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Breaking news this matters so much for Your crypto bags right now go Joe Biden Is stepping down as the Presidential Nominee for the Democratic party in 2024 He has fully endorsed Camala Harris this Means Trump's not only winning by a Landslide but it brings into a lot of Questions what's about to happen over The next 3 to four months because Donald Trump if you guys didn't know this came Out today and said there's rumors at Least and speculation that he might make Larry think the CEO of Black Rock the United States Treasury secretary now he Is putting together The A Team for this Some of you are going to go oh no we Don't want the elites and crypto guys I Have very unfortunate news for you guys That's this is how politics work you Don't become treasury secretary unless You are that far of an elitist here and At this moment guys Black Rock Vanguard Fidelity State they already have their Hands dipped into all of the Infrastructure and crypto plays in the Market they have usdc they're invested Into the they're of course you know huge Backers of Bitcoin now in tokenization Tokenization I believe is going to be The biggest narrative in 2025 you guys know Ando Finance I've Been preaching this to you guys this is One of the top tokenization plays and of Course has now surpassed Black Rock if
Larry thinkink becomes a United States Treasury secretary just imagine what That means for regulation and pro crypto Adoption from the tokenized route all Right so this brings us into a question Here here what's about to happen I have One question and one question only what Do the Democrats have planned because if I were in their positions this is Something we covered in that 4-Hour long Live stream the other day while we Watched the RNC this is why we're Getting into politics guys they matter The cftc the CCC the finra they are all Going to get new executive Commissioners That are established by the executive Branch by the president by their Cabinets this is going to change the Meaning of our crypto bags for the life Of us this could mean a mega Bor run it Could mean a super borun it could mean That you know tokenization ends up being That number one dominant crypto sector Means AI could be a dominant crypto Sector we have to pay attention to this So my only question is you know what do The Democrats have planned because we Know Camala Harris she's been in you Know she's been in hearings multiple Times over the last few weeks talking About how elections are super easy to Hack I know very hypocritical very Ironic because in 2020 she was saying That it was complete free completely
Fair that there was no election Interference and now she's already Setting up for her campaign a lot of Election interference specifically with Um of course voting machines with Electorial with the election machines She probably wants to push paper ballots Which makes sense because they've been They've been letting in millions and Millions and millions and millions of Illegal immigrants so reducing the you Know access reducing the need for voter ID Etc is going to be really beneficial To them whether you like like that or Not guys because this is how it works it Doesn't matter how many people are Necessarily coming in it's where are They located and how is that going to Roll over into how many seats they have In the house Etc based off a consensus Metric so having more people in the you Know of course in a democratic area Might mean you have a bigger chance at Votes uh whether it's in the house or Different committees the political Structure uh is weighed based off Consensus of a given area so I'm very Very worried to see what they have Planned over the coming months we are Not out of the woods yet this does not Mean Trump automatically is going to win In November despite leading in every Single swing state yes Donald Trump uh Just also took lead in Michigan after of
Course Whitmer who's like one of the Gretchen's one of the worst people I'm Pretty sure she is the same individual Uh that uh faked a kidnapping like a Decade ago at this point but these are The people in positions of power this is What we're dealing with guys it doesn't Matter who's elected it matters about Who's their cabinet who who's going to Be the treasury secret who's going to be Instated into the commissioning groups Of the Cs or the SEC the cftc ETC that Is what we have to focus on right now And of course you know Donald Trump's Obviously the clear candidate for pro Crypto adoption if you guys are bullish On crypto I mean everybody he is looking And rumored to be putting into those Cabinet positions are going to pump your Bags to the freaking Moon however again Breaking news as Joe Biden has Officially endorsed Kamala Harris what Does this mean why is he doing it Because there is a lot of questions that We are going to have to unlock and we're Going to have to keep up to this at a Daily basis at this point every single Decision they make could mean that we Have either a bull run or an incredibly Bad bar Market coming after the Presidential elections in November guys Stay tuned make sure you guys like Comment and subscribe and we'll see you Guys in the next video