I’m Buying This Altcoin Next! (50X Potential)

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Real estate because they expect because They want to sell it eventually Michael I mean let's be honest most of the People who are yes sure some people pass It on to their children but like most of The people who are buying assets at some Point want to sell the assets at a Profit so I let me let me say it a Different way okay people that use fiat Currency as a store of value there's a Name for them we call them Poor and people are going to stay poor Unless they hop on the next narrative Guys this is the most bullish thing I Have ever seen I just uncovered Something late last night I was doing Hours and hours and hours of research Into Bitcoin layer twos and guys while I Was taking tens of thousands of dollars In profits off Ai and dend with the Discord or the telegram you guys know What we've been selling off I have been Buying into this next sector heavily Because I believe it is going to pop off Towards the Bitcoin having let's go Ahead and dive in today guys so looking At our Twitter here if you guys have Given me a follow on X you would know That I believe one of the biggest Sectors in the borun will be Bitcoin Defi now at the end of this I'm going to Be showing you a brand new altcoin that I did just buy and actually I've had a Bag of it before but I just double

Downed on the position harder than ever And I am developing an entirely new Crypto watch list at the end of this Video so make sure you guys stick around But looking at r x guys you would know That I've been paying attention to Bitcoin Defi and layer Twos for weeks if Not months at this point and we are Expecting a massive amount of inflow to Come into this market and this is Specifically because M uh Michael sailor For micro strategy which we just saw a Call that poor lady poor uh ultimately Came out and said that they're turning Their company into a Bitcoin development Company and going to be investing Millions of dollars into Bitcoin Development you also had marathon though Come out and a name that they launched a New service called slipstream which is Going to be for scaling Bitcoin Development and inscriptions so why is This important why do we care about this SE you're like Josh you keep talking About this it's getting annoying it's Getting boring cuz guys I have not had This feeling in my body since Decentralized science and that's because One of the companies in the early Venture capitalist that I met very early On in DSi before anybody knew what it Was and before it did a 100x we saw Multiple 50 to 100 XS in our portfolios Because of D and even a 300X it is what

Changed our bare Market perspectives Forever they are now entering this Market and I'm going to show you where So looking at marath on last night guys I decided to go into of course their Website yeah I wanted to go look up Slipstream I was getting very curious Why are they building this why would Marathon digitals launch a slipstream Service wouldn't they invest more well Of course guys on February 28th this Press release from Marathon digital Holdings kind of snuck into nothing I Mean nobody talked about this there's no Creators I don't know why I talking About we covering this story it's been Pretty much glossed over very very Lightly which is Marathon digital is Planning on introducing not even Planning on they are Introducing okay andur a new multi-chain Bitcoin layer 2 Network yes Marathon Digital is launching their own Bitcoin Layer 2 this is the company guys that is Owned heavily by your institutions like Black rock you of course have Vanguard As well sitting at 7% of the overall uh Supply or the overall Investments they Own seven 15 16 177% of this entire Company between Morgan Stanley St J Street uh of course State Street as well You're looking at upwards of 20 25% of This company being owned by your largest Asset managers and banks in the market

This company is investing their money Into Bitcoin layer twos and that Bitcoin Layer 2 is called andur this is a Multi-chain Bitcoin layer to network Requires no Fork so this is a soft or no Soft Fork right there is no soft Fork to Bitcoin so what does this mean well Unfortunately it does mean that there Will be no token launch or pre s Probably a part of this project Marathon Black Rock they don't need to right they Are developing the slipstream service to Profit off the Bitcoin ordinal Subscriptions Rune protocols all of Those that are coming in the coming Months they're going to profit off of it Because they're running the men pools They're also launching two side chains On top of this so if I were to pull up The white paper here right let's go to The anuro white paper I of course went Through this cuz I wanted to see if There was any Alpha this is the light Paper it just launched in February of 2024 uh and you know of course there's Not going to be a lot of information Other than a video that we're going to Cover in just a second but if you scroll Through guys okay you got to scroll way Down on this white paper it is going to Talk about all the scalability functions So with andur you're able to develop Your own side chains your own layers on Top of this network that is built by

Marathon those chains they already have Two being built out you see andur is Composed of many multip multi-purpose Side chains at launch the chains Target Tokenization use cases that uniquely Demand the appeal and security of Bitcoin uh all chains are open source Meaning they can evolve over time so the First project is going to be cordinate Which is a Bitcoin compatible side chain That is going to be creating transacting And trading assets tailored to existing Retail uh retail def defi on bitcoin so A entire side chain developed by one of The largest Bitcoin miners in the world Guys is starting to access this they're Going to help scale knowled forms of Retail Bitcoin transacting ordinals and BRC 20s for one demonstrated tremendous Demand for Bitcoin link tokens but Inscription assets suffer from notable User experience gaps coordinates native Assets issuance capability low latency And low fees make it a better place for Inscriptions defi moreover cordinate Will become a necessary release valve For for times when main chain Transacting becomes impossible so they Are starting to build for defi Bitcoin Layer twos Bitcoin defi is going to be The biggest and I I I mean this guys I Truly believe it's actually going to Surpass artificial intelligence and Deepen in terms of the amount of volume

That's coming into the markets here's Why if we continue on throughout this Article let me go ahead and zoom down we Have another side chain they're Developing which is an ethereum Compatible side chain well why does this Why does this matter Josh well it's Because the ethereum compatibility is Because they believe that tokenizing Real world assets deserves to be on Bitcoin not eth their target audience is To take all of the eth users eventually More than likely salana Avalanche all These altcoin uh issuers and move them Back into Bitcoin tokenized assets that Are natively integrated to bitcoin's Network that is more that is disclosed More uh throughout here so if you guys Want to read this article I would Recommend you go look through the light Paper and everything on it but I do have This video from the Bitcoin Renaissance Keynote speech that Marathon digital Holdings on Twitter just tweeted out on March 8th and again not a lot of people Talking about this very low views this Is what you want to find in the emergent Industry you guys want to be early to The 100x 1,000x 10,000x well guess what Guys Sora Ventures is even claiming that This is the sector that can do it 100 1,000 10,000x opportunity because of This now before we get to Jason Fang Here is what the keynote speaker uh

Julian Don the product manager I believe I believe he's actually the product lead For these side chains and andur says at The Bitcoin r h everybody nice to see All of you guys a lot of interest in Bitcoin my name is Julian the product Lead over at Marathon digital and as Some of you may know we recently Announced our new layer 2 initiative so This is basically me trying to explain Where that is coming from and why it's Different some legales to start off and Starting now with what the problem is so This is pretty clear but defi is by and Large not happening within Bitcoin right It's okay so I'm going to pause it right There you want to look at the total Value locked on the right hand side You'll notice ethereum 46.5 billion and This has gone up in the last few days Tron 8.5 BC 4.3 and it's actually a Little bit older of a metric it's almost Doubled if not tripled since this metric That they are using where it says Bitcoin at 1.7 billion now this is still Probably right in the sense that Bitcoin Is number six but 1.7 billion let me go Back to this chart I showed you in the Beginning when you compare Bitcoin defi To e guys get bullish there's there's no Reason to not be bullish on this Ethereum's market cap which is now Roughly like 400 billion at the time of This of the writing of this article was

Sitting at $76 billion in terms of total Value locked or 28% of the overall Market cap and compared to bitcoin which Is now just accessing defi the defi guys Is what's under the water so this is Ethereum this is Bitcoin defi so if I Put D down here D down here this is the Defi this is the untapped potential of Bitcoin's economy equating to roughly 238 or what today would be worth over $500 billion so even if Bitcoin was at a $2 billion tvl or an8 billion tvl we're Talking a 100x potential in the overall Industry size so you better believe There are going to be massive gainers Coming out of this sector so moving on To of course the next bullish out speak All comes equal right there's there's Different types of decentralized Financial products and decentralized Financial use cases and we believe the Institutional one is perhaps one of the Most important specifically our wa and Boom and there it is guys he goes on to Say they're not launching their tokens Etc but they believe in Bitcoin Development they believe they need to Bridge the gap between rwas on eum and All these other networks it's a seven Long a seven minute long uh interview Here or or keynote speech you should Definitely watch through it but believes That RW one of the biggest narratives Currently today need to come to bitcoin

Because it's the most secure it's the Oldest it's the best it has the most Volume it has the most liquidity the Whole nine and that is why they believe Defi and Bitcoin layer twos are going to Scale on top of Bitcoin now of course Marathon comes out and they say you know What we don't need our tokens well it's Because they're the largest Bitcoin Miner in the world guys they make money Off the mempool transactions they make Money off all of the backend and they're Invested into by your world largest Asset managers but that is not where the Money stops right if we look here Jason Fang is someone who I've followed for a Very long time you can see in his bio Founder at Sora Ventures investing in The Bitcoin dii and ordinals this is one Of the ogs and decentralized science When you go look at Sora Ventures which Has about 10,000 followers on Twitter Massive asia-based investment firm their First projects they've invested into are Massive they are the ones that have seen 100 10,000x opportunities on dite right Here you have m Ule which I do believe Will launch a token one day vited out One of the largest decentralized science Protocols in the world if we scroll down You have Bitcoin startup so they're Starting to already invest into these When you're just looking at their Homepage here you have xert one of the

Largest Bitcoin wallet apps you also Have Bitcoin Inc the block immutable X Origin protocol number AI you have Mainframe Pendle Finance all projects We've spoken about Casper labs they were The early investors into all of these And now they're tapping into of course BRC 20s and what will be Bitcoin layer 2os so here's an article coming from Coinbase or coin Telegraph it was just Released on February 28th also Incentivizing that Bitcoin layer 2 Staking offers a superior alternative to Interest rates the reason why I wanted To display this article was that of Course coin Telegraph and news outlets Guys it's just now ramping up you're Early if you guys are somebody always Goes man I'm always late to the market Josh this is your time start researching Bitcoin layer 2 and the development Around defi from runes protocol that's Launching on the Bitcoin having as well As the Nakamoto upgrade happening for Stacks on the Bitcoin having and then Just the overall Bitcoin having I can't Be more bullish going back here guys we Have filecoin announcing that they had a Huge partnership with BVM so another Massive integration filecoin is a Storage layer thanks to Lighthouse web 3 This integration marks a significant Enhancement for Bitcoin layer 2 Solutions powered by BBM and filecoin

Filecoin is now entering the Bitcoin Layer to SP with BVM BVM of course is Going to be a Launchpad essentially it's A Launchpad I believe for Bitcoin layer 2 so it's a Bitcoin layer 2 as a service This is where you come and de develop And deploy your own uh decentralized Applications and Bitcoin layer 2os it's Essentialized the underlying Infrastructure for that the layer one so To speak you have Alpha chain NOA chain Arcade chain intern Ai and swamps Already launching on these and you can See that they provide defi use case for Ordinals uh you have social fi so this Is going to be your decentralized social Media gamey crypto AI uh and then the SRC trading here which is all things That are starting to develop uh now Another project that is starting to Break out here actually we have another Capital firm here you guys go look at This Arc Capital talking about Bitcoin Layer twos I think I accidentally Clicked off of the stream here arcstream Capital as well right here last Thursday We successfully hosted our first Twitter Space exploration and breakthrough of Big Bitcoin layer 2 here's a recap of The amazing content from the space and They had a stream of course with Merlin One of the largest layer 2os on bitcoin Odily China massive news outlets and Individuals that are in the industry uh

Just showing that there's more sparked Interest in the crypto industry for Bitcoin defi you have def defi llama a Shouting out NOA chain another Bitcoin Layer to with second two second blocks In microtransaction fees it's coming I Every single day I click on Twitter guys There's more and more announcements in This industry there's more and more Products starting to be launched and It's all going to scale with the three Massive upgrades coming at the Bitcoin Having I keep speaking to you guys about You need to start learning I I I know I'm keep I'm like forging this down your Guys' throats but this is why I'm Picking up cryptos this is why I bought A brand new altcoin that altcoin I'm Going to get to in two more seconds you Just need to bear with me to kind of Wrap this up here guys coin gecko has Announced that on March 7th this is from March 7th they put out an article as Well on bitcoin L l2s and the reason why I'm making this video is because I have A huge announcement to the fact that Coin gecko launched a very trash uh Portfolio I mean this is the watch list For Bitcoin layer 2os it doesn't cover Nearly anything and this is just what Gives me those same Vibes and those same Feelings around dii because I developed The first ever decentralized science Watch list on coin market cap before

Coin gecko or of course coin market cap Ever made him I made it about a year Before and today I am making that same Watch list for you guys right now so I'm Putting together right now an entire Watch list you'll be able to find it in My telegram or the Discord uh that will Have a full kind of breakdown of the Products I'm watching I can actually Click on it right here so here's my JJ's Watch list Bitcoin ecosystem so in this Ecosystem I'm going to be putting in all The products that are on coin market cap That are part of this narrative layer Twos and Bitcoin defi now of course guys There's products on here that are really Small caps I'm just putting all the Projects that I can find into this it is Just a watch list so don't take this as Financial advice take this as your Research Index this is where you get to Start learning about the favorite Projects my favorites are stacks of Course Alex of course orange is up to 60 Cents for almost up 100% or swap though Guys is the game playay I'm going to Tell you about here so sitting at about $50 million market cap 20 C this is the Project I put about another 10 grand Into I have a lot I'm a pretty big Holder of ORS here but ultimately I am Believing Replace uh dex's as the Unis swap of Bitcoin in comparison of Unis swap to

Ethereum so I do believe there's going To be massive volume here it is a DEX They can aggregate all the information Between your BRC 20s your ordinals your Inscriptions Etc and there's going to be More and more updates leading up to of Course the Bitcoin having but right now They do hold themselves as that standard For one of the largest dexes on top of Bitcoin of course you got many other Projects that will be launching and Coming soon uh with the the BVM of Course you have all the launchpads that Are taking place right now like Bui or I Think there's Atomic through mint layer Mint layer is another favorite project Of Bitcoin layer one and layer tw's out There uh Charlie Shem is an adviser I Believe for M layer he's also an advis Actually not M layer maybe it was uh Runes terminal maybe it is mint layer as Well a lot of Bitcoin ogs that are in These markets and you want to start Paying attention to these today guys Other than that that's really all I got For you guys make sure you smash that Like button on your way out and share This with a friend that needs to get Ahead of Trends guys the trend is your Friend stop coming into these Trends Once every Creator on the planet already Talks about them we've been developing We've been researching we've been Learning we've been getting you guys

Ready for Bitcoin defi summer this is a Thing that might actually take place in Dwarf artificial intelligence and deepin Other than that guys well I mean really I have no way to end this other than Saying I'll see you at the Top

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