Sell All Your XRP And Get Into These Altcoins

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Sell your xrp yes guys today we are Going to be breaking down why xrp is not Only one of the worst projects to hold In your portfolio but why almost every Single ISO 222 token whether that be Algrant Stellar lumens harar Iota or Ripple are honestly just a waste when You're in a borun there are 10 X's 20 X's 30xs 100 XS that all exist outside These ecosystems and because a lot of People fumble into these bags and get Caught being bag holders they never get To access that opportunity so what am I Talking about well of course guys the SEC just came out today and have Announced that they're finding Ripple 2 Billion in xrp case yes they are not Holding back now of course guys I know That there is really no precedence for This overall $2 billion but xrp and Ripple are just the punching bag of the Regulatory body known as the SEC the SEC Genzer he is using xrp and entirely this Pretty much entire sector as the Punching bag for regulation in these Markets so everything that comes into Crypto that the feds or the government Do not like well they almost always are Going to certainly start with xrp and of Course guys that has affected the price Action as you guys know in the first Borun when it first saw its all-time Highs of like $125 billion market cap Within days and then obviously fumbled

By 99% it started started running up in 2021 however at this first Peak there Was an announcement of a major major Event that was the SEC lawsuit and you Can see guys we now have it hit all-time Highs in 1 2 three 4 five six almost Seven years of the crypto industry for Xrp so that means if you bought xrp Which I know guys the majority of people That buy xrp are probably around the 50 Cent to Dollar level right now some People have bought at 17 cents 30 cents 40 cents Etc but that would mean that Bitcoin yes guys Bitcoin has Outperformed your portfolio by nearly a Tenfold which is just it's kind of crazy To think maybe not a tenfold but you Know definitely 300% which just Shouldn't happen right Bitcoin is Supposed to be the flagship part of your Portfolio this is something that you're Expecting to grow for an exceptional Amount of time whether it hits a million Dollars down the road or 500,000 or even 200 100K you're really looking to see Bitcoin be that Flagship holding in your Portfolio that kind of generates some Sort of store value or sustainability so In today's episode guys I'm going to be Giving you guys all the projects I think You should be watching for as you sell You know that's up to you I'm not a Financial adviser but these are the Altcoins that I'm betting on that are I

Believe are going to outperform xrp not By 400% but by tenfold almost at a Minimum so check this out we have chain Link's ecosystem that I want to pay Attention to why well chain link I've Covered for a very long time with their Ccip which is essentially allowing it to Be a competitor to a lot of the Operations that Ripple has and utilizes The xrpl well as it turns out they have Announced their first project which is The first cross chain swaps protocol Powered by Chain now this isn't Sponsored there's no connection to this Project whatsoever I would love to get Into it please get me into this because This is a bullish bullish bullish Bullish project this is the this is Known as X swap that is probably going To be the token as well here and in a Rapidly evolving decentralized defi Landscape seamless interoperability Between diverse blockchain networks has Emerged as a critical need the X swap Takes Center Stage promising fluid Cross-chain liquidity movements so this Means you could take your polygon Matic Your base and you can convert that to Your Avalanche or your arbitrum your Ethereum or your uh any project BNB Doge Does not matter you're going to be able To Simply swap through one wallet with Your metamask or your coinbase wallet You'll be able to swap protocols near

Instantly with almost no fees this is Huge guys and the reason why this Project in particular is going to be Insanely bullish well of course it has First mover Advantage X swap is proud to Be one of the first platforms leveraging Chain Link's cross chain Interoperability protocol if you can Scroll down check this out guys this is What I want to pay attention to chain Link build X swap is officially a member Of chain link build program as a part of Build we am to accelerate the ecosystem Growth and long-term adoption of cross Chain asset swaps that is massive now While that isn't on the market don't Worry smash that like button stick Around because we've been giving you Guys gems on this channel like VOD Drome Aerod Drome which of course are decks of Other ecosystems like optimism or of Course Bas which is probably the most Upcoming launch of 2024 however if you dive further into X Swaps uh documents here we will figure Out that they compare themselves in the Market potential of X swap what is the Market potential what is the estimation On where they see X swap heading well They compare themselves to two projects Specifically squid and Star Gate and These obviously guys you're going to Want to pay attention to instantly so Stargate here guys is a finance tool

That is going to allow cross chain swaps In bridges similar to the ccip but Between multiple chains of course Ethereum Avalanche polygon mettis B&B Arbitrum optimism Phantom right these Are the parts of the industry that are Going to benefit the most as more users And more developers enter these markets Billions of dollars is pouring into These layer twos and the protocols that Are going to see the most amount of Volume and the most amount of adoption Which of course is bullish for Price Action are going to be the cross chain Bridges and swaps the dexes right that Is where the money is going to move from Ethereum to arbitrum how does it get There that middleman makes a ton of Money so Stargate is one of those They're in Omni chain future you also Have of course a part of optimism is Going to be V or Vel drone which we've Talked about on the live stream for a While now here it's gone up over 100% Since we first called it but optimism Also just announced that they're Spending $3.3 billion in USD in op Tokens to fund developers so billions of Dollars quite literally is entering Optimism's ecosystem and I expect V drum To honestly still benefit from that now I'm not looking to enter this at this Price point I would want to see it come Down consolidate and find a new level of

Support it is in price Discovery or About to right it might get denied Around this 20 cent level uh but this 15 Cent this 14 Cent range there's a lot of Volume in this range and this might be Where a good accumulation idea could Take place but as right now it is up Massively so what are the projects Josh That I can get into that haven't moved Yet well that's where we move into the Next token and of course guys Stargate Here SG check out this chart has barely Moved it had its initial launch in April Of 2022 tons of accumulation this year And you know X swap chain Link's first Protocol is comparing themselves to it So that is a project you definitely want To pay attention to I haven't even done A deep dive into this I just found this Article and when I see something like This when I see other products their Documents comparing themselves to other Products that already and protocols that Already exist that gets me insanely Bullish however there's also another Major announcement today that was huge ocean and ax all surged on Token merger news so tokens for ax ocean And fetch they're going to disappear Your fetch your ax your ocean here are All going to essentially go to zero why They're not going to exist anymore They're not going to zero in the sense That the price is but the token is all

Converting all three tokens guys are Turning into one and that is going to be ASI so fetch ax and ocean they're all Going to move into one token out and be Under one umbrella they're no longer Going to be ax fetch or ocean and of Course guys I had to do my research Right I wanted to figure out all right If this is going to happen what is the Ecosystem that's going to benefit the Most well after I scrolled through and Found out that of course fetch guys is Going to be the system that's converted So if approved if this proposal goes Through fetch ai's token will become Artificial super intelligence or ASI with a total supply of 2.63 billion AIX and of course ocean are going to Merge into ASI that's how this process Is going to work so I went ahead I did a Little bit of a deep dive and found out That fetch. ai's protocol is built on Cosmos's SDK they use a Smart contract Track language called cosm which is Essentially allowing it to be insanely Interoperable and scalable for the Future development of all three of these Tokens ecosystems now I don't need to Board you with the details but I'm going To give you the project I think you Should really be paying attention to That of course is another Dex and that Is going to be osmosis here so Osmos is The leading Dex on the cosmos ecosystem

You can see it's down 73% since its All-time high of roughly a $3.2 billion Market cap and currently sits at just Under 1 billion so this is still a 4X Opportunity away from its all-time high And osmosis guys again this deck now has Almost every single large scale AI Project the Monopoly fetch ocean and Singularity come together to create the Mass Monopoly of the AI decentralized Sector which is completely almost Hypocritical and ironic but it is Extremely bullish for both all those Three projects and potentially this Ecosystem so this isn't confirmation That they're going to be utilizing Osmosis and there's going to be more Integrations for their data places and Marketplaces but we know that this Merger may take place and I would very Much expect at least Cosmos ecosystem to Benefit from that as well if fetch is Truly built on top of it and of course Is going to turn into ASI of the cosmos Ecosystem now the last thing that made Me extremely bullish by the way on of Course Stargate here and your other one Is going to be called squid which I Couldn't figure out but Axel is a Protocol with 100,000 transactions Stargate layer zero protocol has 3 Million so I'd really pay attention to Uh the Stargate project here too this is A little bit smaller too this is going

To be your gem here at about $150 Million market cap uh if you zoom out Again I already showed you guys the Accumulation here there's some upside Potential there but of course Phantom Check this out cross chain layers or Axar layer zero Labs improve the Accessibility of assets in Phantom from Other blockchains if you scroll down They just talk about how bullish they Are essentially on Stargate and Squid Specifically from uh axar here which if You scroll the way to the bottom here's A squid right so you have offering cross Chain swaps on Phantom using squid which Is a protocol built on uh axar that Leverages existing dexes on axar Connected chains to offer oneclick cross Chain swaps this is a narrative guys This is where I would move that money to Sum up the video right we are moving Away from the iso Trend you were lied to Unfortunately there was never a flip of A switch uh I hold xrp I have xuns I Don't that much anymore but the reality Is is if you've stayed in those for the Last seven years you've missed out on so Much opportunity and the biggest thing To take away from this video is just Stop being a maximalist I showed you Multiple different ecosystems we've Covered Bitcoin uh bitcoin's ecosystem That's emerging we've covered Decentralized science we've seen 10 20

30 100 x's on this channel and is Exactly why you want to smash that Notification button subscribe to the Channel and stick around so you stop Missing out on all this amazing Alpha But you you need to pay attention to Where the money is moving follow the Money right that's that's as simple as This is and right now the money isn't Flooding into xrp's ecosystem it isn't Flooding into even Quant Quant I think Could do a 200 300% gain this doesn't Mean being bearish on the products they Can definitely see two three 4 X's but I Expect the significant gains what 99% of People are coming into the crypto Market To do which is essentially make money Get rich make you know change their Lives forever that's going to be are Found in the defi part of these Ecosystems whether it's on optimism Aptos Cosmos or any of these other Artificial intelligence projects that's What we want to pay attention to that's Where we want to get into and that's how We're going to continue to outperform Xrp in these ISO Tokens

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