Crypto Narratives Will Make You Rich

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A lot of people have asked me iar is the Most successful division within Black Rock look what it did why are you doing This now and we believe it's so Important to be anticipating the next Move crypto holders you need to be Anticipating the next move now I'm going To be talking about this in depth in Today's video because before I show you The rest of Larry Fink's clip here where He probably just announced what the next Big narrative will be in both Traditional finance and in the crypto Markets that's actually going to make Himself trillions of dollars yes I'm Saying trillions of dollars he expects To see exploded from this announcement From this AR uh this architectural Change in Black Rock's agency but before I do that we need to explain what Narrative trading is and how you guys Can use this trading style to actually Get rich so let's dive into the first Video today and I promise you you want To stick around till the end so make Sure you smash that like button and sub Subscribe to this channel because what Larry Fink is about to say is Astonishing now narrative trading for You guys that don't know is going to be When a new trend emerges in the crypto Market so for example when Facebook Changed their company name to meta back In October of

2021 this of course s all of your Metaverse projects just starting to real They they exploded de Central and Mana After the announcement ran 350% you have the same sandbox ran up 150% star Atlas 125% axi Infinity 15% it Sparked a massive narrative that led to The creation of metaverses and if you Type in metaverse category now on of Course coin Geto or if you want to go Over to coin market cap there's an Entire sector that exploded and was Created based off this Narrative of Course around the metaverse now since Then obviously metaverse token have you Know wandered off it's you know Narratives last maybe two to 3 months And that is the alpha I'm going to Provide with you guys today I'm someone I've been in crypto for a long time for Multiple years at this point and Narratives while they traditionally last About two to three months now some of Them they'll last a few weeks they'll Last a few days they'll be a hype Announcement the next one that actually Took off recently was Nvidia so Metaverse well that lasted about two Months the AI and render hype though the AI and dpin hype has lasted much larger Now that's primarily due to the fact That Nvidia has been outperforming all Market expectations and is now sitting At number four in terms of market cap

Down a little bit it's actually retraced Uh in market cap by a few well not by a Few but by a few hundred billion I was Going to say by a few billion but by a Few hundred billion it did take over Apple for a split second so we're Getting a bit of a retracement in Nvidia's price action but in Nvidia Itself is what allowed the entire crypto Market to see billions upon billions of Dollars pour into the AI in dein sector Of course you saw this with render look At that chart it is ridiculous over the Last few quarters ever since October With Nvidia just beating Market Expectations for like the fifth time in A row your render and AI tokens have Gone Absolutely parabolic and that's amazing To see because when you see one project Go parabolic That starts a massive Trend or something Known as a narrative where a lot of the Products in that industry if we click by Market cap notice how much money poured Into this industry we have a$ 3.6 Billion market cap for render for bit Tensor you have a 3.4 billion for the Graph 3.1 billion for fetch you have 2.8 Billion billions and billions and Billions and billions of dollars poured Into the sector based off the hype and The narrative that was sparked by Nvidia Itself self so that is what narrative

Trading is narrative trading is Following the mass of news events that Cause catalysts for immense amount of Volume billions upon billions of dollars To pour into a next sector so here's Exactly how you find the next ones and How you get to get in early before these Narratives actually take off first and Foremost is by simply going over to my Twitter of course guys if you look at my Pin tweet I'm going to be dropping here Very very soon almost every single Monday is my goal a massive in-depth Thread on upcoming ecosystems or Projects or narratives that are starting To emerge one of my favorites is going To be Bitcoin defi all right if you look Through just Twitter and through a lot Of announcements I've been talking about Bitcoin defi for a very long time and I Promise you guys I'm going to be talking About a sector we haven't discussed yet Which is dozens and dozens of products That are potentially launching here in The new future on chain links ecosystem I'm going to show you these gems in just A second but big Bitcoin defi is what is Going to pop off next in my opinion you Have leonitis you have uh Casey uh which Is the founder of of course ordinals Which if you guys didn't know is Essentially the largest protocol that Issued nfts on top of bitcoin's Ecosystem Run's protocol is launching on

The Bitcoin having the same exact date At the 840th th000 Block and all you Need to know is that this means meme Coins and nfts are coming to bitcoin for The first time in a fast and efficient Way this is a $500 billion doll market Cap or of potential liquidity that will Be accessed by these meme coins and you Now have massive institutions talking About it you have Mark yuso who we just Had on the channel on bitlab Academy He'll be joining us for an interview Here very very soon massive Morgan Greek Capital lots of funding he is insanely Excited he has been quote tweeting the Founder and CEO of of course Sora Ventures which is heavily invested into Dii and Bitcoin he's been retweeting uh Those like leonitis here who has been Dropping massive threads on Rune which Is going to be a fungible token on Bitcoin uh again he's talking about meme Coins and utility tokens talking about The immense growth that is going to come From this and why it's so important and This is how you get in early to Narratives guys you don't necessarily Know when the narrative will be but you Know it's coming and that is exactly the Takeaway we can get from this interview With Larry Fink where he continues to Say this would also will say on the on The beginnings of um of a ETF Bitcoin We Believe ETFs are a technology

No different than Bitcoin was a Technology for for asset Storage We Believe The Next Step going Forward will be the tokenization of Financial assets and that is the Takeaway guys watch what they do not What they say especially when it comes To the global elitists and people like Larry Fink who are managing tril ions Upon trillions of dollars in this Interview months ago he explained how Tokenization of real world assets is Going to be the next narrative and we Are watching that take place in real Time on these markets if you guys Watched our YouTube channel make sure You guys again subscribe to our channel Uh I'm going to be showing you a little Secret here on how to get ahead of Narratives and trading opportunities Through using other influencers in just A second but if you guys haven't already Check out our Ando video on Discover C Crypto where we talked about Ando uh and Of course real world assets but this has Sparked guys massive volume moving into The rwa narrative real world assets have Been starting to pop off and there's a Lot of projects out there that are Starting to tokenize both you know us Treasuries and real estate you have them Fractionalizing of course houses crazy Crazy utility that's being developed From this but one of the Breadwinners

From this one of the biggest leaders one Of the people that is behind this entire Industry in the segment is going to be None other than chain link with their Cross chain uh ccip their protocol their Ccip cross chain protocol by Chain Ley Care the ccip the era of secure Blockchain interoperability so we know That black rock believes tokenization is Going to be the next narrative this is Why they're changing their $3.5 trillion Into this narrative they're completely Changing the architecture of their Company to fit this narrative because They believe trillions upon trillions of Dollars is going to pour in now there is Sources out there right now that have Been saying that Sergey and have Been meeting with black rock but what I Want to pay attention to is who's going To be using this new search function you See the ccip is probably one of the most Innovative uh breakthroughs we have seen In crypto by Sergey and chain link it's Why it's one of my largest bags but what Nobody is talking about for some reason Is the sign up for the Early Access We've covered this a few time on our Channels but if you dive deep deep into Chain link you can go over to their Chain link ecosystem and look in real Time all the projects that are Developing now what I want you to pay Attention to okay go to this website

Chainlink ecosystem. comom ecosystem you Want to find the products that are Integrating with Ccip or of course uh integrating with Build build is going to be chain links Incubation program yes guys chain Link's Incubation program now this is in beta It's not public yet and this is a trend That I think is going to take place Around the same time of all of this Bitcoin defi there is tons and tons of Narratives out there I think Decentralized gambling and gamify is Going to be another one web 3 gaming is Going to be another one metaverses are Going to come back that's going to be Another one but right now Bitcoins defi Chain links ecosystem using ccip because It's going to make a new functionality And a new use case to cryptos that we Haven't seen before and all at the same Time uh having all this cross chain Interoperability and being back by one Of the largest cryptos in the ecosystem Focusing on rwas but you have Alaska Gold rush you have games that are Launching you have Dows that are Launching you have uh projects that are Just using and being built by chain link Micro 3 decentralized social FY it's in Chain links incubation program check out The build right there right you have Stak Dow this is utilizing ccip a lot of These projects are starting to

Integrated it uh one of them I they're All so small guys I want to be very Cautious with this and let you guys know Uh you have mettis here that's one That's going to be a little bit of a Larger size I couldn't find anything I Am not at all partnered or related to or Even I haven't done any oun of research Into this project I just picked on this One right here dipus because it's in It's integrating that ccip and it's a It's a gaming project here but Ultimately uh they are these are small Market caps guys and if you look at Their Zoom if you zoom out on these Projects they're all launching Relatively new uh if not not even out Yet and they're all integrating that CCI In that or as well backed by build so You have Dex component here backed by Build I want to find the ones though CCAP and build and I haven't necessarily Seen any just yet I think one of the First is X swap of course you have chain Swap uh that's utilizing ccip chain swap Is another project that we like on this Channel uh but you really have to just Go through these and start finding which Ones are launching which ones are Integrated to both ecosystems and this Could be a massive massive play and Narrative that is sparked with the Announcement so I really want to pay Attention to the main net launching once

It goes public because right now the Products that are already inside of it Guys this is how you get in early to These narratives the ones that are built On and launching it now if it's insanely Successful and the tokenization of all These projects and real world assets Being integrated with chain link Especially as we have heard of sources Of them going to Black Rock you know you Can only imagine what happens when it Becomes a success story right this is Where that AI that dpin that metaverse Narrative start to ramp up except it's Going to going to be ccip cross chain Interoperability I think that's going to Be a massive one now for the sneak peek And bonus content though I wanted to Throw this in here part of the narrative Trade because this is something I used To do multiple Cycles ago uh in 2021 When I was first in the crypto markets I Would go find every single creator that Is out there that has three four 500,000 Views per video there's a few Influencers out there one of my favorite Somebody actually look up to a lot uh Just cuz I love how real and just honest Is he just calls you a d gen and you Know cusses at you and it just makes you Feel like yeah this is why we're in Crypto is going to be Alex Becker and What you do this is honestly an OP way To trade in these markets guys is turn

On notifications for his channel uh and Look at these views guys 300,000 500,000 250,000 and what I want to do is as soon As his video drops skip about halfway Through it and if not you know a quarter Of the way through it and what you want To do is turn on the settings put it on Playback speed click times two and Listen through the video because in this Video again as I mentioned uh in well Actually I didn't mention this this was In the Discord earlier today uh one of The biggest insights and the values that You are going to get from creators guys Is that Alex Becker even myself I'll be Going to Dubai here next month as Creators we get to sit down with Founders we get to get into calls with CEOs and projects and go to conventions And go to the parties and the cocktail Parties and sit down and listen and hear And communicate and talk with all of These really big individuals building in The space investing in the space and They're going to find narratives right They're you're going to hear the next Narratives they're going to be like wow This company's about to issue $500 Million or this venture capital is about To deploy $50 million into this sector This product is about to deploy $3 Billion into their ecosystem that is Where the alpha is found and that's Where the narratives are found early so

What I like to do is listen to the People that have the biggest audience That get into these really strategic Parties that are the on working with These VC groups and I go ahead put them On two times speed and I want to find The product to talk about so I'm going To wait till he talks about a project Aoz so this video came out two days ago It has 204k views a sitting at 83 cents Uh let's go to aoz a IO Z and you're Going to notice let's go over to seven Days maybe there was this is April 31 March 31st so this was probably around When he made that video so went from 83 Cents roughly to 96 cents after his Video now I used to do this back and Forth and I would put like a grand in or Two grand and I would just trade because You'd look for like 10 15 30% swings off Their you know these these videos Because people will listen to these Videos and they'll go by pretty much Immediately so if you guys want to be a Trend Trader that is a great way to do It is by turning on notifications for The largest channels out there that are Doing just hundreds of thousands in Views guys and that's a way to front run Them so if you stayed away you know Around for this entire video you guys Watch till the end you got that little Bonus taste here guys you want to find Those project let me see if we can find

One more within this video live with you Guys uh just to kind of break down how This works cuz I know there was one as Well you have crown here he talks about Moon tropica let's see no there was Another one I liked at the end because I Watched this video I did it just a few Days ago Destra so look he made this Video desro is sitting at 22 cents Pretty big market cap right $222 million Market cap and after that video check This out guys uh I still learn things From these creators it's crazy Destra Went up to to it's up 3.5 47 so 100% on that uh that trade here guys and Look at over the momentum of the max Scale here so launched on March 14th of Course was mentioned about here and you Would have literally had a 100% trade in That portfolio in that position and he's Actually just ciphering through he's Going through a 100 projects guys he's Going through maybe not a 100 but he's Going through dozens and dozens and Dozens in here so when Alex Becker shows And puts on 300,000 people to new Sectors those people are going to jump In those sectors so being able to have Those notifications on skip about 20 Minutes into the video so you can front Run everybody that is of course watching This all 100,000 people putting it on Time tune and finding those products

Look that is how you beat the narrative Times two so thank you guys for watching If you guys enjoy and just appreciate This content as a whole uh we did this In one take and I am excited guys Narrative trading and Trend watching is By far one of the most important things You need to do in crypto if you want to Be be a successful Trader and of course With Larry fin talking about Tokenization with your Venture capitals And guys I know people I've listened Hundreds of millions and billions of Dollars are going to be entering the Bitcoin defi ecosystem you see Michael Sailor saying he's going to invest Become a Bitcoin development company you Have Marathon Oil that we've talked About in pre previous videos analyzing Their Bitcoin layer to them investing Into borrowing and lending protocols on Defi we know these are the next Narratives and if you guys appreciate Those narratives be sure to like Subscribe and let us know in the Comments what projects that you're Watching and the trends that you believe Are about to take off thank you for Watching

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