CONFIRMED! Banking GIANT Moving into ALTCOINS (33x Potential)

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Five altcoins that could make you rich By the end of 2024 today we're going to Be starting off the first pick with a Metaverse play yes guys I said metaverse While RW and AI tokens have been taking Off there is a project that's been kind Of flying under the radar and it Actually might bring back the whole Metaverse industry so check this Out Open join the weight yeah guys this is The Ready Player One Style game and it Actually is directly coming from the Creator of Ready Player one himself this Is called Ready verse now I have no Affiliation or connection to this Whatsoever but I saw this very Interesting article released on of Course te or TechCrunch uh gaming here Ready player one Creator debuts open a Metaverse battle royale now if you guys Have been following us and of course Have subscribed to this channel make Sure you like that button down below but We talked about this a few weeks back on Our stream and earlier this year ready Verse Studios co-founded by a blockchain Tech company futur verse and Ernest Klein who is the man behind the sci the Sci-Fi franchise Ready Player One Announced this entire new immersive Reality this is going to be a third Person Battle Royale experience in which Players compete against each other in a

Game show styled multi-round Collaborative modes using various gaming Techniques such as shooting tactical Positioning and even driving and this Debut included some announcements from Client and his previous work but a Project known as future verse I believe With integration of web 3 in digital Assets so this is coming from a project That traditionally built an nft game Called meet the Walkers uh it does seem Like if you go to their Twitter they are Still around with 24,000 followers on Twitter still post here of course on March 15th about a month ago they Released and pinned a tweet but again Tweeted today their nfts are still Booming and in fact they're worth like $300 to $400 per nft still so these are The people behind the new immersive Ready Player one and there is a wait List on this game if you guys want to Check it out however that leads us to The point which project which crypto in Choice number one is something that you Need to pay attention to and I'm not Going to give you just one crypto in This first position I'm going to give You a few because all I'm going to say Is that the metaverse industry in web 3 Gaming I do believe is going to be Revived at some point I don't know if It's going to be this project there of Course has been articles kind of just

Trashing on it the whole metaverse and Nft Market being dead however I would Start looking at projects like the Sandbox or the Central and Manor or Engine engine coin right here or even Render render has had a pretty Significant pullback after we predicted And called the top of it on March 18th It's down roughly 33% so I'd be starting To find those entry points on projects In the metaverse category and maybe Dollar cost average into these getting Ready for that big boom because look at This guys the one thing about metaverses Is they are always going to bring retail You know this was the announcement or so Around the metaverse hype with Facebook Changing their name to meta and it Sparked a massive rally where all these Products saw 50 60 100 x's and of course Has crashed since then now where we're Currently at on these charts is going to Give us a better depiction on the price Point and of course if we zoom in now Guys on the daily uh McD's definitely Been in the red it's it's showing to see That that volume might be coming back to The positive side we're bouncing off a Major support level here on the EMA but We could come down to this 200 range Around the 55 C Level now I don't Believe this is going to be the next Trend but I would say metaverses and web Three gaming are right around the corner

And you're going to want to start paying Attention to these next now however this Does lead me to coin number two okay Because with the metaverse hype there is Industries that are starting to take off Without needing some massive Announcement and of course that is going To be Bitcoin and its ecosystem just in Today $ 1.5 trillion doll Asset Management Group Franklin templin all Right we're going to pull up the Tweet Here uh said that there was positive Momentum in bitcoin's Innovation Institutions are coming now with this They released an insane in-depth report That has reached almost half a million Views called the rise of Bitcoin Ordinals talking about the transaction Volume why it's different than nfts why This is bullish for of course of course Bitcoin's industry and Leo ntis Underneath it highlighted a very key Point that they pointed out in this Article which is a new fungible token Standard on the Bitcoin Network intended To be a more efficient standard compared To brc2 that allows users to create mint And transfer fungible tokens glad to see Runes on the radar as well so yes you Have Franklin templin Now guys one of The largest asset managers out there uh Of course coming out saying hey this is A narrative there is going to be money In this game and that leads me into the

Second pick of the stream which is going To be ory swap right here ORS o r DS ory Swap sitting at an $84 million market Cap this is starting to find significant Support around the 13 14 15 cent level Uh it did get an initial hype we Originally called it on this channel at 06 so we are still up roughly uh 2 1/2x Here and what I want to point out is we Did get this initial rally the reason Why we had the selloff here was due to The fact that they closed down their Site they put their site under Maintenance it's been under maintenance For weeks and this is because they are Developing a new user interface as well As adding a bunch of functionality and Now even integrating runes protocol that Is where the money is going to be so Here's the version 3 update this came Out yesterday it has been an eventful Week for or Swap and we have had a ton Of exciting new updates main progress Updates we have onboarded seven seven New team members to the team including a New tech lead this will significantly Speed up development activities plus a Greater frequency of Dev related updates Secured two foundational Partnerships Buildon Bob and BVM have had massive Dev Upgrades for their staking protocol that Is going to be released that is called Rios right here I am super bullish on And we are grateful to the community for

Of course being so respectful in this Time and this transition massive updates Going live on this project guys and as One of the first dexes this is Essentially the Unis swap of Bitcoin I Am bullish now number three token number Three is going to be much smaller of a Market cap sitting around 25 million in Terms of a fully diluted valuation lfg This one I really recommend you guys do Your own research on if you head over to Their Twitter of course they are Building a runes deck on top of Bitcoin They're going to be one of the first Dexes in integrated with runes protocol And just buy their imagery their hoodies Their marketing uh sitting at 20,000 Followers I incredibly excited to see What this project can produce this is Going to be the highest risk out of all The projects I talked today guys but Seriously their events and everything They've been participating in with their Soft launch at e Denver the way they've Been marketing themselves uh half of Crypto is marketing guys and that makes Me incredibly excited to see what they Launch of course on their website it Just has where you can end up picking it Up and the breakdown of what they will Be integrating uh coming soon so I'm Excited to see what they can develop on Top of that you have ethereum layer 2 Networks to reach a dollar trillion

Dollar market cap by or one1 trillion Dollar sorry market cap by 2030 this is Coming from vanic so vanic believes the Entire ecosystem around layer twos is Going to explode I believe those layer Twos are going to explode on bitcoin so We've covered three three altcoins so Far we have another two to go and a Special bonus at the end of this video So if you're still you know along for The ride in this and appreciate content Make sure you smash that like button and Let me know down below which Bitcoin Layer 2 projects or layer 2 altcoins in General you're going to be accumulating But we have Bush and seagull also Projecting that there's a high chance That layer 2 networks generate Significantly bigger revenues than basee Uh ethereum Network this is huge this is Their report the report is awesome it's In- depth on all of the metrics around Of course the development around layer 2os this is a really cool uh graphic Right here showing ethereum's ecosystem Transactions versus ethereum main net Share so this is ethereum's main net Share the the light blue line right Getting a little bit of a bounce in in 2022 but it is down and to the right You'll notice this dark blue range Though the dark blue range though if I Change this color let's match let's go To green this dark blue range is just

Constantly on the up and this is going To be the transaction volume this is uh Ethereum L2 that is where this is going To be taking place so ethereum's Ecosystem transactions are way more Bullish than ethereum shares so ethereum Of course while it can hit a six s $8,000 market cap you guys got to Realize the market development and the Ecosystem development is going to be Massive we see sequencing Revenue models Between ethereum and these layer twos Are extraordinary arbitrum revenues with Three BPS of Mev and Dex volumes check This out it is just increasing March 24th highest we've seen since March 2023 Layer 2's on on top of this I want to go Down to this next uh graphic here which Shows estimated total L2 profitability Which are the most profitable well Revenue per transaction is going to be Mantle however total L2 margin is Actually going to be in the darker the Color the worse it is right so Stark Neck is definitely the least profitable Right now uh green being the most Profitable you'll notice polygon madic Right most profitable but their zku here Which is the type of uh rollups that They're using or the type of system They're using is of course the uh least Amount of Revenue per transaction so What I wanted to point out here was Notice the ones that are in the middle

Right you want to find the ones that are Constant like right in between that are Starting to take off they have a lot of Uh potential that have been getting a Lot of hype you'll notice that their Total L2 margin is in between they're Not the darkest red they're not the Greenest but of course they're not the You know darkest red in terms of Revenue Transaction they're not the greenest in Terms of Revenue per transaction here Like mantle right I don't want to see Big green little red I want to see in Between now I do I am bullish on ZK sync Era and I am bullish on mantle but what I want to point out was op base and Arbitron we've been covering these on Our channels a ton and op all right even Though it is the reddest here is the Least profitable and total L2 margin is The least let's scroll down just a Little bit further and see where the Development is happening so current Trust and Assumption of or Rus optimism In arbitrum have way more uh way more Trust than these other platforms like Mantel if we scroll down though Bridge Tvl the total amount of value locked on Top of these l2s look at this optimism Optimism let me go to red right here Optimism is dark green it has way more Volume than anything on the market Besides arbitrum it's arbitrum and Optimism so this makes me incredibly

Bullish on the percentage of the total Value locked in the ethereum layer 2os It's all arbitrum and it's all optimism Everything else is minuscule so that's Making me incredibly bullish of course Guys token number four is going to be Optimism uh as a layer two and this is Primarily because it has seen a bit of a Dip it peaked at almost $5 $4.50 it's Down to $3 the EC system development is Massive it's got tons of liquidity and They're injecting $3.3 billion doll into Their ecosystem which makes me Incredibly bullish on a project we were Already bullish on at six to eight cents We called vome it's up 400% and it's Starting to build a very bullish pattern Here and it's starting to find support And I want to see it kind of find that Support around 23 24 Cent range but I Might actually be picking this up again For the first time since we initially Bought uh because I am bullish on this It's a smaller market cap and do believe It could see massive upside potential as V Drome is the number one place for Trading and liquidity on top of optimism They're also the same company behind Aerodrome Finance they are popping off Now let's move to the last sector here So what is the bonus content right I've Already given you like five cryptos I Said there was some bonus content here At the end it is going to be our waas

Now this is from rwa doxyz a lot of People don't know this but if you go to This website and go down to the asset Classes on the left you can click on us Treasuries and see which cryptos have The most amount of development built on Top of it in terms terms of rwas of Course right now that is ethereum that Is Stellar that is polygon salana and Kanto which actually has no really money Whatsoever this was interesting to point Out because people are talking about how Xrp is going to be this number one rwa Platform because they're launching their Stable coins Stell is miles miles ahead With $362 million built in RW on top of Their platform interested to seeing that Competitor taking that place there uh But ethereum of course here is 624 Million and notice how Biddle guys is The second largest now out of these Black Rock just launched this it is the Second largest rwa behind a fob XX so Black rock is coming into the space Hotter than ever and I think you're Going to see a massive Trend in this Where we see only about $1 trillion doll Uh well that's not only but of course Sorry1 billion 1 billion right 9 Million1 122,000 $1 billion I believe We'll see this total value increase to Over a trillion dollars within the next Two years yes the next two years and You'll notice that the holders though

Guys 664 this just launched there's Barely anybody using this platform There's like eight holders nine holders Uh and that's just going to be because Of the fact that black rock just Launched us launched this and I think These RW are going to take off further Down the road so that leads us here to Morgan sany wants to beat UBS to become The first Bitcoin ETF Bank uh what I Want to point out is that guys massive Money is about to flow in these markets I don't I don't know how anybody is Bearish on this price action around Bitcoin if we were to pull up bitcoin's Chart right now it is setting up a bull Flag a massive bull flag to be to be Real with you guys this is a massive Bull flag macd starting to reverse yes We can come down I think worst case Scenario would be like $61,000 but when we draw this out here We're getting a bullish penet to form We're getting a one two 3 four five to Form so if this does break out we do get That retest of this Top Line here this Top trend line here let me show you guys A little bit better ta just for some Perspective I am accumulating right now Right I want to be picking up right now I'm going to be picking up before the Bitcoin having that is a very bullish Pennet so again that is one two three Four we're going to be testing the fifth

Side of this right now and traditionally This is like 70 to 80% of the time guys We will get a little maybe we test a Little bit further down but we get a Breakout to the upside and that makes me Incredibly bullish we'd be looking Looking at an $80,000 price point on Bitcoin itself again that doesn't have To happen it is about 70 to 80% of that Time but with that guys what rwa what Real world assets am I picking up of Course it's going to be none other than The project we already talked about in This channel I have a full video In-depth video on black rock and Ando I Said I believe Ando could go to a$ 34 Billion do market cap it wasn't the Project I'm most bullish on because of Course I think a lot of the marketing Goes into the website which just simply Shows and has Black Rock labeled as a uh It looks like a partner right but They're just actually investing into Their Asset Management funds but now I Actually might believe Ando will be Jumping in on this new Biddle product And we'll see how they integrate that With all of their us back stable coins And institutional grade uh on chain Finance interesting project uh still Thinking that could be a huge winner Here Kanto uh I put on the list just Because that rwa but this actually isn't A favorite project I am on just the real

World assets here I'm going to just Point out a few so Ando is number one by Far uh there's a few down here Maple Started taking off it was at $164 Million market cap what I like to do is Just click on 24-hour volume here and I Want to see which ones are printing the Most volume and of course right now that Is Pendle but I missed out on Pendle It's at all-time highs I'm not Necessarily looking for that project so Let me know in the chat here what Projects are you watching that are rwa That I should be paying attention to cuz I need to do a deeper dive into a lot of These projects Rio is another one that People have been talking about it looks Like it's a newer launch though so I Don't have any insight on that for you Guys here just yet uh but propy Pro I Did just release an article on with Fractionalizing pretty much real estate Through nfts uh which is very Interesting as a real world asset you'll Be able to fraction not nfts but uh Fractionalize your assets like real Estate into multiple multiple uh Different purchasable digital assets Which is really cool so check out that Thread it's of course on Twitter guys if You haven't checked out my Twitter you Need to give me a follow I'm dropping In-depth narrative threads here Constantly we're doing $1,000 giveaway

Right now for CDX here on the platform Uh that's absolutely taking off I have Some funny memes on here as well but the Other day or actually yesterday I did Just release this entire in-depth thread On Black Rock it's going to be all on Blockchain Biddle in the rwa narrative So in this I talk about eth Ando and pro Really recommend you check this out and Get an in-depth uh kind of insight on Why I believe rwa are about to take off But that's all I got for you guys today If you haven't already make sure you Smash that like button on this video let Me know the altcoins you're accumulating Before this Bitcoin having or also just Let me know are you Josh do you think This is going to crash or like you know Let me know what you guys want to ask in The comments below so we can break down All the information for you guys in These videos every single day thank you Guys for watching I'll see you at the Top

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