Cardano 5 Hottest Altcoins (50X Potential)

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I found this article with the three best Cardano tokens and folks I've identified Two additional tokens for the five best Cardano tokens to invest in in 2024 and Folks number five has a $3 million Market cap so this is only the most deun Coins for the most sophisticated cardano Traders out there and so as we look down Here what are the three best tokens that They're looking at well number one we Have Indie AKA Indigo indigo is going to Be a real world asset narrative play so Kind of piggybacking on the hot Narrative of the moment right now cuz Everybody's talking about real world Assets and you can see kind of what this Protocol is about you can make synthetic Versions of real world assets called I Assets and then you know they have I Bitcoin I ethereum cuz a lot of people Are going to want to trade Ada you know For Bitcoin or for ethereum while Staying on the cardano blockchain here And if we look at the Indigo and what's Going on with their tokenomics here we Go to the max they were at $1.4 but they Have been releasing some tokens lately So if you look at market cap you can Actually see we're pretty close to All-time highs it touched near $30 Million right now we got a $24 million Market cap so still uh definitely some Room to the upside here if you look at Price right now just trading a little

Bit above $2 about a third of the tokens Are out you can see we're pretty close To 11 out of $35 million but if we go to Their Twitter account here you can see Okay the I USD I eth I Bitcoin uh they Got the Indigo Dow but this was what I Found pretty exciting this is the alpha That I wanted to share here major Indie Centralized exchange update exchange Listing from the top 10 so we're looking At a top 10 centralized exchange is Going to be listing this imminently Folks so less a little bit more than a Week from now and if we go to uh Indigo And you go to the markets there is Nowhere to buy this token so you can get It on Sunday Swap and you can get on men Swap the the main cardono dex's so just Adding to a centralized exchange very Very bullish and if I want to point out How bullish it is if we look at all of Cardano native asset markets there's Really only one coin that is on you know Coinbase the major major uh centralized Exchanges and it has a $1.5 billion Market cap really no other coins have uh You know the same type of support from Centralized exchanges and you can see Less than on Tenth in value so if these Tokens start getting added to coinbase To binance I expect them to Skyrocket in Valuation you know 10xs could look Pretty normal all right so we go back to The article here and the number two

Token that they're looking at is men Swap men swap is how you trade cardano Tokens is the top decks you just saw it Here is you know how you normally would Buy Indie and if we go here you can see You know is the most popular Decentralized Exchange in the cardano Defi ecosystem uh has you know almost 90 Million in tvl twice the value of its Market cap so just that right there very Very bullish uh when you start thinking About the Tok economics of that we go to Men swap men swap is on a discount you Can see it is uh plummeted lately we go To three-month chart you can see it was Pretty close to a nickel so getting in At pretty about uh right at three and a Half cents feels pretty good then not Only that you go to the largest time Frame I see a little bit of a trend line Forming and if we do a little Deep dive On the tokenomics here you can see a $42 Million market cap little bit more than A third 1.1 billion out of 3 million so You know still a little selling pressure There uh but if you go to markets you Know hey really not many places you can Buy that as well so I I can see this one Uh skyrocketing and the next thing I Show you on men swap after the x is Really going to make you bullish here Dson cardano just tweeted this out 10 Hours ago not only is menap the most Popular dap on cardano it is tripling

Its closest competitor and this is What's really going to get you bullish If you look at what decks market caps Are men swap is nowhere near its peers Even though cardono is a top 10 so you See Unis swaps market cap right under $10 billion you got to scroll and scroll And scroll you know I think there's some Good dexes I mean I like radium radium Has a$ 500 billion doll market cap I Would say Jupiter kind of you know Taking all the the wind out of his sales With a $2.2 billion market cap you got To scroll and you got to scroll and you Got to scroll to find men Swap all the Way down here at 42 million with a Market cap rank of 827 so even though cardano is a top in Exchange and Men swap is the number one Dap on cardano the most popular decks Its market cap is just way way low Compared to some of these other projects So uh you know just for a reference here If it did a 10x it would still be Smaller than Jupiter if it did a 100x uh you're still smaller than Unis Swap so you're looking at around a 200x Uh that's when you'll be looking at Unis Swaps token valuation I don't think he's Going to do a 200x overnight or even in The next this cycle but I do think There's some multiples to be had with This token you just kind of look at what Some of the other dexes are valued at

You look at cardano's valuation men swap Just does not make sense so I would go Ahad and give him a thumbs up for the First two picks and now we look at the Third one and folks you're going want to Stick around for that fifth micro cap if We look at their third choice it is Liquid liquid kind of has some issues uh When you try to find the token that is Uh here we could go to uh their market Cap on coin gecko you can see it's 47 Million so pretty close to men swap but If you type in their ticker which is lq You do this you don't see it it does not Pop up and I think there's a lot of People that you know hey I kind of want To learn more about this token they type It in doesn't pop up they give up some Percentage is just literally going to Give up at that point if you do want to Find it you got to get the W in get the Li iqw and then that's when you'll see Liquid Finance pop up but this thing Looks like it is on sale bitcoin's going Through a little dump and it has crashed 133% if you look at that Max chart that Looks terrible but if you look at the One year okay I kind of see a little bit Of support if we hit Max and we hit Market cap you can see they don't even Have the price feed there so they don't Have the data for that and a similar Supply to bitcoin there's 21 million so Pretty interesting project but this is

Uh really really cool do you remember That chart we were looking at earlier With the top three dabs you can see Liquid Finance actually a top three D so Uh when you go to tap tools and you you Look at all the cardano native assets You can see uh okay where is lq cuz I go Ahead and I I see men swap it is a top 10 project I see Indy it is knocking on The door of a top 10 project it's ranked Number 11 and you got to go all the way Down to 17 for lq uh with the lower Market cap of 11 million and so number Three of these three is the smallest so You could see a you know nice little Upside here and with roughly $10 million Valuation and 50 million in total value Locked you know again I I just see good Ratios when it comes to the valuation of This token but now let's get you super Bullish on cardano and then I'll show You my two meme coin picks here go ahead And uh I want to show you this is the Cardano Bitcoin trading pair and look at This trend line that we set all the way Back in October 17 uh cardano had a huge Huge Ico you know it was just Skyrocketing as Bitcoin was crashing From its December High through January Uh this coin was just pumping and H very Very good valuation compared to bitcoin And then this is the 2021 bull run this Is right here this peak cardano hit $3 So as Bitcoin was you know kind of going

Down or even trading sideways cardano Was going parabolic and right now Selling your cardano feels like selling Cardano right here just does not seem to Make too much sense to me when it comes To where do you want to get your tokens At it's a long story short you know to Me I think cardano is going to be really Really gaining Satoshi over the short Term and if we uh just want to run uh What is this TimeWise this was uh again These are 3-day candles and we saw a 1,000% pump over the next 243 days uh so You know me selling cardano now just it Does not feel right and I I don't have Any plans of selling my cardano anytime Soon all right so the two tokens that Are not in this article that I feel Should be number four and number five Well number four is a gaming token hit That like button if you think gaming is Going to be a huge onboard event for uh The normies quote unquote uh this year So uh we look at market cap we go to Max Cornicopia is uh you know flirting with Some of its higher levels you can see it Got above $100 million and right now Trading around 70 million so you're Seeing a nice little 30% discount if we Go to Price you know okay chart looks Good good tokenomics here about 1/4 of The tokens are out you can see 870 Million out of 3.8 billion but why am I Excited about cornicopia well it's a few

Things number one uh you know 50,000 Followers followed by tons of of people In the ecosystem but what's really cool Is there tokenomics if you want to learn More about that check out some of their Articles or check out some of their Posts that they've been doing here but Tokenomics does not get people excited Especially you know just your average Video game player I found some Alpha in Their YouTube channel uh I'm going to Share that in one second but first the Game play looks Phenomenal let's this is uh from 4 Months ago so it's even you know I Assume it's just getting better and Better boost it this a master shout out To hold on that boost too much go about He's he's giving you all the tips there You know so uh but I found some Alpha This is from their video two days ago so I want to give a big shout out to their Uh Team here but now look at the upgrade Folks I wanted to show you this is what Their old uh style looked like and this Looks like a creepy ventriloquist dummy This looks like some that's haunting you Walking around in your house while You're sleeping this looks like it would Be holding your nostrils shut as you Wake up you're like what are you doing It was like I I I just wanted to play um This looks a little bit more normal this Is uh I think this can kind of get

People excited but I just like how They're continuously building they're Building through the bear and as we hit Fomo as we hit Peak retail attention you Know I expect this game to really make Some waves and people to get really Excited I've been seeing them demo this For over a year I've seen Charles Hoskinson play this game with my own Eyes and if that doesn't make you Bullish I don't know what will now for The fifth and most Deen pick everybody That is Charlie and I had no idea it is Now looking at a three point .8 million Market cap if we look at the last three Months here you can see that was a Little Oracle issue right there or Price Feed data issue they didn't there wasn't A hack or anything uh but now it almost Seems like we're moving upward slowly And steadily uh you know you got that uh You know nice little Peak right there Nice little Peak you know maybe setting In some higher lows don't forget the Little aberration there but now I'm Starting to see a little bit of support And a little bit of a support in the 15 Cent to 20 cent range looks like we're Starting a trade within a channel but Really what gets me excited this is the Alpha folks I'm I'm bringing you all This Alpha here uh we scroll down and You can see that you know they get the The culture you know the whole cardono

Girls thing that's going viral right now Uh gearing up for an awesome anniversary Month this is really uh this is the Exciting part here all right so this is Uh their third anniversary they launch In April they're celebrating all month Long and they're going to have a lot to Celebrate because they just aced it in The latest Catalyst proposal if you Don't know what c proposals are cardano Has the community vote on how to Allocate funds and Charlie they applied But they applied for five folks and you Know there's a lot of speculation oh Well you know that's a little bit Difficult maybe you just put all your Eggs in one basket and you know you're Guaranteed to get that allotment then But applying for five catalysts oh that Was risky are you going to get approv For all five they were approved for all Five and with all five of our proposals Fun to this round we're gearing up for An exciting Journey so they just crushed It in The Proposal round the community Loves them and really what makes me Excited $3 million market cap if you're Wondering what they are they're an Article it's the chain link of cardano You know chain Link's going to probably Be on cardano it's it's a it's a tough Battle but $3 million market cap they Just got all five proposals it's their Anniversary month they got a whole bunch

Of uh big big announcements and you know I wouldn't be surprised if something big Happens by the 27th and so you know a Lot of uh big news is happening with These cardano tokens do not sleep on These five tokens number five we got Charlie number four we got copi don't Forget copi number three we got liquid Finance number two we have men Swap and Then number one the top one that According to the article Indigo you know I I I like all five it's like a parent Trying to choose their favorite child I Can't but let me know what is your Favorite cardano altcoin you choose your Favorite child let me know down in the Comments below I'm Dey for discover Crypto we'll see you at the top

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