PROOF: Blackrock Secretly Buying Bitcoin (Expert Exposes Hidden Wallet)

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I I know you have been a leader in Willing to embrace crypto you have made It so that people can be in Bitcoin we Hear that you are thinking about Ethereum these are incredible things how Now black rock is not known as a uh a Gunslayer by any means so you obviously Must believe that this may be is an Alternative is this an alternative uh in Order to be able because of the a Deficit maybe something longterm people Should have absolutely now was Larry Fink CEO of Black Rock saying Bitcoin is Definitely something people should have On their balance sheet everybody but we Have someone exposing what these wallets Are doing what black rock is doing what These other large institutions are doing And I want to show you something in the Charts that is spelling Doom for Bitcoin Bitcoin might have a 15 20% dump over The next 24 48 hours because Black Rock Might try to push that price down so Them and their cronies can get in well Let's talk about the wallet that got Exposed everybody we're using Arkham Here big shout out to Arkham Intelligence we've used them in the past To look at the mount shipment of Bitcoin But now they are exposing Black Rock Fidelity Arc and vanck and guess what Folks it didn't take a rocket scientist To figure out they are all buying Bitcoin as we speak so let's dive into

The actual wallets and then I'll show You what I saw on the charts that is Potentially spelling bitcoin's Doom There's definitely a correction on the Horizon folks all right first wallet That we're going to look at is of course Black Rock here you just see how many Inflows are here and all of this is Bitcoin and what's even crazier all of These are over a ,000 transactions no Test transactions in this graphic but What is black Rock's strategy when it Comes to bitcoin and does Black Rock Potentially have any insight on where The nation might be heading when it Comes to bitcoin policy well there's a Huge link everybody Larry thinkink could Potentially be the next Secretary of Treasury here could Black Rock Larry Fink be Trump's next Secretary of the Treasury here prominent among the Contenders for the treasury secretary Post is Larry fank the chairman of Black Rock one of the eight Founders the Biggest asset management company Worldwide he is a potential pick because Of his close ties to Trump Black Rock Has actually handled his finance and his Investment Portfolio beyond the personal Ties however is his opinion on crypto Could change the nature of the market Now regarding using crypto inside normal Banking think very very receptive Everybody's this might make it a lot

Easier for your local bank to hold Bitcoin and store it for their customers There and should Larry thinkink be Chosen the Bitcoin industry might Discover a more favorable regulatory Climate therefore opening the path for More General use and Innovation AKA Bitcoin is going to pump off this news Cuz black rock is going to start holding More and more Bitcoin all right well the Next wallet we're looking at everybody There's only four and then we're going To the charts next up is Fidelity well Fidelity is in the news lately because Fidelity just passed Black Rock in a Surprising move it's not just black rock And their ibit ETF out there while black Rock's ibit was the torch bearer of the Major inflows throughout the past 10 Days Fidelity actually outshined all Others on the last trading day on Friday Fidelity saw $141 million of inflows While Black Rock only saw $16 million of Inflows and with the non-stop inflows Over the past 10 days ibid has brought In more than $1.3 billion during this Time and then Fidelity actually beat Them Friday well Fidelity also on the Verge of hitting a major Milestone Crossing more than 10 billion dollar and That's and net assets under management And now the total assets under Management stands right there 9.96 you can see as Fidelity getting

Closer and closer to $10 billion folks We are setting up a very historic uh July here now I'm covering up a little Bit this is only July 19th so we only Got 2third of the month right above my Right shoulder here that is well on its Way to maybe if not eclipsing or at Least hitting near where March hit so About 2/3 the way we got 40,000 67,000 Is in the cards much more than April Which was outflows much more than May And much more than June so this going to Be very bullish for Bitcoin here all Right the next one we're looking at is Arc Arc invest of course is Kathy Wood And Kathy Wood they are saying Bitcoin Is oversold aka the price is low they're Saying the miners are capitulating so According to their report just released Earlier this month few days ago they Said it's oversold after Germany's Government initiated a multi-billion Dollar sell-off of 50,000 Bitcoin They Seized this in 2020 from a pirated movie Site here now they like I said they're Saying it appears oversold current Levels of the minor outflows suggest That miners are capitulating and this is Really exciting a harbinger of a bullish Reversal folks we're going to dive in The charts in just one more second we Just got one more wallet to look at Everybody and the last wallet we're Looking at is vanc vanc is also bullish

On Bitcoin in fact they're reaching out Globally to give all their customers Across the world access to bitcoin so Bitcoin issuer vanic is teamed up with Asset manager enter invest to launch the First ever offering a Bitcoin exposure Within the French retirement savings Plans uh the CEO of vanc Europe Emphasizing their belief in Bitcoin as An Innovative long-term asset however With the current volatility and the Price uh it is reflecting a value Seeking phase typical of emerging assets You know maybe right now in a little bit Of a cool off period but speaking of Cool off period I want to show you this Folks this is a dire warning things Might get a little bit scary now I told You about the bullish Di Divergence you Know we did a video on this thing Bitcoin had a fantastic pump off this Bullish Divergence you can see you know Nice little 22% pump if you're patient You held it in till now you were up 26% But now we're seeing the reverse we're Seeing a bearish indicator a a bearish Div forming and I back checked this Folks I had to go back months to find a Be div this strong and I found one at The tail end of February the beginning Of March you can see it right here we Had a nice little Peak followed by Another little Peak however the RSI was Heading down and look what happened to

The price everybody Bitcoin experienced A massive crash in just one 4-Hour Candle you can see we uh fell almost 20% Just pretty much simultaneously so 177% Drop so 177% dump and just one candle Now we are seeing the same thing Happening right now but it is important To note we Consolidated for a little bit Before we got the massive dump to the up Downside in fact we actually even had a Scam pump to the upside if you look we Actually had a higher high before we Ended up dumping so be careful uh you Know with any kind of short-term pump I Am predicting there could be a little Bit of a price correction event the Reason why is so Black Rock CEO Larry Frink and all his cronies so they can Buy some cheap Bitcoin so we got the Whales on the sidelines they're buying More Bitcoin but we got this bear did Foran and so keep your dry powder on the Sidelines you might have a cheap Opportunity over the next 48 72 hours That's all I got for you and hopefully I See you and your diamond Hannah Satoshi At the top

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