Today Deezy goes over his 3 favorites projects building on Cardano, with a bonus Memecoin pick! Make sure you stick around to see how much you need to be a millionaire!
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Cardano is setting up one of the most Bullish scenarios I've ever seen for Ada In my years in crypto and in retrospect You'll can't believe that you missed the Signs cuz I think they're obvious Everybody and I got three projects that We're going to look out for that are to Me one of the top projects on cardano And we're tell you how many tokens you Need to become a millionaire and then I Got two extra picks for you folks and uh Three quick reasons why I'm bullish on The market in general right now Trump Has a clear message on crypto you can See he is speaking about cbdcs you're Right to C City Bitcoin and he's about To speak at Bitcoin Nashville this going To be massive also we just had massive Selling pressure from the Germans they Sold $3 billion worth of bitcoin and Then Mount gaw sold another $3 billion Worth of bitcoin but that pales in Comparison to the12 billion in cash that FTX is about to send back to its victims And to me this is going to be a massive Bullish event for crypto and if it were Me I'd likely reenter the market try to Claw back some of those Satoshi and I Think a lot of people are going to see Well bitcoin's already pumped you know Ethereum is you know within Striking Distance of its all-time high they might Start looking for some stronger projects To put their funds into and I think
Cardano and the ecosystem under cardano Is going to explode and last but not Least we got the whales signaling that The spot eth ETFs are live uh you can Just see right here you know massive Amounts of eth is being withdrawn from Exchanges this week signaling massive Accumulation ahead of the ETF launch eth Being labeled as a commodity is going to Be huge can cardano follow now let's Talk about the the three projects that I'm excited about we're going to look at One defi play one real world asset play And one dpin play and figure out how Many of these tokens do you need for you To be a millionaire this cycle now first One we're looking at here is going to be Meld everybody meld it is a defi play And they're trying to onboard users from Different chains for cardano defi Product to succeed they're going to have To reach out to users of these other Ecosystems meld actually building a Wallet dap supporting multiple Blockchains and they also have a eth Bridge huge huge on-ramp uh if we just Click on their status right here uh you Can see they now just hit 100,000 Wallets so meld uh is going to be the D5 Play now as far as price goes it is Currently under a penny you can get it Under a penny and it's the price has Really never been lower but there's a Little bit of Hope on the horizon when
You look at the market cap well you can See the market cap is down the tokens Have been issued how many tokens do we Got left oh almost nothing everybody you Can see the total Supply is 4 billion They have released 3.8 billion so now we Don't have that massive just wave of Selling pressure coming our way like we Did in the month's past so now is the Opportunity to buy meld if you look at What they're doing great great Communication from this project they Were just at ethcc this was in Brussels So they're reaching out to the eth Projects they're trying to on board this Ecosystem into the Ada or the cardano Ecosystem and when it comes to Communication Uh I I would say this is the most Communicative team in all of ADA at Least all of ADA defi Mel is putting out These Dev Diaries like crazy here you Just see Dev diary 95 tell me does your Project have 95 Dev Diaries and they Have so many you figure all right when I Click on this it's going to have we Change the font on the website and two Other things I just dove in a little bit One on the web page they did all this Stuff on the web page on the mobile app They did all this on the mobile app on The back in with solidity they did all This stuff as well and then uh you look At the infrastructure you know they're
Also running some stuff for the Infrastructure like well they must have Just post what once every four months no Looks like they're posting every week Everybody so very very strong project When it comes to the devs building the Devs are building something special here I think now when it comes to price Target see on market cap this thing was Within Striking Distance of $100 million If we hit 100 million so easily you know I I don't want to say this is going to Go to a billion or 500 million but I Think a $250 million market cap is very Doable for Mel so this cycle I think Meld hits 250 if we do the math that's Going to be roughly a 7x from here so You can see meld just a fraction under a Penny but if meld were s cents and you Want to be a millionaire you're going to Need 1.4 million tokens right there and I would say you know this would be Enough to be a melder or a meld Millionaire all right if we go back to The thread the second project coin Number Two To Be A Millionaire is going To be book book IO it is a project I Posted in the past uh you know just Clicking on the uh the breakdown I did a Few weeks ago or about a month why am I Bullish some centralized listings coming Soon credit card support coming evm Bridge and read to earn which is the Number one reason I'm bullish on this
Project if you don't know what book is Well it's kind of in the name everybody Book is focusing on a read to earn Narrative or you own your content you Own your book now it's not where you Just license a book from somebody but I'm going to actually let them describe It they got a really really good about 10-second breakdown here all retailers Only sell a license to view the book all Right so when you buy your book on Playbooks or Google book whatever you're Reading Kindle you don't own it you have A license for the book she has no way to Sell her books when she finishes them But what if like a physical book she Could resell her books in an Open Marketplace and see the total value of Her Library hey okay awesome stuff right There I've listened to Publishers I've Gone to bookcon and the Publishers are Excited about this because now they can Introduce Rarity into a book ecos system So comic books have learned this Pokemon Cards have learned this but if you go Buy the new Stephen King book you're not You know oh I opened it up and it was Sealed and I got a variant cover that's Worth more money Publishers want that Because it'll drive sales so Publishers They actually love book I love book I Think it's a fantastic project but They're building tons of stuff folks
They also are now branching into audio And some other aspects video as well so Big big uh you know runway for what book Can accomplish and they also have stuff IO it's a little bit more of a departure Into the non-book realm for their Ecosystem here but now let's do some Price targets for book everybody now Book right now it is under two pennies We told you about this literally the day It launched so you could have got in Under a penny you could have got out at 4 cents right now I think is the time to Accumulate you can see it in the chart It looks like it's now starting to coil Back up to the upside potenti going to Make a cup and handle pattern and then That's when we can get that next leg up Maybe towards the later part of the Cycle right now only a $24 million Market cap well where can book go from Here you can see in the past that thing Was cruising all the way up to about a $40 million market cap is now falling Back a little bit and from these levels I actually think book is going to hit About a $200 million market cap now with The $200 million market cap we're going To get about a 15 c book now you can see It's you know about a little bit less Than a 10x a little bit less than a 9x Now we end up Landing at about a 15 cent Book now you can probably uh you see You're going to need more than a million
Tokens here folks oh we didn't want that Number actually let's uh change that We're going to say it's going to hit 15.1 uh cents right there folks that was A little scary and you got to get about 662 th000 book tokens for you to be a Millionaire this cycle now iagon is Going to be the next one we're looking At and when you look at the price iagon Has been beaten down it was hyping During the dpin narrative during the AI Pump and it has just been falling down Ever since iagon is going to be a dpin Play which stands for decentralized Physical infrastructure Network it's Going to be the backbones or the Building blocks of AI so iagon right now $27 million market cap what the heck are They uh you know doing well they're Trying to protect your data everybody uh You can see they're actually tweeting About the recent chaos unless you're Under a rock windows we had a worldwide Global crash you can see uh the crowd Strike update crashes window systems Across the globe planes were down Banks Were down it was chaos out there for a Period but it looks like you know now Starting to button it down ion actually Tweeting about this uh recent Global uh Meltdown with all this Windows PCS and They really bring up a really awesome Thing that ion's building so in the Light of recent it chaos caused by the
Update it's clear how vulnerable the Centralized systems can be the massive Disruptions underline the importance of Secure resilient and compliant data Stored solution so these companies that Are holding your data you know maybe Planes are requiring you know these Windows PCS to run properly they don't Want to be liable for any kind of Financial harm you might have you miss a Flight I might be able to sue you now And so they need to comply and they need To follow local regulations well iagon Has something that VCS are going to love Big money's going to love compliance in A box adhering to regulations is complex But critical their compliance in a box Simplifies this ensuring that the data Storage complies with various Global Regulations so you now you don't have to Worry about I don't know what the European Union might want and I don't Know what China might want and I don't Know what American authorities might Want go to iagon they give you the Compliance in a box this is going to be Massive in the light of all these just These Global uh meltdowns that were Seeing but let's talk about to be a Millionaire Who Wants To Be A Millionaire hit that like button if you Do $27 million market cap now at one Point iagon Cruis past $100 million Market cap so from $100 million I think
We can get pretty close to a $300 Million market cap now that's going to Be close to an 11x now if you uh do an 11x from these levels we're going to be Pretty close to 81 Cent per iagon token And if we were do the math everybody You're going to need 123,000 tokens for you to be a Millionaire this cycle now I said I was Going to give you two sleeper picks as Well uh I love ad all the content that He's making he's really really fantastic Resource in the cardano community and he Has two projects he just recently Highlighted men swap decks this is going To be the Unis swap of cardano uh their Token is men uh just recently updated Their website they got tons of liquidity Pulls uh tons of trading pairs so a Really really cool website you can get It for two cents right now this thing Was a $50 million market cap right now Sitting around 25 I think this can hit 100 million this year so this could be a Very quick uh 4X and if you look at the Max chart this thing moves and Cycles I Think we're about to have another cycle To the upside token number two for the Sleeper pick is going to be snck if You're gonna buy a meme coin like I said On that tweet just get some snake folks Uh they've been crushing it lately and It's only about a $85 million market cap With 32,000 holders uh this thing is
Also just you know looks like it's Starting to coil up nice trading in this Range the top of the local range but I Think this thing might play out to the Upside I could easily see this actually Hitting a penny yeah I know it sounds Crazy I think snake can hit a penny Though that would put it pretty close to A billion dollar market cap you know say About 800 million a lot of people say That's there's no way that could happen But if you look at meme coins billion- Dollar market cap you know wouldn't even Be in the top five and it's important to Remember Dogecoin if you look at Dogecoin during last cycle dogecoins Market cap was over 80 billion pretty Close to a hundred billion I think Doge Actually will hit $100 billion this Cycle and so snake can it hit 1 billion I think you can hit a little less than That I think you hit about you know 800 Million and so yeah snake to a penny That's uh actually doable folks so That's the three tokens that I'm looking At in the cardano ecosystem let me know Down below what is your favorite Ada Project that I forgot to mention and We'll throw it into the next video That's all I got and hopefully we'll see You and your diamond handed cardano alts At the top