Gamestop Frenzy Explained (Hedge Funds WILL HATE THIS)

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We are live we are live thank you for Joining everybody we are having a great Time we're going to talk about GameStop We're going to talk about crypto we're Going to talk about meme coins we're Going to break down exactly what is Happening with all the chicanery with GameStop with the short sellers we're Going to talk about Bane Capital we're Going to talk about all these things Folks and thank you for joining on make Sure we go ahead and get this tweet out There let's get uh all the people Jumping in thank you for joining yet Again all right uh I got the headphones On because we're going to play some Videos and I got a good breakdown of the Bane Capital gam stop short sellers Hedge funds what does it all mean what Are the derivatives you know enlighten Me Dey tell me what's going on here and I'm going to have all the answers thank You for joining everybody make sure you Go ahead and hit that like button on the Way in and we're just going to talk some Crypto news everybody first we got a Couple memes we got to look at the memes Everybody first one I see is pretty Hilarious I'm going to go ahead and take This off I'll put them in later everyone In crypto looking at the GameStop pump Especially Mark Zuckerberg uh let me Know are you on the sidelines show me The money that's right uh here we have a

Really cool graphic that is just showing GameStop's share price uh it's only 16 Seconds it's a little bit of music with It as well here we Go looks like Bitcoin yeah it looks like Bitcoin oh really looks like Bitcoin and then boom that's where we're At right now folks we are in the midst Of a climb uh what do what else do we Have now we're seeing a little bit of Funny business happening at the same Time Vanguard rejecting purchases of GameStop shares what is going on now This is just you know a random uh Account it looks like an an non account Some White Rabbit uh but you know a Little bit telling that people are Tweeting out hey you know I'm I'm Actually getting this rejected here and Looks like same thing is happening with Cash app cash app does not control Trading halt so uh blaming the entities There so it looks like the pauses are Basically putting a pause on the buy Pressure and I think this is all they Needed the hedge funds just need a Little bit of a pause a little bit of a Cooling down a little bit of a pause on The buying pressure there and you can See what is happening you know what Folks I almost I swear to God I almost Just want to buy one GameStop share just For the culture pulling up my Robin Hood

App right now and you know what I am Just going to buy one gme you know I'm Not trying to be a millionaire here Folks GameStop I I'm just actually Curious if we can buy it now it says has A warning elevated volatility recently Experienced elevated volatility you may Want to proceed with caution it is Telling me so there are already trying To psychologically deter people from Buying these shares now I'm going to go Ahead and see if I can just buy one Share you know it's $34 you know let's Go ahead and pull that $34 here. 74 you know that's it oh it's green Screen oh Robin Hood has green okay that Makes a little sense there yeah all the Green buttons are just looking Translucent Um okay and we're going to put got to Make a I I've spent my excess cash oh God wow they're really like really Really just making this a pain in the Butt now you know what boom they gave me Enough friction and now I'm not going to Buy one folks that's what I'm talking About when they're trying to shake you Out when they're trying to add this Little bit of friction and now that is Just less buying pressure for this stock Make it more likely that these hedge Fund billionaires are going to get away With short selling this stock now we got Some stats here how are you doing Mana

Walk in the house truck Dano electric Crypto Breeze appreciate everybody Jumping in yesterday GameStop end of the Day with the 11th largest OCC hedge loan Balance in the entire Market what the Heck does that mean Dey uh OCC is Created uh to clear and guarantee stock Loan transactions between clearing Members so that's what the OC Essentially doing is you know making Sure these trades clear and then they Have uh the 11th largest balance in the Entire market now you got to remember Some companies are worth trillions of Dollars this is only worth about 15 Billion and so for them to be up there With apple I'm looking at the names Right here with apple with Microsoft With Nvidia with Amazon uh very very Insane that there's a the amount that uh Gme is posting up right now with the 11th and now coming in with 10% of his Market cap also pretty pretty crazy Right there and here you can see the Percentage of uh market cap there am my Covering all right gme little 10% uh Right there but look how what it Normally is now you got a couple like Spy puts uh S&P 500 uh but Apple 0.14% Microsoft 0.1% Nvidia 0.1% Amazon less than 0.1% and so we're Seeing a little bit bit of shadiness or Seeing shadiness in the Clearing Houses

Op yeah you know me now we are going to Look at roaring Kitt te most recent Tweet now the more I see these the more I'm starting to think we got a scop on Our hands because you got to ask Yourself where's the confirmation that This is roaring Kitty now I've heard I Haven't confirmed myself he got verified In March and so you know maybe a maybe That is him right you know now that it Was verified but he hasn't confirmed Himself and this almost makes me feel Like it is a scop I'm like oh he Released a video of himself it is Official investors who had lost big on GameStop were looking for someone to Blame and roaring Kitty was starting to Look suspicious shut up [ __ ] I mean I honestly didn't know it Did that with the rock at the end I Actually played the 5 Seconds when I did It earlier uh that was funny all right Yeah uh is it him is it not him chat let Me know type in why type in uh in do you Think roaring Kitty is is actually Tweeting here or is it the Pete Davidson Character you know is it his pothead Brother is it a hacker is this a SIM Card swap uh is it his wife who knows Who knows what's happening here uh let Me know me Personally I I say I'm leaning towards Him yeah it is him but by no means am I Like 100% here all right now we're going

To do a good breakdown this is uh this Is a 10minute video we're going to watch It we're going to break it down we're Going to pause it a couple times I got a Couple tabs uh we're going to go on Little deep Dives left turns and we're Going to break down Ian Carroll's Explanation of the criminal conspiracy That GameStop exposed how and why short Sellers could actually blow up the Entire economy they're not saying They're going to you know hurt one hedge Fund manager no no they're saying this Could be really bad now folks uh I did Tweet out I was going to share a trade I Forgot to do it I literally did this Freaking a man I did this right before We went live I swear uh I must have Caught this candle right there uh yeah So this was does it have a time I don't Know if it has a time I was going to Just show you you know how recently uh We got in this trade so I open a small Long on Doge we're not going crazy I I Felt like a bottom is in I'm going to Move my stop loss into profit we closed Out the other long uh deep deep and Profit it actually was almost Frustrating I closed it at 1522 I I kid You not I closed it at 1522 that's where Where I had my profit look at that 1522 It looks like it went down to 1521 I oh Wow it actually doesn't go down to 1521 I was the order book I was that last

Order book that got closed okay 1521 1522 yeah uh I got I got stopped out to The to the thousandth of a penny I Literally called it to the thousandth of A penny uh and now we're jumping back in The trade so uh you know we closed it Out in profit we're looking good now We're closing in in trade all right now Let's do the breakdown everybody I'm Sorry I just want to let you know we are In a trade right now we just jumped in All right we got people 50/50 split over Ends and wise what about Andrew Tate We'll look at an Andrew Tate tweet later I know he's Diamond handing as well uh We have one Theory here it is Gary Bucy Gary Bucy is actually tweeting it is not Roaring Kitty all right now this is Going to be just a Explanation very very good explanation This is the best explanation you're Going to see on the GameStop debacle uh Connecting the billionaires connecting The inside players connecting Bane Capital connecting everything this is Great theie said I can't believe this Game oh whoa whoa whoa yeah yeah I was Uh I Was I was uh playing it to get all the Links and everything so I I I've watched This like four times at this point so This homie said I can't believe this GameStop thing is still going on can Someone explain it to me I love Ian and

Everything he stands for but I literally Have no idea what this is about or how One stock could have any real effect on Impacting ultra wealthy people I'm I Hope uh his music doesn't strike to help I just need to understand what's going On he just needs to understand so that's What we're going to do now we're going To understand what is going on and like I said we got a couple I'm going to try To put it all into one I got you because He's got you I've made lots of videos About pieces of this but I'm going to Try to like actually explain the real Thesis of what's going on and why GameStop very well could affect the Entire Market bring down corrupt Financial institutions on a big scale I Got to put my hair up for this One okay don't get scared of charts We're going to keep it really simple When you buy stocks normally your B SC To I I feel like this is an attack um You know D's not putting his hair up I Got to put my hair up this God I still Got the Andrew Tate glasses that's what We talking don't get scared of charts We're going to keep it really simple When you buy stocks normally you're Buying at a lower price and you're Hoping it goes up so you can sell it and Make some money right well there's no Rule in the stock market this says You're not allowed to like borrow

Something from someone right so you're Allowed to borrow shares from your homie And if you borrow something you're Allowed to do what you want with it Right like I can borrow some shares and Then sell them on the market right now I Just have to return them later to make Sure that homie gets his shares back Right and so that's how short selling Works you got a lot of entities who have Billions of dollars of a stock they're Not going to just move you know their Target stock or their Home Depot stock Or their Microsoft stock you know off Like a 2% fluctuation in price oh we got To move no it's just too much money they Have too many billions tied up and so They will loan out Microsoft shares Tesla shares or in this case they'll Loan out their millions of dollars of GameStop shares so you're allowed to do This thing called Short Selling where You borrow some shares from whoever Right now and you sell them at the Market right now hoping actually the Price will go down and then later you'll Buy some and return them to your homie And you actually make money cuz you Return them for less money than you Actually made when you sold them in the First place and rent them from your Homie your homie is like you know Charging you a little bit so you borrow A $100 worth of stock to give them back

In 30 days hoping you know I could sell It at 100 buy it back at 80 and I give It to him and I made 20 bucks well he's Going to charge you a couple bucks and So that's why your homie is willing to Loan you these stocks he's he's not Going to sell the stocks anyway so if Hey if he could loan them out to his Homie make a couple bucks he will so Short selling is this thing where you Can bet the market will go down and it's Like taking out a loan and when the Market goes down then you close out the Loan Money you have to pay a little interest Keep that loan open but you can make a Lot of money doing that especially if You see a company that's like obviously Going to die cuz it's a failing business Model and you want to make some money While it dieses but you'd want to be Really careful cuz if you have all this Loans open and you're paying interest to Keep your loans open you're hoping the Price goes down but then it starts to go Up a lot you could lose a lot of money Because you'd have to buy them all back At a higher price to pay back your loan And you had to pay interest to keep your Loan open and prices can go up Infinitely theoretically so short Selling is pretty dangerous and everyone Knows that and back in the 90s all these Rich people like at Bane Capital like

Mitt Romney they realized that wait a Minute Bane Capital now we're going to Have our first left turn I'm sorry we Had to go about two minutes into it uh Bane Capital American private investment Firm based in Boston Massachusetts is Made famous by Mitt Romney when Mitt Romney ran for president he had to Divest himself from Bane Capital Bane Capital you know hey they invested in Staples they invested in tons and tons Of companies but he's he's saying this Uh situation where it's like oh these Bane Capital they come in and you know They try to short it and they even try To you know maybe even kill the company From the inside well why would they do That well we're he's going to go in a Deeper dive I just wanted to highlight Some other Bane Capital moves the older Viewers hit the like button if you Remember this one KB Toys who remembers KB Toys Mall based retail toy St uh Store Uh founded in 1922 the company would be Open for over a hundred years if it was Still open today well what do you know They're in financial trouble since the 90s and they filed for bankruptcy Bane Uh so Bane bought it for $ 305 million so they put 300 million into It all right and so uh uh then they move Forward hey well all of a sudden they Started having a whole bunch of issues

Who whoa what are you talking about you Know I'm losing money I'm losing money Well well wait a minute so Bane lost Money right so Bane bought this company Well surely they lost money when the Company filed for bankruptcy you don't Invest in a company drive it a Bankruptcy and make Money that sounds evil well wait a Minute Bane had been able to recover its Value on its investment through a Dividend recapitalization in 2003 when I Hear dividend Recapitalization 2003 I did not mean to Click the uh the link there I'm just Thinking wait wait a minute that just Sounds like something complicated where You stole the money Leverage Recapitalization is a change to the Company's capital structure usually Substitution of debt for Equity oh what Do you know sounds like someone pilfered The candy jar uh we keep scrolling here Bane Capital Toys are Us they have stolen my Childhood Bane Capital stole my Childhood uh so they're also part of the They paid $6.6 Billion uh for this company outbidding Someone that was trying to pay 5.5 uh Billion dollar and then you know they Ended up pilfering it from the inside Debt to leverage or I'm sorry uh Equity To debt leverage derivatives all these

Uh Shady back room deals and next thing You know Bane Capital making a whole Tons of money so Bane Capital uh you Know that is maybe where you heard it From so that's the that's our little First aside right there then we're have Another one on what naked short they can Actually take companies down from the Inside and basically loot a company from The inside take all its money give it to Them and their buddies the shareholders And then bankrupt it and leave and There's not really any consequences you Just buy into the company buy a bunch of Shares get yourself on the board take it Over start hiring people that'll do what You want mismanage it do a bunch of Buyback so the money gets paid back out To buy into the company this is the Playbook right here consequences you Just buy into the company buy a bunch of Shares get yourself on the board take it Over start hiring people that will do What you want mismanage it do a bunch of Buyback so the money gets paid back out To you and the shareholder buddies and You can really just mismanage the Company to the ground and basically loot It for all it's seven steps to be a Billionaire right there worth and when It goes bankrupt it's like oh well Whoopsies it was destined to fail we'll Just move on to the next company Whatever my mistake and they made

Billions of dollars doing this to Toys Are Us and everyone else was looking Around like damn that was a pretty solid Strategy ban Capital maybe we could do To that to some other companies and this Was just after the bubble happened and So there was this whole internet thing All right people are saying GM is going Up we're going to go ahead and take a Live look what is my favores Kronos Chames mean coin I don't have one so Feel free to throw something in the chat Here uh I had gme pulled up I want to Make Sure uh okay I might have to go ahead And do this one Mo again here so gme Stock let's go ahead and look at it Someone's saying we are now bouncing it Looks like we got a little bit of a Turnaround folks uh you know what I'm Going to go ahead and open up some Trading view let's do a little Ta on gme And then we're going to jump back into The video there uh okay so make sure you Hit all you don't want to be on some Weird crypto version of GameStop that's Trading at 2 am you're like wait what uh All right this is the 10-minute chart Let's go to the 25 minute Chart yeah looks like a nice oh wow Folks oh wow you see what do you see What I See yes we see what you see all right Seeing a little bit of uh some support

Happening Here folks so yeah I would um I I could see this bounce being a real Bounce I could see this being an actual Bounce I don't know about God candles uh But you know I don't I don't feel it Doesn't feel like this type of Bounce Here it feels maybe more like a little Bit of a sustained rally maybe a Consolidation with another leg up there So yeah GameStop is looking good at the Moment uh let's just see few hours ago Down to 33 we're now up to 36 bucks That's a whole lot for a stock folks all Right let's get back to the video here Amazon was on the rise and everyone kind Of realized like you know there's all These retail stores out there that are Probably in big trouble like Blockbuster And Sears and GameStop you know Companies that are bound to fail so why Don't we make them fail faster and Profit off of that yeah they love what They did with KB they love what they did With Toys R R Us and they started Looking at other stores like GameStop Plus it turns out that these dudes that Work at places like ban Capital that can Take these places Down From the Inside Out turns out they have a lot of friends In the market that like to short sell And the thing about supply and demand is When I'm borrowing like thousands and Thousands and thousands of shares and Selling them into the market right now

All that selling actually makes the Price of the stock go down cuz like when Everyone's selling something it gets Valued less but when everyone wants to Buy something the value goes up right so Short selling actually makes a stocks Price go down and these guys realize That like you know you like to make Money when stocks go down and I like to Make money when companies get destroyed And when we do those both at the same Time everybody wins except the company Of course and then it turned out they Were like hey we both know a lot of People in the mainstream media that like To report on failing companies you know The kinds of reports that make investors Scared and make them want to sell a Stock and they realized they kind of had The Dream Team for bankrupting companies And they could all make money on the way Down and no one would ever stop them CU It's kind of legal and it actually Started to work so well that they Started to get really greedy and they Started to naked short sell which means Like no one's checking if we're even Borrowing these shares that we're Borrowing in order in order to short Sell so why even borrow them we can just Short sell shares and say we borrow them And the P company's going to go bankrupt Anyways and when it does go bankrupt we Don't even need to pay that loan back

Cuz there's no shares to give back They're gone that sounds a little bit Funny he fun fact it's all taxfree money Too cuz there's no company to the the Shares are gone free money so some of Them got really greedy and started Selling without even borrowing the Shares in the first place but we'll come Back to that and just I didn't even Really think of that aspect of it as far As you know you shorted down to nothing You make the company file for bankruptcy Now when you borrow those shares for a Hundred bucks instead of having to pay Your buddy $80 3 months later there are The shares are worth nothing you're Handing them pieces of paper that are Just blank now he brings up a you know Short Selling here and so looking at Naked Short Selling everybody uh naked Short Selling is illegal it's fine folks They can't they can't short shares that They don't have but wait a minute I Started pulling on the thread here well They say it's illegal in the US many Other jurisdictions the SEC banned it After the 2002 2008 financial crisis After the great financial crisis before It they had implemented and amended its A regulation to close the loopholes that Allowed some AKA Black Rock JP Morgan Allow the their favored players uh to Engage in naked Short Selling they now Require the publication of list at track

Stocks with unusually high Trends and FTD shares what the heck is FTD failure To deliver meaning you know like well They never gave it back in months you Know in fact it never traded hands there They're just saying they're shorting it On paper they can say well why is it Illegal well Market manipulation fraud And Financial Risk okay well there's a Long history of it it looks like it was Actually involved in the Tulip bubble um I you know it seems like shorting is a Lot a lot of times is a good thing in a Market though but more recently naked Short Selling was partially blamed for GameStop in 2021 well wait a minute I Thought it was illegal I thought you Guys made it illegal in 2007 and yet Here you are saying it was happening in 2021 well what the heck well oh okay in 2010 they adopted an uptick rule Designed to restrict Short Selling from Further driving down the price Essentially it's meant to prevent sales On shorts of stocks that have dropped More than 10% let me give you the Dey Breakdown this is what you're not seeing This is what you're not reading do some Of you folks are smart enough to see it I know we got a smart chat here some of You already saw it immediately so they Adopted a rule designed to make it Illegal no designed to ban no designed To restrict designed to restrict to

Designed to make it we only you know They're lifting the moat we're only a Handful of the Shadow cabal can engage In this naked Short Selling aka the the Big billionaire hedge fund managers do You think black rock is restricted no no Of course not but are you restricted From say doing it on Robin Hood are you Restricted if you're a small family Office a Consortium of dentists that you Know pull together some millions and You're trying to invest your funds no no They aren't restricted they they they Are restricted however but JP Morgan Goldman Sachs Black Rock Vanguard you Know so when I see restrict to me that Just means legally allow certain players So they the alternative they designed it To legally allow the elite players to Short sell uh however the the rules for You and me no we're done we're done all Right now let's let's keep watching here Yeah I really wanted to point that out It really pisses me off more anything Because the other thing that's important To realize about the stock market is It's like this big casino game now so It's not like the big boys aren't just Playing with like a share of a company They're playing with these things that Are called derivatives which is like Leveraging your assets to take out loans To like make big plays big gambl so they Use all these special kinds of contracts

Where like they put up collateral in Order for their bank or whoever to let Them trade on a whole bunch of extra Money they don't really have but they've Got collateral so if it starts to go Sideways the bank can just take their Collateral and it's all safe but like This way I can trade with 100 times the Money of what I actually have it's Called Leverage and all these different Tricks they're called derivatives and They let these big players gamble with Huge positions in the market and so this Now when the stock moves by $1 they're Leveraged 100x and so if the stock goes Up by $1 they can make like 100x or lose 100x or if the stock goes Down I I forgot you and this derivatives Market has gotten really big like Hundreds of trillions of dollars worth Of these weird bets just all over the Market these are the top Banks it's like JP morg Goldman Sachs all right so Update uh he says JP Morgan number one 49 trillion so this is 49 million Million so these are in millions of Dollars and so when you see a two that Doesn't mean $2 that means $2 million so $49 trillion well folks I pulled on this Thread as well uh and what do you know What did I found JP Morgan it's actually About it's roughly 20% higher today now This is uh from January 30th 2024 this Is end of that uh I think Q4 reporting

For 2023 $58 trillion so that's January 30th February March April you know I Don't know if uh you know there was Something from May 30th I couldn't find Anything on May 30th there uh but yeah 58 so it's actually not even 49 Trill You it's it is a lot lot higher uh after This we're going to uh yeah okay yeah This is uh this is really really Starting to expose what the elit are Names are over there and this is in Millions of dollars so those like Options that is exactly what it's like It's kind of like a leverage uh Leverage Is leverage so at the end of the day you Call it an option you can call it a Derivative you can call it a leverage Trade uh when you're Trading you know if It moves a dollar but you gain 50 bucks Or you lost 50 bucks it's it's all Essentially the same thing we're talking 49 million million that is $49 trillion Worth of these derivative bets open with Just JP Morgan the biggest bank but the Thing about these derivatives is they All have collateral backing them up Right and the thing they use for Collateral they're not like you and me It's not like they're putting up their Car for collateral they're putting up Their other assets so so in over here They're going to be trading these assets On that collateral and over here they're Trading the collateral on these assets

And so the whole Market is now tied Together by all these big financial Institutions trading trillions of Dollars worth of stocks that they don't Actually have on Leverage that's based On collateral that they're trading for Trillions of dollars worth of stock over There you see what I mean so like if They [ __ ] this one up then that one gets F there's all these dudes doing this Like kind of criminal shorting Businesses out of existence scheme in The market in kind of in secret and They've been targeting GameStop for Years now ever since 2014 the stock was On this endless ramp down they were Short selling it while they had Infiltrated it and were mismanaging the Company From the Inside Out Amazon was Licking its lips ready to take over the Video game online industry all right First of all how evil is that you buy a Company I'm just throwing out a number Uh you know like KB you buy it for $300 Million you drive it to the point where It's worth nothing it's worthless and so You're $300 Billion why shouldn't it be worth zero Doar why do you end up exiting with 400 It it just doesn't it doesn't make any Sense and it's clear corruption and our SEC is supposed to protect us but They're just they're they're glad Handing they're slapping these guys on

The back they're they're high-fiving is What they're doing and the people doing All this short selling also have all These other crazy bets open all over the Market and if any of them go wrong a Whole lot of things go wrong and then Out of nowhere this random dude that Would like live stream to four people About his investment thesis noticed that GameStop had a lot of short Sellers and It wasn't necessarily A Bad Company in Fact it had a future if it turned around And then this really Savvy businessman Came and took over the company and Started turning it around and he kicked Out all the bad people that had been Trying to mismanage it to death and Suddenly all the people that had just Spent years and years Short Selling Millions and millions of shares and all Those loans were still open cuz they Were expecting it to go to zero and they Wouldn't have to pay them back suddenly The price is going up and they're all in Trouble and that was uh Ken Griffith the Thing is when the price goes up and one Of the other people that short selling The company gets scared and closes out Their trades they have to buy all those Shares back to get out of that right Because they borrowed and sold so now Have to buy and give them back but all That buying makes the price go up even Higher and there were a lot of people

Short Short Selling this thing and in Fact they had short sold it so much that They couldn't afford to buy it all back Once the price started going up that High I mean it was down to like 50 and They were opening short sales at0 50 Cent today we're at what $60 times Millions and millions and millions of Shares that you have to buy back each One will make the price go up and the Whole stock market is tied together by All these crazy Financial derivatives And everyone's balance sheets are Actually kind of sketchy in the first Place yeah and we all realize that all We have to do is buy the shares and just Hold on to them because these guys need To buy them from us in order to close Their trades out whoopsies evil and you Know the more we thought about it the More we realized no I don't really want To sell [ __ ] you so then they tried to Trick us into thinking that they had Already closed their positions and it Was all over and we were like I'm pretty Sure you're lying dude so we just held On for years and it turns out we were Right shorts never closed and now we've All got the shares that they need in Order to close and you know I still Don't want to sell [ __ ] you boom uh Mustach said it really echoing uh his Viewpoints be glad for the Apes don't Get effed by corruption some people held

For three years just for the price Action that we're seeing this week uh so Jumps in Robin Hood say big money and Stops the buying that right in fact you Know You' seen that they are halting it Halting it left and right uh it's just Pure corruption right in front of our Eyes heyy hush I'm talking Ian I'm Talking uh I got eight uh 18 years ago For Super Nintendo and PS1 yeah uh hit Hit the like button if you went to GameStop I mean some of my better GameStop memories I got a little beef I Remember one time you know I bought Halo 2 this is Halo 2 I'm buying it at GameStop I remember yeah I had some Disposable income you know I didn't Really have many bills and I bought the Game I bought like the extra 10 $20 metal uh case back in those days uh The exclusive version would only be like An extra 10 or 20 bucks and I remember There was a $20 gameplay guide on the The main missions I like yeah I threw it In I remember it's giant line right it's Midnight it's a line of people buying Halo I remember I heard some guy whisper Or he said to his buddy huh that guy Bought a gameplay guide and I remember Turn around like who said that I I Didn't say that I was probably a Teenager but I it really hurt my Feelings and I remember I got shamed Shamed by a gamer uh the the the gamer

Shamer um really upset me but you know Other than that it is 100% good memories Of GameStop I take that back I Immediately regret that sentence uh who Remembers them quoting you a170 for that Game that you just paid 60 bucks for Maybe I'm exaggerating maybe it' be like $3 $4 store credit but like it would Literally be hey this was new it came Out two weeks ago what do you mean $4 Store credit that's a little ridiculous And then you're like all right you're Giv me $4 a store credit well how much Is this used by the way I'm just Wondering they're like $39.99 and you're Like you're giving me $4 it's $39.99 how About you you know close that Gap a Little bit folks but folks that is all We have time for her I'm going to go Ahead and end the stream we got the Basement about to go live appreciate Everybody jumping in we had a great time I hope that helped explain what the heck Is going on with this GameStop situation I I I'll admit I I learned a couple Things from this video I didn't realize Bane Capital was such a major player in This the the evil corporation that Mitt Romney used to kill Toys R Us uh and you Know I didn't realize how intermingled Everything is and really how fragile This basket of cards is so it looks Pretty pretty uh interesting what is Happening with this GameStop I'm

Probably going to go ahead I got to like Move some funds I'm GNA buy one share I'm buying one share for the culture Probably going to Diamond hand it I Don't care if it goes I mean if it goes Up to 10x yeah I might I might take some Profit but you know this is going to be One for the culture folks but that's all We got thank you for joining everybody It's been a great stream hit the like Button on the way out we Are Climbing And climbing climbing I know we don't Have that many viewers for these 130 Streams but we're making this a regular Thing you're going to see me Monday Through Thursday so

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