How To Find Altcoins That Will Make You RICH (Beginners Guide 2024)

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In order to unlock life-changing gains In the crypto bll Market you're going to Need a detailed plan to not only search The market and find hidden gems but find The ones that have the potential to make You millionaires in this video I'm going To be giving you a step-by-step guide on How to do just that it's time to Discover C now first of all in case no one has Told you yet or you've gotten distracted The Bull Run has started now the Bulls Are back and they're running but that Doesn't mean that it's only only up from Here remember that we can still see Double digit Corrections even in the Heart of a bull run so watch yourself And stay safe out there just like you Saw we hit $69,000 Bitcoin again or all-time highs And immediately saw a 10% pullback now As you know many altcoins will Outperform Bitcoin in the later stages Of the Bull Run we'll see lifechanging Gains popping off in the alt Market all Over the place and in order to make sure You're picking winners and not losers in The alt space it's very important to Have a system So today we're going to be Walking through a few tips and tricks to Help you vet alt coins and separate Hidden gems from Fool's Gold Guild this Comes from an outstanding thread on X From a user known as debore defi by the

Way if you're not following discover Crypto on X make sure you go ahead and Do so cuz that's where we drop all of Our urgent updates so let's kick things Off with step one you need to pick a Narrative now this is perhaps the most Crucial part of finding any hidden jet If you get distracted trying to chase Gains in every sector of crypto you're More than likely going to be late to the Party and end up just getting dumped on So pick a niche you understand and start Getting involved learn the ins and outs And make your high conviction picks from This Niche it could be Bitcoin layer 2s It could be modular blockchains gaming Defi or whatever area you think you're Going to understand the most of pick Something that is hot something that People are actively talking about and Engaging with and you should see a lot Of activity on socials about the project Ideally though you do want to be picking Something that is pretty new the best Example is going to be one that I Mentioned which is of course going to be Bitcoin defi or Bitcoin layer 2s this is Because as Bitcoin hits new all-time Highs you have companies like micro Strategy that are launching their Development parts of their company you Have Justin Sun announcing that he's Going to be investing heavily into Bitcoin layer 2os and you even have

Marathon one of bitcoin's largest miners Announcing their slipstream service Which is going to improve transactions For all of these di products so Bitcoin Layer 2 is while still early and there's Not a lot of them this is an industry That's starting to gain a ton of Traction this of course means that Bitcoin Defi and layer 2s haven't blown Up yet and it has a lot more room to Upside without a ton of baggage now like I said it could be many different parts Of the crypto industry but you want to Find one that's emerging now with all of That the biggest part of finding a Narrative is just finding one simply That normies are going to attach Themselves pretty easily keep it simple Don't overthink it and like I said it Could be AI tokenize real world assets Just make sure that the narrative is big Enough to grab a lot of attention during The bll Run Okay so you've picked your Narrative now for step two you're going To want to pick a token and the best way To do this is by simply going to coin Gecko or coin market cap and search for Whatever sector you've picked then start Looking at what's out there you want to Be looking for tokens and projects that Are new as in they launched after the Summer of 2022 from there you're going To want to look at their chart is there A positive trend in the price action or

Is it Flatline momentum is one of the Biggest keys to finding a successful Project as it obviously equates to how Much network activity is around it so You want to find the ones that have a Low market cap just launched but have Significant volume is that's going to Show you which ones have the most Potential to see upside now don't go Looking for only the ones that have a Few million dollars of market cap Because that of course guys is going to Be where things get really risky it's Really important to diversify that Portfolio have large caps have your blue Chips like polygon madic chain leag Bitcoin ethereum Etc before you Branch Out to all of these hidden altcoins that Have insanely low micro caps you don't Want VCS and early investors to Continuously dump on you and keep the Price down instead of letting it rip and That is what's going to happen with the Majority of the micro cap tokens now Step three you're going to want to check Out this Project's website and for God's Sake educate yourself about the project Before you go aping in all of your money You want to ask yourself what problem is It solving does the solution scale Beyond just crypto Deens do they have a Road map is the team doxed have they Been sued by the SEC and seriously even If you think I'm kidding guys please do

Your own research now step four is going To be simply checking the fundamentals Yes you heard that right not the Pumpamentals but the actual fundamentals Defi llama is perhaps one of the best Places to start is there sustained Activity over time is the activity Growing is the tvl or the total value Locked on the project at an all-time High you're also going to want to check Out if they're audited does it have a Sustainable Revenue model but the Biggest Alpha from defi llama is Seriously going to be that tvl this is Perhaps my favorite feature as it lets You see how much money is locked up Within a given Network the more money Within that Network the more money that Can be invested back into that Network So basically it shows you how much of an Arsenal the project has to run in the Next crypto Bull Run basically you want To understand the use case and find out If people are actually investing in and Using the project and its token if not That well tells you it's more than Likely just going to be a slot machine Now the next thing you're going to check Is the vesting schedule and token Unlocks this is important to make sure That in the next few weeks there isn't Going to be a huge flood of unlocked Tokens hitting the market and of course Driving the price back down if there's a

Huge token unlock coming be patient and Look for an entry afterwards token Uncore unlocks is a great resource for Things like this but you should also be Able to find this information in any Project's white paper yes I expect you To read the white paper this is discover Crypto not a DJ dungeon we don't gamble We invest we read stuff here now anyways Moving on step six is going to be simply Checking the hype on social media this Is the stage where you want to start Checking yes the pump andics the Pumpamentals guys are super important The way you can find a project that is Going to actually be able to be hyped up Is simply by the engagement on things Like X AKA Twitter if it's got a large Community and a genuine Community when You hop onto their Twitter or into their Telegram you're going to see hundreds if Not thousands of investors talking back And forth now of course you want good Fundamentals you want good tokenomics You need to vet the project but the Reality is guys you can have the cure For cancer but if nobody knows about it No one's ever going to use it and that's Why marketing is 50% of tokens price Action on a general basis the more hype It has on social media generally the Higher price action it's going to see if Coca-Cola buys into your project and Launches a marketing campaign your price

Of that project is going to see usually Higher highs if no one's partnering with That project no one's interested in that Project and no one's talking about that Project well of course it's probably Going to die so make sure that they have Good engagement on their social media Now the next step is finding an entry Price you can do some basic Ta on Trading to look out for support and Resistance levels and of course your Accumulation zones but don't get too Hung up on this obviously you want a Good entry and you definitely don't want To be chasing pumps but the key here is Patience and paying attention lading Your bids or dollar cost averaging is a Very good idea whatever strategy works For you is fine so make a plan and just Simply stick to it but the main thing is You want to know that your bags are Packed before of course the Bull Run Blasts the altcoin market off to the Moon now there's a lot more secrets and Really cool websites that can help you Find the next biggest gem if you have Your own favorite be sure to let us know In the comments down below and seriously Let me know what projects you're Watching what low cap gems have you Found that you believe can pop off this Bull run because I want to say this just One last time this is the cycle of all Cycles so don't miss it good luck and

I'll see you at the Top

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