Bitcoin Does this Every Time Feds Cut Rates (Prepare to Sell)

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#bitcoin #crypto

Bitcoin itself is a is a hyped up fraud It's a pet rock back to that but really Of course yeah huers frauders scam Artists hanzi schemes there's no Intrinsic value to this asset crypto Bros make money out of th they'll accuse The US government of making money out of Thin air maybe we do but we're the US Government should you sell crypto before The Federal Reserve Cuts interest rates In pivots in September I'm Joshua Jake And today we're going be on the Headlines well today Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell is giving New Hope Of an interest rate cut coming soon in Fact speaking at the fed's annual Symposium in Jackson Hall Wyoming the Chairman said the time has come for Policy to adjust the direction of travel Is clear Wall Street now fully expecting A rate cut at the fed's next policy Meeting in September with good chances They will bring rates down significantly Before the end of the year if the Current economic climate continues so Will the Federal Reserve interest rate Cut save bitcoin's price incend it into A parabolic bull rally the best we can Do is simply compare what has happened Throughout history and what is more than Likely going to happen if it were to Repeat that history looking at Brett e Here we can see that in 2007 fed rates Were 5.25% at the timing of the first

Interest rate cut so what this looks Like in 20072 2008 Federal Reserve had The interest rates at 5.25% comparable to today where we're Sitting at 5.25 to 5.5% as we approached That first interest rate cut not only Did we Peak we came back down saw a Massive retracement kind of like we saw Recently we came back in and set a new All-time high right after that first Interest rate cut if history were to Repeat itself what this could be setting Us up for is an overall major correction In Risk on assets specifically the S&P 500 the NASDAQ and what would be Following the NASDAQ Bitcoin and crypto That second rate cut which came more Than likely towards November or later That year we started to see a pretty big Selloff in the S&P 500 Index Falling by A lot of percentage into the Great Depression of 2008 2009 those rate Cuts Coincided with an economic recession Will we see that again today well let's Look at further information to see the Similarities so 2024 Fed rate cut or up To 5.5% rate Cuts should begin in September on September 18th and the Current probability show nine potential Rate Cuts we are looking to get two more Rate Cuts more than likely than the Projected in 2008 taking the rate down To 3.25 to 3.5% these are the current probabilities

Using of course the CME Group bed watch Tool so will this time be different or As Brett points out here on Twitter make Sure you guys give him a follow we'll t Tag them in the description below or are We going to follow a very similar Pattern where we get a run up to bitcoin You know that could be a 70,000 $75,000 Bitcoin before a major selloff or can The feds do what they have promised and Actually execute a soft Landing well one Of the first Arts I want to look at is Going to be September historically for Bitcoin September is historically the Worst month out of any month with an Average return of Nega 4.78% on bitcoin's price action and we Are only 3 days away from that so we're Already looking if we're looking at the Data points the data points are Screaming that we more than likely are Going to see some sort of Correction Here in the near-term leading up to this Event now what I would like to point out The RSI comparable this is the NASDAQ up Top Bitcoin NASDAQ RSI Bitcoin RSI the RSI on the the we're on the daily here For the NASDAQ is testing a major point But has plenty of room to fall same Thing with Bitcoin as you can see Bitcoin has huge correlation to the NASDAQ overall especially when we zoom Out to the weekly and you look at Bitcoin's price chart historically this

Is because the tech sector has a risk on Attribute to it so if the NASDAQ is Going to be doing poorly a immature Industry like crypto which has a lot of Risk on assets especially in the altcoin Sector of the market it is going to Follow more than likely in parallel to The NASDAQ itself so what should we Expect again in less than 30 days when The feds decide to Pivot well for Bitcoin if we were to put this negative 4.78% here and what I would like to do Go back to 2020 right this was when we Had covid-19 we're in the middle of the Crisis it had a negative 8% negative 7.5% drawback there and we can't Obviously comp it back to 2008 because Bitcoin was bir back then that's what That's why it was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto so let let's go with the worst Case right worst case scenario we get a Covid like crash and again that would be Extremely difficult to do however for The sake of this video Let's draw that Out so if we were to drop at where we're At today $60,000 by 4% that is only 47k But 7% would be putting us once again Around that 59,4 $0000 so that is just Going off the historical numbers of Dropping in the months of September that Year but if we zoom out and we go to the Covid correction okay and you go down to The beginning of it and the end of it Bitcoin saw an over 60% correction on

The chart in 2020 when we saw those Interest rate cuts and get brought all The way down to zero so what that could Mean is Bitcoin from its point today Seeing a 50% drawback would bring the Price of Bitcoin all the way down to $30,500 now I don't want this to be a Fearmongering video because the Likelihood of us getting a $30,000 Pullback now with the Bitcoin spot ETF Is going to be highly improbable but What I do want to point out is the Pattern and Trend that Bitcoin is Currently sitting in which right now is Some people look at as a major cup and Handle some people look at is a kind of Giant microphone style chart pattern Where we could see something play out as The fall in so best case scenario right Just like we saw throughout history you Get a run up into the rate cut you get a Run up into the rate cut before that First initial pullback and again look at This first September 18th rate cut we Ran up all the way to it hovered around It for a couple of weeks three weeks in Total before ultimately crashing best Case scenario in my books would be that We get a run up in bitcoin's price Action maybe we get a breakout towards $774,000 grabbing all that liquidity but Afterwards it is very likely and we're Talking 70% chance that that is where We're going to get the next pullback and

If we were to follow this chart pattern That could mean sometime between late September and the presidential election We could see a price point on Bitcoin in The high $40,000 range and that is my Personal perspective on the market right Now I honestly expect us to see not as Much growth as everybody wants us to but Rather see this stair step like walk up Toward steps towards a higher price of Bitcoin in a much slower Pace people Want to go instantly to 150k they want To go instantly to $200,000 but when We're in an Institutional game this Market has completely pivoted and I can Prove that with one simple chart and That is going to be the personal saving Rate in America which is in the gutter Retail has no money retail has no money And when you look historically our Biggest Bull Run 2020 to 2021 that was Caused because of the stimulus checks Received from the United States Government retail had more money than Ever you had Trump's tax cut you had Groceries and energy costs inflation all Down dramatically personal savings rates Were through the roof retail had a ton Of excess Capital to be able to afford To buy risk on assets and this caused a Parabolic rally in both the tech sector The S&P 500 and of course crypto but why Is it that the NASDAQ the stock market Has continuously hit all-time highs

Throughout this Administration with the S&P 500 but Bitcoin has not and the Answer is very simple it's because the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 are being propped Up by very few corporations in Institutional inflows it is not caused By retail attraction right now will Prices go back to preco levels the Answer is no historically you can go all The way back a hundred years and look at The price of cars the price of homes the Price of groceries we don't spend 5 Cents or a nickel on a gallon of milk Anymore right we are not going to go Back down to pre covid levels but what We can do is bring down the inflation Growth increase those wages make wages Actually compete at a competitive Pace Against inflation by bringing down the Consumer cost so we can save more which Will in return allow retailers to be Able to afford to invest again to sum up Here Bitcoin is not looking extremely Healthy guys it's not and I'm not here I'm not you guys know this about me it Makes a lot of people man like Josh You're not bullish enough I bullish long Term I am incredibly bullish long term I Believe Bitcoin will see multi6 figures One day because of marginal cost of Production in all of the energy reasons I talk about with you guys in the energy In the negative energy sector but to sit Here and tell you guys that retail has

Money when I run a multimedia company And I know that Venture capitalists are Not spending money through marketing Budgets as they were once in 2021 Because retail has no money I can Confirm that there isn't going to be a Retail volume so your best case scenar Your best case scenario for Bitcoin in The short term is we get a runup we go To 68,000 we go to 70,000 your altcoin See 100 200 300 400% gains and you get That last drip of retail liquidity and You can hope to take profits or we get The worst case scenario which is we Don't get the breakout in September Something breaks like it does Historically on the stock market and we Actually see a downwards price action to The mid to high $440,000 range that is Not going to just hurt alt coins it's Going to decimate by 60 70 or 80% and I Don't believe it will be forever Whatsoever but as history shows you are Looking at multiple weeks and this is The time to accumulate so your focus Right now shouldn't be on what you Should be buying it is what you should Be accumulating in my opinion that is a Fundamental layer of tokens for my Portfolio I'm allocated primarily to Bitcoin and ethereum I have chain link I Have Ando I have madic I am start to get A lot more into salana this could be Some of your AI plays like render or

Near that you weren't able to grab but The focus is building a fundamental Portfolio that you fundamentally believe Will come back when the Bull Run does Come and the Bull Run is here it is Happening it is going to come it might Be delayed by three six eight months but It is coming it's right around the Corner and the people that capitulate Out over the next few months those are The people that are going to come back In two years and again regret every Decision they made in this previous Ballun we had a good run guys March was Crazy with AI tokens we had another mini Run in with meme coins throughout the Summer and mcoins made so much money Billions and billions of dollars went Into that but the reality of the Situation today and I'd be lying to to Your guys through my teeth if I told you Otherwise was that the next two months Look incredibly bullish I think the Optimism around Bitcoin hitting a price Point of $100,000 in my opinion is a Five to s% chance and even if Bitcoin Does get to that $100,000 range I don't Think people realize that Bitcoin Dominance is going to remain so much Higher than it once did that altcoins Aren't going to get the season that Everybody is hoping and praying for so Again this isn't to be a fearmonger this Is just to give you the data points and

Let you analyze and look at this screen Here and see that historically when rate Cuts happened is because something Breaks in the economy they were wrong About transitory inflation we have no Reason to believe that they can actually Pull off a perfect soft Landing moving Into to this election cycle if you have A trump Administration and I'm sorry Guys it comes down to politics we're Going to have way better energy Production we're going to have way Better tax loss we're going to have way Better crypto adoption but if a Harris Administration wins in this election Cycle in November you're going to have Worse energy loss you're G to have the Cost of groceries going through the roof Because they want to just spend a ton of Money more on Pharmaceuticals industry More on creating homes that's all going To come out and affect the dollar in a Way that isn't going to be beneficial in The near- term and can prolong this bull Run in these Cycles so stay tuned get Excited if you want to make money in These markets right now the best way is By trading we've been dominating last Night actually we made a $3,000 trade in The DC and coin W Traders group this is Completely free to join you can go find It on my Twitter I put all my calls in Here you can see that we were just Making bank off all of our positions

It's a tiny little thing there there you Go $2,661 in a single trade uh that was the Stop loss we ended up taking a little Bit more earlier today called a perfect Trade saying if Bitcoin went up to 61,500 short it to 60520 I did this on Stream with you guys and the target hit Perfectly I mean this couldn't have been A better call here unfortunately I did Miss it because I was live in a phone Call uh doing some work but we did call That on the morning show but everything Goes through here and these are just my Updates uh I'm not the coach we actually Have live trading sessions for Completely free with coaches the best Traders on coin W that are teaching you How to scalp trade pro trade swing trade Spot trade and they're giving all their Call outs with amazing trading Opportunities and uh trades uh in this Telegram consistently with multiple Different other support channels and Everything needed for you guys to learn Here is your coin W uh uh tell tutorials Seriously everything's in here guys you Should be joining this telegram if You're not in it you're missing out you Can simply go check that out by just Going to it's Joshua Jake on Twitter uh I can do that by hopefully just clicking My profile and showing you guys but Click on the link. me right here go down

To the exclusive t And make sure you guys join that today Guys now is the time to accumulate it's Not something to be scared of it's Simply something to be aware of at this Point in this market guys that interest Rates while everybody is praising that They're going to pump the markets maybe They do maybe I'm completely wrong but The data shows that you are part of a Minority that is voting or not voting But that is uh pivoting and betting on What the data doesn't tell us which the Data doesn't tell us that we're going to See upside action here there is over an 80% chance We do get a pullback moving up towards Election so that's what I got you guys For today guys let me know in the Comments what all coins you're Accumulating and creating to be a part Of that fundamental portfolio I do Believe that breakout can hopefully be In q1 of next year it could actually Come in in November after the election Cycle maybe markets will price in a much More bullish anticipation for consumers In the markets here in just a few months But these next 67 days these next 68 Days are going to be an incredibly bumpy Road and history shows guys that we need To protect ourselves right now and if You want to make money take advantage of The Swing trading take advantage of the

The the the liquidations on the market That is where you're going to make money Right now accumulating your favorite Positions to take advantage of this Upcoming boring guys thank you for Watching we'll see you in the next video

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