Polkadot Altcoin Ready To RIP! (Previous Pick PUMPED 80%)

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The polka dot altcoin I just gave you a Few days ago is now up 80% and I have Two more polka dot altcoins for you that Have yet to pump and I found a secret Metric that is telling me that polka dot Is one of the most undervalued l1s in The entire ecosystem it's time to Discover Crypto now everybody we just posted this On March 8th and in that meantime aala Has just gone on a run this is the video Where I was saying the eth founder AKA Charles hoson is very foolish on polka Dot and in this video I gave you a calla And here you can see I'm highlighting How to buy aala how to bridge it just The whole ecosystem how to get exposure And when if we look at the charts folks Even from right now aala is on a run in Fact it's gone on a fresh run this Launched at 9900 p.m. on the 16th this Is the 900 p.m. candle right here on Hourly candles if we pull it up we are Now up 62% and if you caught that Wick You're up almost 90% if you caught that Wick right now so aala is just doing Phenomenal and I feel good giving you That call right here everybody so we're We're doing good on aala but what's the Next aala within polka dot well first I'm very bullish on polka dot because You can see here polka dot is evolving Into a global supercomputer but many of You watching at home may be wondering

What the f does that even mean well the Polkka dot was founded by Dr Gavin wood He's one of the founders of a theorum And you know he's a former research Scientist at Microsoft and he's very Very bullish on This Global super super Computer narrative and what does that Mean uh simply put imagine a service Similar to Amazon webcloud services but Instead of running servers polka dot is Running cores cores are trustless server Environments but let's back up a second All right Global supercomputer what the Heck is a core this is uh from an Article you know where it's quoting Gavin woods and why he's bullish on how They're going to build a supercomputer And interoperable platform with Different blockchains communicating Sharing information aka the global Supercomputer and a core is essentially Going to be a par chain uh with a modern Multi-core computer each core runs Separately simultaneously these cores Referred to as par chains and again par Chains are aka the altcoins the daps the The ecosystem being built on polka dot And right now there's a 50 core CPU for Polka dot but they want to go from 50 to 500 even 1,000 cores very very bullish For polka dot and then there comparing It to Amazon webcloud Services well I Looked into Amazon webcloud Services Folks if you didn't know that is the

Most profitable segment within Amazon so We're looking at a very lucrative Business model that they're envisioning For polka dot but I said there's a Secret metric that has me excited that No one is talking about you're going to See it here first so go ahead and hit That like button if you like uh the Dey Deep Dives here these are crypto commits Or they aggregate GitHub commit stats Against different uh official Repositories of projects here number one Ethereum ICP number two no surprise they Kind of always just run one and two they Kind of go back and forth here you can See pretty close score 26,000 24,000 but When you scroll down op flow basic Attention which is always also up there But polka dot polka dot is a top five Top 10 right now it's ranked six it's Been as high as two or three is a top 10 Ecosystem play as far as coders Developing on it so all all the devs Coming to polka dot and you just see the The commits kind of telling the story There so that is very very bullish and When you go to the sub wallet daps again In this video we kind of you know I tell You how to get a wallet and all those Good things but on the sub wallet page You can see just tons and tons of daps People building on polka dot and here Shout out to aala again uh you know I Want to highlight aala I told you how to

Stake aala let me tell you how to claim The rewards now you go ahead and just Click claim on aala I'm going to show my Window real quick you have to approve That and then boom we're on our way to Claiming our rewards for aala and Honestly I'll probably just stack that For a bit and uh then restake it all Right so balance has changed boom got More Calla so we're putting our money to Work for us even though it's pumping 90% Doesn't mean I want more than 90% so We're going to get staking rewards on Top of this now polka dot if we go to The alltime price chart you see very Very far from its all-time high we just Hit $10 congrats polka dot you've been You've been flirting with that level for A while and we broke through a couple Days ago we go back it used to be $50 You click market cap still pretty much Uh same disparity here so a lot of good Gains for polka dot I think polka Dot's Best days are still ahead of it but now Let's get back into the daps that are Being built here I want to go ahead and Buy the two hottest apps daps that are On polka dot and to me right now it's a Pretty clear choice number one Moonbeam AK a gmr we've seen our chat on our live Show just will not stop typing this Token So finally boom I'm going to tell you How to buy moon beam and then the second

Token why I'm even maybe even more Bullish on that one I'm going to show You a metric on that you might get more Bullish too now first we're going to Look at aala market cap just for a Reference here market cap fully diluted 220 million love seeing that a lot of The tokens are already out the next uh One we go to moon beam here Glmr a higher market cap but the second Token is going to have a lower market Cap so you're going want to stick around For that now let's go ahead and figure Out how the heck to buy some moon beam So first we're going to go ahead and Reopen this we need to get into the daps We got to do some bridging here so I Have my substrate wallet and I've loaded It with polka dot now we're going to go Ahead and Bridge it over and we're going To bridge it over to uh the Hydra DX uh D5 protocol you can see it right here The hydrax Omni pole first we're going To use aala just shout out to aala to go Ahead and transfer those polka dot Tokens so you can see origin chain and Then destination chain we're going to go To the Hydra DX destination chain and we Have 31 dot here we're going to go ahead And move over 30 Dot and we're going to Hit transfer you have to sign it and Folks this is all happened very very Quickly here uh boom Oh same sentence You go ahead and see it is already

Transferred so now we've moved our DOT To the Hydra chain now we go back to the D page and I want to go ahead and buy Some of this and we moved it to the Hydra chain so we're going to use the Hydra swapping features here so we go Ahead and click Hydra DX right here you Want to make sure you have the right uh URL link don't Google this you know just Be careful out there folks we're going To go ahead and trade our assets our Wallet's already connected I've used Them before we're going to move this Dot And then we're going to switch it into Hi HDX let's go ahead and look at this Token and I said this last metric is Going to make you the most bullish let's Talk about these market caps one more Time 200 million moon beam 700 million Then you look at hydrax half a kala's Market cap fully diluted 110 million Market cap right now is still below 100 Million 66 million so I I think there's Still a lot of opportunity you can see That the token is a little bit inflated Had quite the runup but it's pulled back Uh back considerably from this 4 Cent Level and so getting in at 2 and a half Cents when it was touching 4 cents I Feel pretty good about that so we go to The Hydra DX right here we're going to Go ahead and swap uh the 30 polka dots Worth and that's going to give us 12,000 HDX tokens we're going to go ahead and

Just hit swap and uh go ahead update to Newest version and we are good to go After we approve sign our transaction Approve One More Time Boom uh 1 second 2 Second 3 second hit our wallet it's that Easy boom we've now swapped our 30 dot Over to uh 12,000 close to 13,000 HDX Tokens now I also said we're going to go Ahead and buy some moon beam as well you Can see I already have some just when I Was testing out uh the chain months ago But I'm going go ahead and swap for some More cuz like I said I am bullish on This uh token here I am bullish on polka Dot but I have polka dot staking via Coinbase fun fact you could stake Natively through coinbase this is Coinbase website right here you get 7.8% Apy personally I like to put my hands on Things and you know I like to be a Little bit more defi a little bit more Deen so if I were to stake I would Probably want to stake through the polka Dot ecosystem itself which is pokka do. Network and you just click use polka dot And then uh you just click stake polka Dot click Start staking and take you to This dashboard and then you're good to Go but me I'm deploying them within the Altcoins in the ecosystem so uh I just Want to highlight aala really really Good Bridge features if you want to use HDX just clean UI and then HDX really Really good swapping features and that's

Just why I'm bullish on this token I do Think a $60 million market cap for HDX Feels a little bit low uh moon beam Maybe be a little bit more careful Because again you know has a slightly Higher market cap uh you know pushing 745 fully diluted at the moment still Above half a billion dollars not to say It can't go up even higher uh I think it Can especially when you look at how it Launched and you might say well there's No way you know the market cap was Higher back then right what they have Two% of the tokens out no if you hit Market cap actually still a lower market Cap than these previous prices and so we Are still not quite at the levels we saw Right there when it was $3 $4 and so you Know I still think the best stay and Moon beam are still ahead of it as well Now before we wrap it up there's one More thing I want to tell you about HDX Prices folks I I'm looking and I see Some pretty bullish signs in the charts Everybody that initially look a little Bit bearish now this is the daily chart You can see on quite the runup I I I Like that we've now pulled back Considerably from this 4 cents level Feels pretty good getting in at 2 cents But I want to highlight something I saw In the Luxe algo indicator right here You can see the money flow getting very Very red this is the money flow right

There and at its very bottom folks it Did not really have much room to go to The downside after that in fact if we Were to catch the Apex or the the very Lowest trough of the money flow it Essentially got as low as it can go I Mean just to stretch it out just you Know just for uh you know what's in Giggles here if that's it's about right There okay so we fell another 10% you Know maybe maybe maybe another 10% but What did it end up gaining after the Money flow fell to the downside I'm not Not even going to go to the peak I'm Just going to go to the next local high Uh find that Apex of uh the money flow And you can see right there it Wicked up 350% and if you look right now I feel Like the money flow is hitting some of These scary levels and we could be Seeing another 300% pump uh on the short Term so just be careful uh you know Selling your coins too early probably Not bullish enough on polka dot between All the GitHub commits just how easy it Is to use the chain and just the Ecosystem you know going from 50 cores To potentially 500 cores 1,000 cores Polka dot has a lot of room to run and You saw that market cap you saw that Previous all-time high I would not sleep On polka dot nor its ecosystem plays That's all we got for today I'll see you In your polka dot bags at the


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