Crypto Holders Can Make Millions With Weather (Depin Exposed)

Josh talks to Hobbyist Miner about crypto mining and the futue of Depin

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Anything with AI right now is that buzz Word that's just popping off yeah it's Uh data is the new oil is it too late Should you be getting on it what is the Cheapest and easiest way to start mining Effectively if you're a technologist This is right up your Avenue I don't Know if your house now looks like it has 400 antennas on it so we're seeing this Massive shift for home miners leaning Into so what are your thoughts on dein And artificial intelligence of course We've seen a massive rally over the last 6 months as Nvidia has almost taken over As the most expensive and top company in The world that's all seen a flow of Money into the crypto side of things so With the retracement we've seen with Deepin and AI since the GTC Summit is This something that you see as it's Topish or is it just getting started and Is this something people should be Paying attention to yeah great question Loaded question actually here uh deep in AI uh so starting out there on the Deepin side of things deepin has really Come to light over the last year it's Been around for quite some time however It's really come to light over the last Year because a lot of these projects That have come to light your helium Mobiles your your Doos your hive mappers You know these projects are are kind of Buzzwords right now you know dash cams

And and um you know WiFi and and all These other items here however what has Really been exciting around these Projects is the fact that there has been Massive price Discovery and massive Demand and a lot of that shift has Actually been related to home miners Believe It or Not Looking for Opportunities to make money in the Current struggles meaning the high Electric rates the current economy Finding different Avenues to go so we're Seeing this massive shift for home Miners leaning into deepin and with that These projects are exploding there were Just ones here and there you know Nothing too crazy and now every time I Turn a corner I hear about a new deepin Project and and deepin very much go too Much into it but instead of your Traditional proof of work that we would See with Mining and and Bitcoin mining And stuff or proof of stake which we Know about with ethereum this is very Much this new almost uh you're rewarded For participating and that's why this is So attractive because the electric usage Is very low and there's a lot of Interest there on the flip side swapping Over to the AI interest holy cow Anything with AI right now is that Buzzword that's just popping off massive Projects like clor or narai or big Projects out there that are utilizing

The compute as well as projects like Flux with their proof of useful work Project all of these things and then you Even mentioned about Nvidia at the top Of this we can't forget about these Monsters these really big companies out There with these massive Farms so they Are absolutely the way of the future and If you're a technologist this is right Up your Avenue yeah I mean speaking of Chlor it's a project we actually have Covered pretty in depth here on the Channel uh and we just had the Opportunity to interview Dan from flux Can you speak more a little bit on just How chlore actually works like what is The utility Behind these projects that's Sending them to these highights why are People wanting to mine these in their Houses sure sure absolutely so what has Happened over the last two years is Loads of miners like myself and others Have this Hardware sitting around from The last Bull Run and it is yeah it's Made sense to plug it in here and there But you're making sense and it's not Really anything too lucrative however We're kind of slowly getting into the B Run here uh some may say we're in it Right now based off of the altcoin Season however GPU miners are looking For an opportunity Nvidia is pumping out New technology all the time like the 4090 and the entire 4,000 series cards

That are out there something like clor That Sparks our interest as home miners In an Avenue to stack some crypto here Is the clor project has found a home or Avenue for us home miners to utilize our Hardware in a non-traditional way you Know traditionally you've had these Projects out there that are completely Separated from crypto and it's just been Hey take your Hardware put it out there And it's available for compute and it's Available for AI rendering and and other Items out there and what clor has done Has really sparked our interest and it's Kind of merged the two together so now We're taking an Avenue of traditionally GPU Miners and all this massive amount Of resources and Compu hardware and You're merging it with a crypto project So instead of going ahead and you know Doing uh you know earning Fiat which I'll be honest I want to earn crypto I'm Not a big Fiat man I love my I don't Like my dirty Fiat but it allows you to Do exactly what I spoke of but you get Paid out in Chlor and what has been Amazing there is that Chlor has really Beefed up their project it's very simple To participate on and there's actually Two sides to that kind of project the First side is where you're kind of Provider you're putting your Hardware Out there and saying hey I got this Really nice setup lots of Hardware to it

You know people are going after these 490s 390s as well but 490s is really Where this has been at setting them up At home setting them up in data centers Hosting them making them available and Then chor comes along and will eat up Your resources when needed for all these Different projects that they're getting Into and there's endless demand I mean We every day we hear something about AI Every day we hear something about the Compute need and you know long are the Days where you need these massive Computers at universities you just have A network like chor and the nice thing Is is you host and then you get paid out In Chlor and the nice thing is is Chlor Has been popping off over the last year Has really really made a huge Peak and a Huge run and I'll be honest I have made A decent amount with my bag of chor that I've been holding on To I think that leads perfectly into the Next question is Chaw or mining like This still profitable uh because Obviously with the recent trend is this Something that everybody are coming to The top of or should they be waiting to Hop in on something like this in terms Of an Opportunity yeah I mean it really Depends on uh what resources you have Available if you're sitting on a number Of 409s you've spent the capital and the

Investment to get these up and running You're going to kind of be on the flip Side of this project you're going to be The one that's providing this for Companies that are coming in that need Compute however the nice thing is clor Is also proof of work so as a home Miner I have loads of GPU mining rigs or even If you have a rig at home just like your Desktop computer and you want to mine on It when you want to you can go ahead and Put that on Clore and earn chore through Their proof of of work mechanism that Exists is it too late should you be Getting on it absolutely get on it as Soon as you can as always with any Investment or or something like crypto The earlier you get in the earlier Adopter the better I got in about eight Months ago not only did I buy into chore But then I started mining it I've been Doing that a lot with some of these Projects kind of giving myself a jump Start putting in some investment and Then o mining it as well and I've been Mining it ever since on a number of Rigs And it's been very fruitful for me so You can kind of attack this from both Sides of it however I will say that if You want to fully participate in Clore And you want to host a rig for rendering And compute you're talking about a lot Of capital you know these gpus these 490s go for about $2,000 each and you're

Seeing people set these up for1 to 12,000 a rig Minimum yeah a lot of capital but of Course you know the ROI from that is What you want to pay attention to so Let's then approach this from another Angle which would be what are some Upcoming deepin AI products that you're Paying attention to now that you've seen Have some pretty innovating uh you know Whether it's mechanics or utilities Added to them that you're watching for The foreseeable future that could be the Next cha could be the next Render yeah exactly I mean I think it's The biggest thing with deep in to to Spin this a little bit is just finding An alternative to current way of life That we're doing things or that we've Just settled with with technology and That's really where it's coming to play I mean the project like a high mapper Project that is a dash cam that project Is a is a dash cam but then you get paid Out in crypto like it it's like taking The day-to-day things and connecting in The entire crypto ecosystem and so where My interest has gone has been you know I've looked at this I actually just Released a video more recently on my Channel about is the future of Home Mining dpin and it really is I mean if You get in these projects for a fraction Of the cost and it costs a fraction of

The operating cost for 60 watt 100 watt Items versus 2,000 Watts or more per These rigs it's a it's a no-brainer now That being said some things that sparked My interest that I've started to go down The route of that many of your listeners Who are huge deepen fans have already Heard of these so um you know I'm Speaking to the veterans here but two Projects I'm interested in right now I Haven't pulled the trigger on purchasing Them yet is um weather related actually You know so traditionally we we've Gotten our weather from weather stations Or weather apps that are utilizing Satellites and such well two projects That come to mind is the weather XM Project as well as the geonet project And both of these are at the end of the Day they're they're weather stations uh But the nice thing is they're home Weather stations which you install They're very simple and easy to use Small units you want to mount them Higher up and they're a localized Weather station so you can view you know All the weather on your app with all the Different humidity and and percentages And everything which is great however People can subscribe to that uh Subscribe to oh you have this in Philadelphia great I'm in Philadelphia I'd rather get accurate information kind Of more boots on the ground versus

Satellite metrics the same thing comes Into mind with the geonet one it's it's It's a pretty much like a weather Station style of unit and so things in Life that we've gone ahead and just Assumed okay it's great you can set These up on your own few hundred bucks Watts are minimal and you get paid out Very very well the geonet one I mean You're looking at right now that one is In the main net here that's making 20 Bucks a day just for going ahead and Running a weather station that cost you 600 bucks so it's like wow there's some Great opportunity here the weather XM One is still in its test net you're Getting Legacy tokens right now if you Were to set it up and then when things Swap over you will get the main net Token so just two projects for me where I'm like oh this is kind of cool and It's an Avenue to go uh I'm hesitant not On the purchase not on the project but Actually because I want to rent a lift And mount it up high on the side of my House so you kind of have to keep those Things in mind as well so there's a Little bit of actual work to the back End of these two because I mean Obviously I think the retail uh Connection here is going to be the dash Cams it's going to be these place now This reminds me of something I got very Early into back in 2021 which was helium

Mining right everybody was setting up Their networks and putting these giant Miners wherever they could and creating This you know Wireless uh router service Essentially do you see this at all Playing out like that though where Helium unfortunately did see this Massive you know if you were in early it Makes sense and these are still early on They're still like you said they're in Tesate ETC uh do you see this cap sizing Though just like helium did where the Miners you know a lot of people that Never even receed the mining equipment Or yeah you know of course the rewards They're spending thousands of dollars on These these uh you know these equipment Purchases and they're not seeing that Revenue two years later so how do you See these Weather Services being able to Sustain themselves over that period of Time yeah I'm a huge fan of helium so I'm really glad you brought that up you Know when you talk about deepin it's one Of the earlier ones or more popular ones Out there I came into helium just after Some of those struggles that existed When it came down to inventory uh most Of mine that I actually set up early on I have two of those units with their Mntd units that I'd set up at two Different locations put the antennas on The outside of the house Pro most Profitable days were 15 plus dollars a

Day it was fantastic I did not suffer Through what a lot of these early Adopters struggled with which was Supply And was actually receiving the equipment A lot of people got burned with that Which was a real shame unfortunately That same stigma followed through helium Through their project and a lot of People you know I think a lot of things That we saw with helium that a lot of These other deepin projects have learned From is just execution it's all about Execution really and so I think helium Unfortunately their execution some of Their changes un affected some of these Legacy or Grassroots individuals now I Followed and kept helium running kept my Units running wasn't really making Anything crazy through the bare Market However what I did get into and took the Gamble on was helium mobile and helium Mobile has been very fruitful for me um I actually purchased one down in Florida In Miami where they were launching out The original helium mobile uh Network And then on top of that I actually Bought and put installed one on the side Of my house here at home and that's been Awesome that has been I've made a Massive amount of money from that Project alone and it's just all about Timing now execution just like you Talked about you know we seeing what we Saw again and is that an issue with some

Of these other deepin projects helium Mobile running into some of the same Issues you know these early adopters That spend the capital kind of like what Happened with helium originally to put In these units now we're seeing well There's some issues and mechanisms with Helium and the cell phones that are Running off helium mobile and boun ing Between these different units so they've Kind of just made some hit changes to Unfortunately move the profits away from Some of these Enterprise um helium Mobile units like I have uh the C CB SD Units that I've put outside which is a Real shame so now I feel that burn until They're saying it'll return back to These which would be great once they fix Some things on their end who knows we'll Have to see however when I look at Projects like your original question on Weather XM and when I look at it with The geonet it's like could this occur Absolutely but I think honestly Everybody I think looks to helium now in The deepin market and goes whatat have I Learned from their mistakes and how can I not make that same mistake yeah and You know it's one of those points where You just hope the team can you know the Team can actually execute properly like You mentioned with the supplying issues Which they're going to come and I expect It to you know still continue on

Especially as AI tracks the way it's Tracking I mean the trajectory on AI in Advancement is insanity I mean they Broke Mo's law just a few months ago so The exponential growth there loans is Going to be just out of this world we Won't be able to expect it which leads Me to a follow-up question because of Course narrative trending or trading is One of the best things you can possibly Do being early to those narratives or The next emergences and Trends is where The profit is so I don't know if your House now looks like it has 400 antennas On it and you're Mining and you know we Got two look like some government agency Like what's happening there y uh but That leads me I'm curious to know a Little bit more about these weather Applications because if you watch the Announcement from Jensen at GTC Summit This year uh with Blackwell and all the Breakthroughs they've had with AI and The uh traceability of weather patterns All through artificial intelligence are They tapping into that a SE AI sector as Well where they're using of course maybe These Enterprise grads antennas that You're using on your house how are they Going to compete with those AI models in The future or are they one of the same Yeah so where a lot of these projects Have really kind of pushed is you know They're not directly involved with AI

They're kind of your data gatherers so If you think of it AI needs data and the More data and the more accurate data it Has the more the more accurate these AI Models can be the wors is AI models that Don't have upto-date accurate Information so where you're seeing with Some of these weather XMS geonet and Even some of these other ones out there Is now they're partnering with some of These AI models and projects out there That are like hey we have a great AI Project that can integrate with weather Projects we just need a million of these All over the world and they can go ahead And grab that data and think of it you Have data that can be grabbed in real Time you have historical data and more Accurate data you know if you see a Handful of these in every single City The nice thing is now you can even model That and simulate that based off of Different areas within the city terrains Elevation everything like that so I Think what you're seeing with these Projects more boots on the ground Projects is actually your data gatherers Which is actually perfect that's what Actually makes AI even more valuable is More accurate information yeah it's data Is the new oil I couldn't could agree More on that so yeah this is a huge Pattern I which leads me then to Everybody watching now they're like holy

Smokes this guy is mining making tons of Money off the side of his house how do I Get started if I was brand new to this Market what is the cheapest and easiest Way to start mining Effectively so there's a few a number of Different ways to go and we don't even Have enough time here to talk through All the different avenues that you could Go however I do recommend for new people Coming in looking at deep in and the Major reason that is is because as you Had talked about early adopters are Really making out very well and and and Becoming very fruitful on the flip side Is it happening today tomorrow no next Month maybe not but down the road There's definitely a lot of that Opportunity the nice thing is about dpin And why it would be valuable here is Just the low energy consumption if You're getting into traditional mining Where you're mining with graphics cards Or you're mining with as6 it's not cheap I have two sheds at two different Properties here they run me about $1,500 In electric every month and that's times Two for two of them so you have a lot of Operating expenses there and that's just Me doing this as a home minor that has Really kind of grown significantly over The last three years so if you're Looking to keep your operating expenses Low deepin is absolutely the way to go

Now it comes with the flip side though You want to if you're willing to spend The extra Capital to buy Bitcoin miners Or a lot of these other larger miners That are very expensive several thousand Do you know we're talking five six seven Or more thousand right now and as the Market rebalance is going up even more You're going to see you know it's a Littleit more guaranteed profits versus Where you are with these deepin projects But I recommend you know home miners Listening right now or enthusiasts or Technologists that are like oh that Sounds like fun I want to get in on that You can do it for very very cheap you Know a couple hundred bucks and then you Can go ahead and you know your operating Expenses are low and you might have an Opportunity I think it really comes down To How much you can kind of jump in and how Much Capital you have to spend you don't Need to have a ton and don't need to Spend a fortune just to Participate yeah now I'm curious as a Mining channel of course you're probably Going to be pretty deep and deep in in AI are there other sectors right now That are starting to emerge that you see Really captivating this Cycles audience Of course you've been into multiple Cycles at this point is it just thein And AI you're listening to or are there

Swes or swaps and cross chain uh Protocols that you need to pay attention To that will benefit these sectors as Well yeah crypto has grown tremendously Over the last few years you know it used To be so basic it was like proof of work Proof of stake Mining and that was Really it and now things have really Expanded to the point where like I even Tell people it's like I can't mine Everything I can't be involved in Everything and there's so many projects So even within influencers like myself And content creators we've definitely Started to segment ourselves out because It's like hey I can't be you know uh Involved in in the defi side or going Farther down that Avenue because it's Just there's so much there so so much Time in a day so for me I've tried to Stay within the boundaries of mining but It has it has really merged into deep in Because I'll be honest I've found more Profits in dpin during this bare Market Than I have with traditional proof of Work mining that makes sense and that's Obviously the trajectory with the AI as Long as you can you know create more and More of that data I'm very interested in Watching your videos now on the weather Application do you already have those Set up you said you were early to Those Yet soon expect that uh probably I'd say

The next six weeks um I need to pull the Trigger on buying them renting a lift Installing them you know on my channel It's uh I do enjoy talking headstyle Videos and and conceptualizing but You're going to find a lot of like all Right this guy is literally showing Himself going up on a lift and Installing this step by step um I do a Lot of the handson stuff which some People love other people just enjoy the Conceptual side of things but yeah You'll get a good mix over on my YouTube Channel on exactly that yeah I'm very Interested in watching the uh the LIF is It a big do you know how big the antenna Is yet is it like six feet or is this Kind of something that's small no so the Weather XM unit is nice it's really it's Really just a a larger unit about this Size that you mount on a pole I've seen Some people just installed on the side Of a shed you know just up a little bit Um and you can run that no problem I Like to on all these projects the higher The better right right the higher you Can go the better this performs um and So you know that's always the first Recommendation but you don't need to go Crazy I just like to go to the extreme And plus it makes for good content to Rent a 40 foot lift and install this up On the peak of my roof uh which works Out nicely yeah I think that would leave

The last question I have here which is Do you need does this have to be like 360 degree looking at the you know the Sky 247 or if you're in an apartment can You put this on your Balcony uh a lot of people I've seen get Away with it on a But you know kind of your proof of sight Is important uh with a lot of these here But you know all these projects really Even like the helium mobile and stuff Like that I've seen people get away with Like some crazy things with that one It's more mounting it and aiming it in a Certain direction and such so you have All different opportunities I mean even Even if you're it's a great thing to Talk about if you're in an apartment and You're looking to get into deepend Projects you know you're living in a City helium mobble has actually swapped A lot from these external big radios Right now at least to more of these Indoor unit so even buying one in an Apartment I think they run like 250 300 Bucks and they're a much smaller radius But when you're in an apartment density Is huge right so that works out perfect For you so even you literally could buy One of these plug it in next to your Modem and off you go and you're already Earning yeah that's huge that's hu and Do you have like any videos on your Channel where you guys you show in-depth

Tutorials on how to mine what are your Top ones that you would recommend and do You have a Favorite for a deep in or just in General in general in general well I Mean let's do both let's do one regular Like proof of work like well they're They're all traditionally be around that But one that's you know traditional and One's deep in yeah yeah so I would say If I was to pick two right now um that I'm most interested in uh I am leaning The most towards uh dyx which is another For proof of work with my mining rigs Which is another project out there that Is doing a lot with compute so your GPU Mining rigs are being used on the Compute side so kind of like what I Talked about with chore however it's in Those GPU mining rigs you don't kind of Have separate ones there so even if you Have lower end gpus you can participate Which is great uh DX has just had a lot Of things going for it over the last few Years so I have a number of rigs on that Right now pretty bullish on that project Uh and then on the flip side helium Mobile as I've spoken to many times is Really where my love is at on the deepin Side of things uh it has just grown Tremendously there's lots of opportunity Unfortunately as I talked about before The execution has made it rough at times You know my my at one point I was

Earning 77,000 mobile token a day now We're down to like, 1500 all because of The network changes they've made so yeah It really fluctuate you know it really Plays with your profits uh and and People definitely get upset with that And and helium unfortunately has a long Track record of making these hip changes That affect profitability uh but I would Say for me right now the between deepin And proof of work that's kind of where My heart is well for the viewers Listening in guys if you're excited About proof of stake and proof of work Or just mining or deep in or anything Like that make sure you guys go follow The hobbyist miner on YouTube he's got Tons of in-depth tutorials I really Recommend watching the video with you And your uh your friend Andy I've Watched you guys like relentlessly for a Very long time and that was a great Interview had on the channel uh so but Guys that is your go-to this is where You get started and of course you can See it in the background if they have The clean background it means they're a Good minor if their background is messy Their cords are messy and you know the Mining is probably questionable so shout Out to you thank you for coming on today If you have anything With any big announcements uh feel free To let the chat know oh absolutely yeah

If you guys want to learn more about me My channel find me on social media I'm Very active across the board uh you can Go to my website the hobbyist miner. you Can find everything over there as I Talked about all the updated information That I'm kind of speaking to here you Can join my Discord over there we're About 10,000 people strong on Discord Talking about mining all day long uh as Well as there's lots of resources so go Check it out the hobbyist miner. we'll See you guys there

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