Government GREENLIGHTS Avalanche! (INSANE 10X Price Prediction)

Today Deezy drops INSANE news regarding Avalanche blockchain and the state of California! Looks like $AVAX is will help mitigate DMV issues! At the end of the video, Deezy tells you how he thinks will impact price!

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But you know in crypto in general you Need a reason to buy the token right and If it's just for speculation it's going To go up and down it's probably going to Disappear at some point because 95% of The blockchains are going to go that was Mark Cuban saying you need a reason to Hold a crypto and 95% are just going to Go well he doesn't mean to Avalanche Everybody he's getting whipped into a Frenzy arguing to people about this Latest upgrade to the Avalanche Ecosystem we're going to cover what he Said about this recent upgrade and not Only that I'm going to give you my price Predictions for avalan towards the end Here but the California DMV just made a Major partnership with Avalanche where They put 42 million car titles on the Network and their digitization push this Is made by Ox head Alpha and it will Allow people to transfer their vehicle Titles in minutes and without having to Go to an office versus the TW week time Frame in the traditional system right There now uh California DMV like I said Digitized 42 million of these titles and Is part of their development to Modernize their transfer process with Their partnership here now users will be Able to claim their digital titles via Their application track manage them Without going to the office it's almost Like the metaverse everybody according

To Avalanche blog post and when we click On the blog post you'll see this is Going to affect 39 million plus Residents so this is massive news Because California has a huge economy Everybody California is the fifth Largest economy in the world this is a Little bit of an older chart here but You can see they're above fr France India Italy Brazil very very large Nation states still trail behind California so California getting behind This push is like a large European Nation getting behind this Avalanche Ecosystem play now the takes online are Quite mixed everybody we have Mark cubin On one side and then we got kind of the Normie take on the other I'm first I'm Going to give you the Normie take this Is from the most visible post on Cryptocurrency subreddit RIT one of the Biggest websites in the whole world and When I click on their blog here you know They have hundreds of people engaging With this hundreds of up votes but I'm Seeing takes that are just dead wrong These people could not be more incorrect Here we have bellack whoever that guy is An organization using a specific Blockchain for something completely Unrelated to crypto has no material Impact on the associated cryptocurrency Unless California integrates Avalanche As a seamless way to automate title

Transfer on purchase there's no Additional demand created for the Currency this guy could not be more Wrong and honestly I couldn't agree more With Mark cubin and we have Mark cubin Chopping it up and arguing with people On X we have thrill seeker they had a Take why do you think this is a Validation of crypto now remember you Has people on Reddit oh there's nothing Here this is a big nothing Burger even Thrill seeker you know tell me why this Is important I love Mark Cuban's take The reason why this is huge for crypto Is because the people holding the tokens Will have an app with an avalanche Wallet tens of millions of Californians Having and using a crypto wallet over The next 5 years or however long it Takes normalizes the use of wallets in Crypto for normies that is huge Particularly if the wallets can be used For other applications now I told you I'm going to give you a price Target I'm Going to tell you where I think Avalanche is going to go this cycle but Then I'm going to tell you the perfect Buying Point everybody so first let's do The price prediction Avalanche right now It's just a hair above $25 you can see That thing was $125 so it is down considerably from its All-time high last cycle when we look at Market cap however it's not down quite

As much it was 30 billion and right now Market cap is sitting around 10 billion So we're down about 67% from market cap High when you look at Price you know We're sitting at you know we're down 80% Here but what is my price prediction for Avalanche well to figure that out I'm Looking at a close competitor to Avalanche and I want to know how Valuable did it become last cycle and For that you know look at coin gecko I'm Trying to determine you know what is Maybe going to be the best corollary Here well to me folks it's going to be BNB I kind of want to look at B&B you Know 2021 performance on how I think Avalanche is going to do in 2024 and 2025 now you saw Avalanche was a $30 Billion market cap at one point right Now it's only 10 but BNB last cycle hit Above a hundred billion market cap in Fact you can see it kind of almost Teleported to100 billion right there it Was still below five and it basically Teleported from six all the way up to Above 100 in a very very short time Frame and you see the beginning of May Is when it hit above a 100 billion so Very very quick movement from 6 billion To 100 billion so where do I think Avalanche can go well folks I actually Think Avalanche is probably going to hit Near a 100 billion see B&B is already 85 Billion I think Avalanche being 10

Billion uh it should be worth you know Maybe a little bit more compared to BNB Right now it's barely above 10% value I Think it could uh you know easily close That Gap so 100 billion could Potentially be in the works here so Jumping from 10 to 100 you could tell That's going to be about a 10x everybody And that gives us a $265 Avalanche and if you look it was About $130 last cycle that is given us close To a 2X from the previous cycle an Avalanche alltime High doing a 2X from Previous cycle seems very doable for me So my price target for Avalanche close To 250 bucks now I don't think it's Going to hit it in 2024 by any means but I do think Q3 Q4 2025 $250 Avalanche is In the cards now let's talk about I said The perfect buying Zone where is Dey a Buyer and Avalanche I don't want to buy At $27 maybe it goes up from here but I Think there could be some room to the Downside I'm going to tell you why so First let me shrink this RSI here Because that's not going to be important To what we're looking at we're going to Be using the Fibonacci I know how to do Fibonacci I swear so to get the Fibonacci we're going to pull up trading View here and you're going to see the Fibon NACI retracement tool so we go Ahead and clip FIB retracement we're

Going to go from the swing low to the Swing high and then that's going to give Us some numbers and to do the FIB Extension here we're going to go ahead And click on the FIB retracement tool Here we're going to go from the swing High to the swing low so you can see Right there about $65 that was a local Top when Bitcoin was just going nuts and March and then we go to the swing low Right here well folks I'm seeing a Little bit of a coincidence here with The 236 and when if you're wondering you Know what is that in Fiat value you can Look right there it is about $22 so I do think Avalanche is going to Get a little bit closer to the 20 $22 Range I wouldn't even mind if you bought You know maybe the top of this Wick Right there maybe you know uh the top of That candle body right there so yeah You're still looking at you know 2324 so I I do think you can uh wait for About a 10 20 potentially even 30% Retracement although I think about 15 20 It's going to be more likely so so if I Was looking for an opportunity to get Some good uh Avalanche prices that would Be the area I'm looking at and let's Just say you did get that entry point And let's just say it does hit $250 Folks if you're wondering what kind of Gains you're going to be looking at here $227 and if we go all the way up to $250

You're looking at a 136% gain so really really great gains Ahead if Avalanche can really capitalize On this California news California like I said fifth largest economy at adding This to their DMV is going to be massive And honestly even normies don't like the DMV and even normies don't want to wait Two weeks for something to come in the Mail when the blockchain can solve this In literal seconds folks so the future Is here I'm getting more and more Bullish on Avalanche and that's our Price prediction so hopefully I'll see You and your avac at the top

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