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You're not going to believe the coverup That big Banks and corrupt politicians Are doing to keep the masses away from Bitcoin it goes something like this Elizabeth Warren calls a press Conference and starts accusing everyone In crypto of climate terrorism why Because Bitcoin is destroying the Environment quick run and sell your Bitcoin to Black Rock and once you do That go tattoo ESG on yourself and start Paying off your carbon debt you dirty Little degenerate no Elizabeth Warren Has not gone that far yet and these are The kind of crazy headlines in Propaganda that get pumped out about Crypto's climate impact So today we're Going to be busting some of these carbon Credit myths and in fact I'm want to Tell you why I believe Bitcoin could hit $657,000 it's time to discover Crypto in this video we're going to Focus mostly on bitcoin because it's the Traditional climate Boogeyman but what If I told you that boogeyman is the Exact reason that Bitcoin is going to Surpass these exponential numbers when You hear Kathy Wood talk about a million Bitcoin price action where do you think That number comes from because it's not Out of thin air well almost and here's Why first we need to compare the climate Impact of trafi and the crypto industry As a whole now in order to properly
Understand bitcoin's climate impact we Have to understand that it's a store of Value and a payment method and a Currency I'll be comparing Bitcoin to The carbon footprint of Commodities and The stock market as well as the banking System and credit cards then I'll talk a Little bit about the cost of maintaining The US dollar as a world Reserve Currency number one a store of value Since Bitcoin is often referred to as Liquid gold we need to start there gold Produces a bit more carbon than it did When miners were running dirt through Seves back in the day now as of right Now the world gold Council estimates Gold is responsible for about 4% of the Global annual emissions putting over 1226 million tons of carbon into the Atmosphere every single day to put that Into perspective that's the same as car Emissions of Syria and the Dominican Republic which as of 2019 were ranked 76 And77 out of the 209 countries across The world now let's look at Silver Mining which contributes less greenhouse Gases than gold per year around 13 Million tons that's comparable to Cambodia and Slovenia which are ranked At 98 and 99 respectively but what makes Mining real world Commodities different Than mining Bitcoin is that besides just The carbon emissions they take a Horrendous toll on their surrounding
Environment destroying Landscapes and Entire ecosystems plus mining Contaminates the water supply now if You're like hey Joshua I'm perfectly Fine with living in a treeless Society You may want to think about that again You see overexposure to heavy metals has Been linked to antibiotic resistance Birth defects immune dysfunction cancer And many more health problems so when You think about it we most likely can't Calculate the untold impacts of mining On our health and ecosystems so here's Why you're going to want to huddle your Bitcoin for a very very long time Because the actual emissions of crypto Are much different than people like the IMF want to make it out as you see while Bitcoin bearers have a hard time Estimating them I'm going to give you a Few numbers to take with a grain of salt In 2022 the White House released a study Stating that crypto industry as a whole Emits around 3% of global greenhouse gas Emissions or around 30 million metric Tons of carbon dioxide every single year With Bitcoin accounting for somewhere Between 60 to 70% of this that would put Bitcoin somewhere between 18 and 23 Million tons of carbon emissions Annually that same year researchers at The University of Cambridge estimated That Bitcoin mining emitted almost 200 Million tons of CO2 since it launched
Which would put it at a little over 15 Million tons per year on average now I Know there's a lot of mumbo jumbo but I Promise you these numbers are going to Matter in just a second because at the End of 2023 the UN put out a very Fear-monger study comparing Bitcoin Carbon emissions to burning 84 billion Pounds of coal or operating A90 natural gas fired power plants wow You see they didn't list the actual Carbon emission numbers probably because They knew it wouldn't be as scary as They wanted it to sound I'm not going to Try to convert their strange comparisons To actual tonnage but if you're feeling Like a climate math Warrior leave a Comment below and tell us what the Climate impact actually is because the Moral of the story is none of these Numbers are more than mining gold Because although Bitcoin does consume Water and take up physical space it has Nowhere near the ecological impact now Let's compare Bitcoin really quick to The traditional stock market I looked Through the bloated sustainability Reports and the NASDAQ was very excited To announce it me net zero emissions and The New York Stock Exchange is also Supposedly reducing its emissions itself But the crypto industry spans many Companies so as it's actually happening Or are they faking it well let's take a
Little closer at these companies in 2021 The center of American progress and the Sierra Club published a report that Found that 18 yes 18 of the largest Banks and asset managers were Responsible for emitting almost 2 Billion tons of CO2 if they were a Country they'd be the fifth biggest Polluter in the entire world ranked Right below Russia now the crra club put Out a statement urging people to take Action against Wall Street but of course The horrible environmental impact W Unnoticed then Bloomberg put out a Report around the the same time say Publicly traded companies are Responsible for 40% of climate warning Emissions and that's just American Companies Greenpeace and WWF released a Report estimating the UK financial Sector is responsible for almost two Times Britain's annual emissions coming In at 800 million tons of carbon dioxide Now let's get to number two because Bitcoin isn't just a store of value it's Also a payment method so let's compare Banking and credit card sectors to Bitcoin as well the banks were already Included in the 1.9 billion emissions From the report I just mentioned you see Banks seem to actually be more Interested in fighting the hit to their Public personas than actually changing Their investing habits however they've
Won the battle surprise surprise you see They only have to disclose 33% of their Actual emissions linked to their Capital Markets business so where's the other 77% it beats me because even without That disclosure banks with their Transactions and physical infrastructure Already have a pretty big climate impact This is a chart from 2022 of Bank Emissions in thousand tons this means JP Morgan Chase alone without taking into Account its Investments has a higher Climate impact than Hong Kong with its 7.4 million citizens and over triped the Negative impact of the entire crypto Industry but what about credit cards we Haven't even gotten there at the end of 2020 there were about three credit debit And prepaid cards for every one of the 7.9 billion people on this planet that's Over 24 billion cards a number which has Increased exponentially due to tough Financial Times the government's telling Us that inflation is down but the 99% of The population that is fighting the 1% Is actually maxing out the credit cards Taking on more debt and getting a second Or third job whoopee so not only do we Have the emissions created for mining The plastic for these cards and the Subsequent waste Left Behind when you Cut up that card and it ends up in a Landfill but then you also have the Energy it takes to Simply ship them to
Consumers and run transactions meanwhile Crypto is digital it has nowhere near The physical waste associated with trafi MasterCard estimated 600 million credit Cards are produced every single year so Based on these numbers credit cards are Responsible for a whopping 90 trillion Tons of carbon emissions annually and That isn't even taking into account the Impact of the card company offices their Data centers ATMs and all the other Financial infrastructure but still Bitcoin Bears love to bury their heads In the sand comparing visa and Bitcoin Transactions in some sort of weird Morality contest yes bitcoin's proof of Work energy system is of course Intensive and a lot of mining is done in China with dir energy but unlike a Visa Transaction a Bitcoin transaction isn't Just an exchange of funds it's about Securing the blockchain maintaining Decentralization and bringing new Bitcoins into existence through block Rewards plus there's a consistent Innovation to make Bitcoin more scalable And energy efficient for example the Lightning Network represents a potential Groundbreaking solution as well as all The other Bitcoin Defi and layer 2 Protocols being built out today even Most recently had Marathon digital the Largest or one of the largest Bitcoin Miners in the world backed by Black Rock
The largest asset management company in Existence launch their slipstream Service to support inscriptions and Ordinals on their platform as well as Launch their own layer 2 and two Additional Bitcoin side chains you think This is a coincidence on one side of the Equation you have black rock targetting ESG and telling everybody that you need To be better for the environment Meanwhile all the investments in their Bankers and all their elitist friends While they tell you that Bitcoin is bad For the world and that you should sell It they're launching the greatest Financial digital product to ever exist Which is a Bitcoin spot ETF not only Profiting off the retailers bags who are Selling it to the institutions but now Also making money off every single Bitcoin transaction in existence it's Genius now on top of this Bitcoin miners Are actually making a huge transition to Complete green or renewable energy you See while Bitcoin does yes take up a lot Of energy it's using a lot of the poor Infrastructure that's been built over The last 100 years Sustaining things like power grids in Texas Kazakhstan is now making Investments into this you have Oman Actually investing over a billion Dollars into Bitcoin mining then of Course you have the world economic Forum
Even coming out and displaying this Video as you can see this Chocolate Factory is powered by a Net Zero Bitcoin Mine both are in veruna Congo Africa's Oldest National Park and this 7,800 kilm Area is home to more than half of Africa's terrestrial species and it's The first national park in the world to Own a Bitcoin mine the mine is powered By Clean energy from vanga's three Hydroelectric power plants its excess Electricity is used by the factory to Produce cocoa beans while the Bitcoin it Mins pay for the salaries and Infrastructure of local community Members the Chocolate Factory trains and Employs all these local workers and with Priority given to the widows of Rangers Killed while predicting the actual park It enables local farmers and workers to Extract the full benefit of their cocoa Crops we're in one of the greatest Coco Producing areas on Earth but like so Many things in eastern Congo it's picked And then exported to foreign countries Um and um all the added value of cocoa Which is enormous when you produce Chocolate are really lost to the Congales so as you can see there's Actually a ton of positive and value to Bitcoin mining now I want to be clear I'm not coming for your gold stocks or Credit cards here get that bread however You want it's supposed to be a free
Market but unless you're willing to Forego every modern financial Institution in your attempt to go green Crypto may actually be one of the least Harmful Investments you can make the Question I want you to ask is why does Crypto have a climate killing reputation When as a whole our industry emits a Minuscule percentage of the carbon Emitted by US Financial sectors well the Answer is simply it's all fud fud Designed to manipulate markets and trick You into selling your bags now this very Well could be because of number three Which would be currency you see Dollarization allows the US to run up Massive debt enjoy cheap interest rates On all of our loans and never worry About a currency collapsing because the World has to use it as a reserve Currency but the biggest reason the US Fights to maintain the dollar as a world Reserve currency is that it gives us Extreme political leverage and influence Which is why they hate Bitcoin it's Decentralized geographically doesn't Matter if you're a second or third world Country any country in the world that Has access to any internet is as well as Just some energy source can mine and Produce Bitcoin see dollarization also Provides the US with a non-military Instrument of coercion with the police International order coion is a nice way
Of saying the US has the power to Decimate the economies of other Countries we may disagree with by simply Implementing economic sanctions remember Iran in the 2000s and how there were Specific weapons of mass destruction That we could never find you catch my Drift all of this has led Economist to Wonder if the weaponization of us Dollarss lead the countries holding less Of it on their balance chains if the World would de dollariz we could see the Depreciation of the value of the US Dollar an increase in import costs into The US Financial turbulence in Nations That hold a large amount of US debt and Of course this could mean we will start To see more countries like El Salvador Start to store their value of their Country in a currency such as Bitcoin Now of course I don't believe there's Going to be an estimation on time frame Of dollarization in the near future this Is something that takes decades to Unfold but what do you guys think will Bitcoin replace the US dollar as the World Reserve currency in our lifetime Make sure to smash that like button Leave a comment below and tell me what You think also let us know if you'd like A followup to this video as it goes into How Bitcoin mining is subsidizing green Energy initiatives because that is where The value of a
$657,000 Bitcoin comes from you see not Only can you compare Bitcoin to gold Mining or the financial sector or the Currencies bitcoin's marginal cost of Production is only going to increase and Is able to tap into the negative energy Markets missions that are formed from Companies like your oil Giants which are Flare missions you may have seen this Image these flare missions are what are Producing massive wastes of energy in Our world there's no way to capture them They're just going to continue to Overproduce and meet their quotas and That's where Bitcoin mining comes in it Can reduce all of those carbon emissions All those CO2 emissions it can tap into Landfills yes landfills are producing Tons and tons of emissions and over time I believe you're going to see more States and more countries and more Nations start to adopt Bitcoin mining And convert all the wasted energy in the World we're talking hundreds of billions And trillions and trillions of dollars In value and that's why when I look at a 10 20 30y year time frame on bitcoin I Don't see 100K I don't see 250k I see That $657,000 I'll see you guys at the Top