we we were Pointing that out about 10 15% got Another draw down to me it's really Looking like it wants to do another 50% Pump from there and if we get a 50% pump Still not even uh hitting you know new All-time highs I think it should uh hit New alltime highs and kind of hitting to The top of this channel so I think There's a really really uh good pump in It short term as long as Bitcoin doesn't Just crap the bed and go to 50K a lot of This is going to be based on uh Bitcoin Keeping its bullish momentum now if we Go to Max you know market cap really Don't have to worry about you know a Bunch of tokens getting dropped on your

Head here and I said why is this going To be the next big narrative there's a Word no one's saying it's modularity Okay I don't want to get too much in the Weeds this is something uh Tia just Reposted but modular you know what is Modular uh blockchains well Google kind Of has a definition but I want I want to Just show two tweets from this summary Here first at its core the principle Remains the Same modularity dividing a System into separate components each Tasked with specific features or Functions and the next tweet I want to Show off was you know there's just four Main components execution settlement Data publication and consensus and you Know I think they're going to invent Some more but Google has an answer too Largely the same thing a chain Specializing in one or more specific Functions data execution consensus or Settlement but what if modular does end Up being this really really hot buzzword Similar to a ZK snark uh Proto dank Sharding you know UE TX I don't know What all these things mean I just know It's going to be a hot narrative and People are going to Google it the Retail's going to come in and they're Going to Google well what the heck does This mean I want to get in on this Ecosystem so I decided to ask Google Well what's an example of a modular

Block blockchain I'm just thinking what If what if they do recommend Tia just by Essentially saying you know it's the Number one choice that they throw out And then boom if you say what is an Example they literally say finally Fourth category is modular which Includes chains like Celestia then they Throw out some couple different examples But tell me don't you think people are Going to go to Google and say well I Don't know what a modular blockchain is What is a modular blockchain and then Google's literally going to say Celestia And so I'm very very bullish on on this Now you can actually put it to work for You uh We've covered this in the past There is a guaranteed airdrop happening On TIA got a little bit funny story About it too Milky Way is the Tia app Right there go ahead and get you a Kepler wallet we we've covered this in The past go back uh we'll put a link Down below to the video I'm using the Milky Way protocol they had the first Airdrop if you deposited 20 yeah not 20 I ended up depositing 20 if you you Deposited 25 you got an air drop I was And different chains but the guaranteed Airdrop folks they have these points Right here then uh you can go ahead and Earn your M points and gain rewards how It works you literally just get it from Uh just holding it uh liquidity pulls

Lending milking points I'm I'm getting Some just by holding 20 Tia it's a few Hundred bucks didn't really break the Bank and meanwhile I'm slowly getting Myself to qualify for this airdrop here You can see how many points I've got Total all you got to do is uh just stake It stake it set it forget it there is a Little bit of a draw down period to Withdrawal 21 24 days just to let you Know but go ahead and uh start earning You some points down below in fact I'll Go ahead and give you a link below to Make sure you don't click uh you know Any kind of suspicious links right there Because we want to get you guys involved In this airdrop so let's go ahead and Deploy those funds and get us some Tia $14.22 $454 you got to stop pumping to You so we're going to go ahead and make A purchase with the amount of funds that We have 14 54 and if we do the math with The 3200 change that we got we get 222 we'll go ahead and round down gas Fee or a little exchange right there and We're going to go ahead and just add That to the portfolio go and submit and Now Tia is our number three holding I Know it's a little bit hot right now It's up 10% today it's kind of Outperforming Bitcoin uh but you know When you zoom out you look at the 30-day You just kind of see how it's performed Compared to a lot of its peers really

Think Tia is really set to uh melt some Faces this bull run and I really think The modular blockchain uh narrative is Really going to start picking up steam Because you know breaking down these Chains into multiple components and then Just having you know you execute this You execute that then we meet up and we Huddle and then you end up with a Stronger more bus and more secure Blockchain and if you're a Dej like me And you don't want to just buy Tia on Coinbase and just let it sit there you Know go ahead and get you a coupler Wallet and uh start gaining you some Rewards now when it comes to defi it is Risky folks so you just got to be Careful make sure you're following these Protocols pretty clearly and make sure You're using the right links that's why We got one down below so Tia big winner Hopefully that helps you we're updating This portfolio we're going to get this Thing to 100K but next stop 20K 900 Bucks away we're going to see you there Go ahead hit that like button I'm Dey See you at the Top

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