Crypto Will Die In America If This Happens

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The current status quo is elected I Don't think crypto is going to have the The greatest four years afterwards if a Different part is elected we might have One of the greatest bull runs of our Lifetime I've been warning you guys About politics but this is why it Matters this is why crypto is politics She was put in charge of the Border nope She was in in charge of reaching out to The South and Central American countries To stem the immigration she wasn't the Borders are she was not actually the Borders are she is not the bordar she Was not bordar she was not the bordar Let's be very clear there was no there Was no border Zar AAR any person exercising great Authority or power in a particular field A zar of Industry let's go back in time President Biden put his vice president KLA Harris in charge of one of his Administration's growing challenges she Is now the point person on immigration Vice president Harris is now the Biden Administration's Point person to oversee His administration's efforts to stem the Flow of migrants kamla Harris the point Person on immigration the point person And effort to stop the flow of migrants And kamla Harris will lead the response To the Border challenge kamla Harris to Lead the White House efforts to tackle Migration challenges at the US Mexico

Border to take the lead on overseeing All of these efforts at the border Putting his vice president Comm Harris In charge of this her first big Portfolio item to oversee Solutions I Have confidence that she's going to do a Good job in this role I think uh President Biden made a good decision a Wise move yeah uh if you guys didn't Know vice president Harris supposed to Actually attend of course Bitcoin Nashville but the feedback and the Backlash she got from wanting to attend This conference was you know Unprecedented to say the least nobody Wanted her to be at this conference Especially when you have Donald Trump Speaking because Donald Trump is going To dwarf anything that she is going to Be capable of producing but this isn't About being a trumpy or being a Harris Okay it's not being a de Democrat or Being a republican what I'm looking at From this guys is straight background in Historical reference Trump has done bad Things but you have to also admit he's Done some really really good things for The economy and what matters to me right Now what matter and should matter to you Guys is the future of cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency brings transparency it Brings trust it brings back a level of Communication that we have not had with Our corporations or our government that

Is why they were one scared of it for Too long and now two try to make very Political directional quotes that say Bitcoin's for war criminals Bitcoins for Money launderings Bitcoins is scam that Is coming from one direct party and I Want you just to listen here from RFK Someone who is actually attending the Conference right now just a little bit About vice president Harris's past this Isn't about choosing a political party Or a side it's about Simply Having all Of the facts and making the best Possible decision that's going to Benefit us our portfolios yes guys I am Greedy that is what capitalism is at Heart and of course with a decentralized Economy we want to make sure that we can Advance that and have entrepreneurs Build in the United States so check this Out from RFK you mentioned K Harris is Who you said that the Democratic party Appeared poised to put into that Position you were critical there Obviously of of President Biden's policy What if anything is different how do you Compare yourself to K Harris if she does Become the Democratic nominee for President well I think pres you know Camla Harris is the party of War she is Uh she's a Warhawk and you know the Democratic party was always the peace Party uh camel Harris is a a Warhawk on Ukraine she's a Warhawk on on China I

Think that we should be figuring out Ways to coexist with the rest of the World as best we can of course we need To protect our national Security I think she's not going to do Anything about the national deficit I've Never heard her Speak about the chronic disease epidemic About I think she's a product of the Corporate control of our Democracy and she's one of the authors Of um in the in terms of civil rights She has one of the worst civil rights Record of any public official she's the Author of the uh one of the primary Authors of the school to prison pipeline She kept 5,000 people despite a supreme Court order that she released 5,000 Prisoners and of nonviolent drug crimes Who were Illegally in California jails she kept Them in there saying that we needed them For firefighting and for other Public Work Services and that's just amaz a modern Version of indented servitude a modern Version of Slavery uh she was the leading one of The two leading public officials in California which now has the worst Education system 49th in education Outcomes in the country 50% of the Homeless people in our country are in California and she was behind those

Policies I don't think she has a good um I don't think in terms of the Traditional democratic principles I Don't think she has a credible In fact she was actually voted the most Libertarian Senator by a nonpartisan Group in 2020 and this is the point guys RFK I Wish is somebody I would hopefully be Able to vote for but unfortunately the Democratic party has changed over 60 Different rules and will not allow him To have a free and fair election in Terms of the nomination for our Democratic party that is not a democracy This isn't about being oh oh you're just Saying that cuz you're a Trumper it's Like guys find a middle ground use some Logics have some common sense at this Moment we are voting not for just a President the president is honestly just The tip of the iceberg what we're voting On is a cabinet we're voting on Supreme Court Justices we're voting on Commissioners that are going to be in Positions of powers that make the Decisions off our legislative and of Course regulations in each of these Branches the cftc of course finra uh SEC You guys saw Gary gendler he's done Nothing but lose and waste taxpayer Dollars and incriminates the wrong Individuals this is somebody that met With Sam bakeman freed a dozen times and

Cannot stop the largest financial fraud To exist in human history why because of Course s bman freed is donating to People like Maxine Waters there's a lot Of dark money involved with these groups What we got to look forward to is what Is going to be the best for our Portfolios what's going to be the best For America what's going to be the best For not just me not just you but our Neighbors my favorite thing about the Current Biden Administration party here This isn't about Dei this isn't about Racism this isn't about abortion laws I'm pro-choice that's not what this is About but you guys like to make this Very politically heated there's a lot of Rage bait out there and I understand but What this is about is going to be where Are we heading in the future of these Markets because the Biden Administration They constantly attack crypto they're an Anti- crypto Army as soon as Camala Harris got told that she had backlash From the community she had advisers or Cabinet members leaked that she said Bitcoin was of course for criminals That's not somebody you want on your Side of the fence here or batting on Your team that's not something that's Going to have Pro crypto legislation so Moving forward here this is also the Same people that were behind of course All the Tik Tok bands they wanted to

Move Tik Tok outside of the United States there was a lot of bipartisan Issues both from the Republican and Democratic party on that side I do not Agree with that whatsoever it's it's ran By Oracle servers right we can go on and On and on and again what I was about to Say was the environmental policies the Biden Administration they ran on the Environment they ran on defunding the Police who again camela she is a she is A police she's a prosecutor she was a State attorney general and of course Holding nonviolent criminals illegally Longer to force them to work for free Labor in the state of California that Doesn't sound very Democratic that Sounds quite authoritarian you know Maybe we should start throwing some of Those words around but we're not here to Incite political violence or here just Vote for the people and see what's the Best path forward this is why we're Starting to integrate this guys it's Only 4 months after elections everything Changes if the current status quo is Elected I don't think crypto is going to Have the greatest four years afterwards If a different part is elected we might Have one of the greatest bull runs of Our lifetime and see an establishment of A market or an economy that's not Artificial the Keystone Pipeline again Going back to them running on their

Environmental policies they completely Broke them they're like we're going to Stop the Keystone Pipeline we're going To not allow drill remember drill baby That is the smartest Economic Policy by The Trump Administration why well again Miraculously a pipeline blew up over in The you know of course Germany area also You have a lot of conflict a lot of Conflict in the Middle East we're now The largest oil exporter and importer in The entire world and being energy Dependent guess what that means guys the More oil you drill the lower your cost Of your energy the lower cost of your Groceries the lower cost of your supply Chains inflation comes down that's how This works it's basic math right the Reason why INF went up is it yes we Printed 9 trillion there's a lot that Happened with Co which again was both Parties primarily the left was again Fouchy everybody forcing it in at the End of 2020 to lock down the government Everybody we've been saying this the Entire time that that was never going to Be a good idea to incite that amount of Money Printing and close down all of Your small businesses you know who are Not doing well in this economy right now The Russell 2000 it's your magnificent 7 It's the seven largest tech companies in The world that are doing the best that Is artificial that is not a good Market

Credit cards alltime high debt alltime High business loans alltime high medium Households alltime High go go find one 22y old or one 24 year old that can Afford to buy a home right let alone Have credit and be able to afford an APR Of 16 177% if they're getting a car Payment if you're getting mortgages You're at six s% on your mortgages right We want to vote somebody in who gives a Sh excuse my language about a 5% rent Cap after it's jumped by like 400% in The last four years Black Rock Vanguard Your institutions they own all of the Real estate the only way we break out of This it's not a trump or a Harris it's Going to take decades to unfold the 50 Years of kleptocracy that has lobbied And changed these algorithms and all These laws to benefit these institutions The only way out of this is tokenization Being able to actually buy a property With all the insurance and in Between and actually be able to have Four of your friends maybe go in on an Actual house and not have to get Butchered by an insurance company that's Committing probably fraud on the back End and just completely wreck you with Interest rates that's that's the only Way out of this and the Harris and Biden Administration have been massively Behind that has Trump done some things Who cares he stole some stuff you know

Had some documents on Margo did you know Joe Biden should be legally abided side By side with Trump in terms of stealing Documents he took documents when he was Vice president he doesn't have the right Who cares what what classification were They were eight years in his garage with A dementia a scile old man who Harris Told you for like four years was fit to Run for president and now steps in last Minute goes oh Joe he did a great job he Did a great job but he was too sick he Was too unfit to run what the There's there's no there's no oh oh well She did this and there's there's no Track record with Harris with Trump yeah Cool you're going to go back to what his Bankruptcies and then his very his huge Success which he's now won battle after B oh a lot of you going to can't say the Rward you're going to say oh he's the Rward uh no it's a civil lawsuit for Maybe bleep that out go look up the Facts stop listening to some 21-year-old Like Harry siss or whatever his name is On Tik Tok these people by DNC groups Absorb some critical thinking and just Start researching if we do not make the Right change guys we are Fu in the next Four years for crypto and that is why I Have been so advoc that's why I've been Advocating a lot more on policies and Politics it's not me choosing the left Or right it's making sure that crypto

Has a place it can grow because I do not Want to leave the United States have any Of you ever tried leaving the United States getting a you know dual Citizenship elsewhere you can't Orlando The free home of the stck any other Country out there if you've been outside The country London the UK Australia sing It's like you can have dual citizenship Maybe got to leave for a week or two Come back you can you know got all these Different tax you know policies United States you are stuck you are stranded And it's getting harder and harder and Harder to survive as a young Entrepreneur so that is why I'm Political that's why I'm talking about Crypto because crypto is political it's Libertarian it is taking away that power From that government it's at the same Time guys I am not some socialist or on Fascist capitalism without socialism is Fascism and socialism without capitalism Is communism and I do not want to be on Either end of those Spectrum

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